Who wins, Sup Forums?

Who wins, Sup Forums?

I liked Vulture, Green Goblin, Sandman and Electro a lot.

Electro or Sandman's power sets are too broken, the rest kill each other off until they're left standing.

This. Sandman is unkillable and Electro can be godly with enough electricity. Both rely on their elements to get stronger but at their base they are stronger than the others.

Sandman would pretty much win

Lizard gets curbstomped unless he has his mutation gas bombs.

Sandman can't be killed and could kill all of them given enough sand.

Electro as well. He could probably kill everyone with enough Electricity (Besides Sandman)

Electro. The only way to beat him is to overcharge him, which none of the others can do. He can turn Sandman into glass, who is the next most powerful.

In terms of power Sandman is a league above the rest, then probably Venom and Electro, with the rest being about even slightly below that.

In terms of character it goes: Ock>Vulture>Raimi Goblin>Sandman>Venom>>>>Lizard>Electro

Sandman is just made of sand. Just glass the fucker and he dead.
Gobby, Ock and Electro at least could deal with him. Possibly even Vulture, I haven't seen Homecoming.

>Team up never

Electro for being a Nigga-Watt

Symbiote can eat him. Literally

Who was more threatening?
Who brought the best of Spider-man?

I wish there was a series that follows a year in the life of Spider-man villains, each one going his own way

OP here. Adding Franco Goblin, ASM2 Goblin, Rhino, and any additional villains from Homecoming.
Hard Mode: No Sandman or Electro

Sandman and Electro are the strongest but in the movies both get easily defeated by a simple water hose. And they are not very bright.
Vulture is probably the most resourceful villain overall, with Goblin just a tier below him. If Vulture has access to his other weapons from the movie, or even just minions carrying them, he could stand a much bigger chance of winning.
Octopus and Connors are the smartest but Octopus is probably going to be fucked by Electro, since electricity stunned him in the movie.
And movie Venom is really underpowered compared to the comics version.

Overall, Sandman and Electro win, provided there's enough sand/eletricity nearby and there are no water hoses. They are just too strong.
If we remove them, then I'd bet on Vulture, unless Lizard mutates him with his gas bombs or the Venom symbiote possesses him.

You have to remember that despite Electro's incredible power, hes still a fucking idiot

On this setting the stronger villains (Sandman, Electro) are the dumber ones, and the weaker villains (Octopus, Vulture) are the smarter ones.

>Possibly even Vulture
MCU Vulture had an alien deathray that can disintegrate people into dust. He just doesn't use it much because if he start to kill people the Avengers would get on his ass. In the film he basically used his gadgets to steal tech without causing direct loss of lives, because that was what stops the metahumans from focusing on his activities.

In terms of power
Electro > Sandman > Lizard > Venom > Vulture > Goblin > Octopus
In terms of character/who's the better villain it's pretty much the order above except reversed and with Venom dead last

Venom unironically wins all these.

Electro needs to be overcharged to be killed. Sandman can be doused with water and be subdued.

Electro > Sandman > Venom > Rhino > Lizard > Green Goblin = both Goblin Jrs > Vulture > Doc Ock

>glass the fucker and he dead

Why would giving him something to drink kill him?

Its kind of amazing that we have 6 Spider-man movies, and the only villain to repeat is Harry Goblin.