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Are the new specials good? the titles seem really pretentious.

They're alright, nothing amazing like his earlier standup specials

I don't understand why you wouldn't immediately watch a new Chappele special. Toobusy marathoning Orange in the New Black you stupid faggot?

yeah first ones more of a stand up, 2nd one is way different, more calm

how did some 3rd rate quarterback become the golden calf of black people. this faggotry would be mocked years ago.

Also this,
It's not like you're doing anything better with your time, faggot.

Yeah, that's exactly why and now I feel really embarrassed.


If you like him, yeah. If you don't, no. Nothing great but some good jokes and some insightful stuff I thought, especially in the second one. I'm sure plenty of people hate them though, so you might too.

Years ago white people weren't gleefully cheering as cops murdered black people. At least not publicly.

Man, what white people do you know?

you sound underage

White people in Murica have always cheered on nigras being put down. But not always publicly, as you said

a marked decline, but theres good laughs in em

I wouldn't cheer but they should really tone down the crime. Makes sense they die so often.

I like him but "The Bird Revelation" was just awful. The jokes weren't good, it felt like the audience was laughing because of who he is more than anything else, and then there was that extremely awkward tangent where he spends 5 minutes solemnly lecturing about slavery.

They're ok but he's lost a LOT of his old charm. He's turning into carlin levels of hack with the preachiness too.

Watch his special, "Killing Them Softly" instead

Watching the 4th now. I swear he's gone 30 minutes without a joke.

The first two were good, but each one he goes further from comedian into boring stoner philosopher. It's a shame.

Holy shit

Just finished it. The Bird Revelation was terrible

I don't think it was even standup. It was a one man show with Dave occasionally throwing in a random goofy joke to not piss people off.

I don't know how Dave can be out of standup so long, watch what Louis CK just did, and decide to repeat his pretentious unfunny spiral out of comedy.

Dave, on the regular, does six hours in a night club without so much as a heads up to the owner or bookers for the night. People will stop mid set if he's in the room and let him get up to do his thing.

I say this, because his last two specials weren't funny at all. AT ALL. Makes no sense to me.

Too be honest it seem he's just giving into today's super pc crowd. I think the real Dave doesn't give a fuck. He's just appeasing the masses and our current time's bullshit.

And why? He's already set for life, and people still recognize him as being a very funny comedian. Why sell out? What point does it serve?

I don't think that's necessarily it. I think he's fallen into that "comedians are the only truth teller" phase that EVERYONE is stuck in right now.

George Carlin killed comedy. I'm probably wrong, but I'm saying it anyway.

You're right. Carlin and Hicks weren't funny, they were know-it-all wannabe philosophers who thought they were comedians.

He said it. He wants to be Paul Revere. Dude wants to be important.

Or, and stick with me here, he actually admires Kapernick and not everyone who disagrees with you on some retarded political topic is "selling out" to "the super pc crowd" you self-centered crybabies.

I think he misses the stage and he has lot's of fun when he's up there. But audiences today are more butthurt then ever so he's gonna be cautious. It's not like he thinks he's invisible or something. I mean he has addressed this stigma in all his recent standups.I'm sure he also doesn't mind the money. He to me is still the best known comedian out there, I still get the most laughs out of him although things are different. And I think the fact that he pretty much projects that he's tip toeing around people's feelings shows the current comedy climate were in. It's sad because he's really the only comedian powerful enough to point this out and get away with it. Personally I think this is the best and worst time for comedy in western society because of how convoluted things are these days.

Those niggers had it coming.

Yeah I can agree with this but their's a part of him that gives me the impression that he knows he's kissing ass more than he's ever did or ever has. Which explains to me his long drawn out tangents where he tries to over explain the context of his jokes trying to land his audience on a soft pillow because something initially in the joke wasn't comforting on pc level.He's literally trying to stop people from triggering. And these tangents always start just before a long drawn out awkward pause between him and the audience.

Deathrows of an irrelevant movement (black lives matter). Kapernick is the only thing keeping that movement from being bad memory like the occutard protests.

Either way the new flavor now is #metoo.

It's not just white people, it's everyone.

How can anymore admire that loser? All he did was disrespect this country with his protest based on a lie.

that all nogs have to offer.



He's not funny anymore. Pc killed him.

Dave Chappelle and Kapernick both suffer from deep rooted and culturally taught victim complex.

A complex that overwhelms any other logical reason. Most American negros suffer from this victim bias and is one of the main reason for black cultural failure.

It's over if the reasons why no matter what the facts show they will always been the false narratives about so called "police brutality". They basically don't understand how do not be the"victim".

desu you should support the underdog who sacrifices their careers to stand up to the system. support kapernick on something you don't agree with, and maybe later it will embolden people to take a stand against the hollywood jews

That fucking Emmet Till speech he gave at the end was shameful. Chappelle is a fucking hack, beyond a shadow of a doubt. Spent at least 20 minutes talking about Kerplumpf too, they can't fucking help themselves.

>Emmet Till
Jesus most he those niggers had never heard of him.

>White teenagers people pretending
>Who was MLK?????
Everyone but you knows who he was, even fucking Lil Wayne lost sponsorships off a reckless line

1st one is so bad towards the end its just not funny

t. centrist

that fucking 20+ minute long rant about the KKK, we get it dave your black and BLACK trannies have a bad time BUT ITS STILL WHITE MANS FAULT AND NOT YOUR OWN PEOPLE

Stupid fucking Uncle Tom nigger

You know they never determined whether Til actually raped that woman.

In his stand-up he says the woman who accused him lied. Apparently he wasn't accused of rape, just cat-calling.

It was funny but he's lost a lot of what made him funny in his old stand-up and, dare I say it, the Chappelle Show. But yeah, worth the watch.

I'm not sure you understand what uncle tom means.

His latest specials were fucking shit.
He should have stayed in Africa or wherever the fuck he was.

Watch as Dave's Blasian kids are miraculously better at academics than he is and they have fucking nothing to complain about.

Nobody cares. He's another pawn in the niggers "woe is me" victim complex.

Doesn't make sense.

Kaepernick is rich. He should be donating to ME.

I only watched the first one and it was unfunny.

But I've never really found Chapelle funny. His comedy is kinda dumb.

He was a nigger, it goes without saying that he did.

>murder black people

Call me when that happens anywhere near as much as black people murdering cops.

Yeah, the first one was pretty fucking awful. It wasn't even jokes. It was just rambling shit and a bizarre awkward apology for making trannies angry.

Then some random story about how women are liars and hoes that get people killed.

Which is fair enough.

Listen & Believe, shitlords.

Women don't lie about rape.

The first two are great, not as good as the old ones but they're alright. Equanimity on the other hand, is just awful.

That black slavery tangent came out of nowhere and really killed the mood.

Iceberg slim story at the end was just dull.

Feels like he wanted to capture the vibe and eerie genius of the "Live and Smokin" Richard Pryor set, where he interweaves general stand up with critiques of white and black culture.

When Dave's telling jokes it's alright though

>voting for Trump

1000 people died from police last year in the usa. When I was growing up I earnestly thought a cop would jump in front of a bullet for me.

That "tangent" is a set up to the kneeling anthem stuff. He also has the "something something something Barack Obama" line in there which was good. The emitt till set up in the first special was preachy but this was a great joke.

t. nigger

u can have him hes fucking shit

That reminds me...

My grandpa sent me a shopped photo of Colin Kaepernik with his face relocated to a porn star's crotch, turning it into the penis and balls, and his hair became the pubes. They did some extra work on the afro to really sell the pubes thing.

It was pretty funny.

I should have saved it.

They are less about jokes and more about social philosophy, ESPECIALLY the second special.

Nevertheless, there are a few good laughs as well as some insight into himself and his views on the current state of America. His main message is to be more open with one another to fix the country's problems together, not take sides and yell at each other.

If nothing else, I respect him for saying that rather than just being #BLM #FuckTrump.

I wonder how many blacks died from other blacks shooting them last year.

>It was a one man show with Dave occasionally throwing in a random goofy joke to not piss people off.

that's EXACTY what the specials are. the goofy jokes land well and most of the time are hilarious but they are like a breather between minutes of preaching in which he loosely connects another goofy joke



This is like when blacks claim you not giving them money is YOU stealing from THEM.

The Pyror stuff was amazing though because he had these genuinely funny stories, these genuinely sad stories, and he would subtly bleed in and out of them. You'd be laughing and soon you'd be sad, then the laughs would build out of that again.

Dave's shit was just;

>Bad joke
>Here's a retarded lecture about race or politics (Pryor's stuff was also PERSONALIZED - he did it through personal stories and experiences)

fucking rekt get owned white boiii