Who’s your favourite gay Star Wars character?

Who’s your favourite gay Star Wars character?

For me? It’s Tarkin.

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He's not gay, though


He is canonically Gay now, as revealed in the book of short Star Wars stories “a Certain Point of View”

prove it

>a certain point of view
From my point of view, the sith are straight

>He is canonically Gay now
only a sith deals in absolutes


darth maul

From my point of view, insinuating a ruffie into a man's jin and tonic then dragging him into men's restroom and using his face like a vagina is perfectly reasonable

Here are some excepts from the book



From a Certain Point of View, burning faggots alive is fun.

>calling Peter Cushing's gentlemanlyness gay

They've gone too far in a few places.

B'omarr monk


How long until Disney retcons all the characters with British accents as gay?

Why is there no planet Brittan in star wars seems like a missed opportunity

>Disney Canon: home of BRAAP and gay Nazis

Tarkin has like 10 lines total. Why is he your favorite?

Wipes out those homophobes on Alderaan

Bosses around Vader



Well he did used to dress up as a little girl.

It was common in the past to dress little boys up like girls until they came of age, when they became men.

Time to fucking raid Tumblr again