This is future Oscar winner, Margot Robbie

This is future Oscar winner, Margot Robbie.

What do you think of her career?

seems to be forced upon us with us being told she is good but she isn't, really.

This is what white privilege looks like.

that deep fake of her is incredible

When she parodied American Psycho they should've brought Jared Leto back and had her do that axe murder scene on him

It’s probably going to be Sersha

Please don't race bait...

I would that fridge.

>that c-section

are you retarded?

I love faggots on Sup Forums who would give their left but to have a chance with beautiful actresses yet pretend like they wouldn't

>are you retarded?
No, but whatever mutant this past-her-prime hag squirted out of her tummy will most likely be.

>pretend like they wouldn't
I literally said I would.

>27 years old

lol yeah right bitch

She's 27, white women don't age that well.

>autist doesn't know what c-sections scars look like despite shitposting like he does know what they look like
wew lad

Needs to be BLACKED

She's alright, sort of a generic blonde hotty that is always competent in whatever she's in, but rarely steals the show. The only thing she stole the show in was Suicide Squad, and in that case, she was the diamond in the dung pile.

She reminds me of this era's Kim Basinger. A fully competent actress who's usually good in whatever she's in, but not really that memorable. And in 20-30 years, she'll probably be forgotten entirely by Hollywood. People who didn't live through her days in Hollywood will probably have no idea who she is.

I mean she's hot, but even then, it really is generic cookie cutter "hot chick". Nothing really distinct.

Who dumped that old fridge in the water?

she looks like she enjoys sex with high value men

m8, grew up watching her on neighbours, thats her age

it’s on the fucking side you fucking retard

i'm not sure you know what a c-section is

But they slice the lady from the hip to take out the kid. All of you need to read a fucking book, cunts.

I want to look down and see her blue eyes gazing at me with my dick in her mouth.

Kim Basinger was known exclusively for playing a slut and being naked several times. Comparing her to Margot Robbie is asinine.

I, Tonya was pretty great imho


I liked I, Tonya but I really just want to see her be the clown slut again.

you can tell when someone is truly retarded when they double down on something they're completely wrong about.

that scar goes across her ribs


Don't really care much about her career. I just wanna fuck her.

good god

Robbie’s first major role was doing exactly that.

Australians are here to save Hollywood. You can thank us later Cunts

You got a problem with Margot, you got a problem with me.

I'll always have a thing for Kim Basinger. When I was like 15 I had the unrated version of The Getaway on VHS. I fapped a lot to her nude scenes in that movie.

babies dont come out of the lungs user.

27 is actually *quite old* in the lifespan of female looks. 7 out of 10 American women (we tend to take worse care of ourselves than the rest of the Western World). have already lost their looks by that age, and the remaining 3 out of 10 have diminished looks.

At don't give me that "white women don't age well" shit, the only reason blacks and Asians don't seem to age quite as notably is we're just not as used to seeing them. A monkey face from a person in a different culture is harder to determine the exact age for us than a white.

Also niggers are ultra greasy people. Covered in oil all the time. This makes for slower wrinkle development (it's also why lice don't like black scalps).

And one more thing. Whites CAN prematurely age theirselves greatly if they tan. If they aren't comfortable with looking like a white person and they tan themselves to a fine shade of latino, that fucks up the skin fast.

Except Margot Robbie really is that good.

A way finer actress than that overrated cunt JLaw and she produces her own movies too. She's got it together, user. Get on board or be left behind.

I want to tongue punch her fart box

Does she have a feminine penis? No? Then I don't care.

Her blonde hair and blue eyes are problematic.

Stop trying to fit in it's embarrassing

What if she did though?

Extremely attractive, decent enough actress.

I'd give her an oscar IYKWIMAITYD

She's alright. I don't like any of her movies but she's alright.