What do you guys think about this show? I just finished binging the whole series...

What do you guys think about this show? I just finished binging the whole series. I really liked season 1 but season 2 was a little rough at times. I'm not sure what they're gonna do for season 3 though.


Bumping yo thread

I love this show. Love love love it. I'm saving up to get the blurays so I can keep watching it without Netflix. Also, dem extras and commentaries.

I'll agree that s2 was a little rough, but I say that it was minor, to the point of it being negligible. The first episode did have me concerned at first, but, by the end of it and by the beginning of the second, Ifelt assured that it was going to be great(and it was).

And if I may, I'd like to say that episode seven or eight, when Eleven goes to find Eight and hang out with her is probably the weakest episode, if only because it sort of took away the 'mystique' of the powers that some people have. Made it feel video game-y(oh, Eleven ranked into telekinesis, but short indian punk girl maxed out illusion skill tree). But, I still believe that the episode was necessary as it showed us the crux of Eleven's character arc in this season.

Also, seeing Mike and El meet again was legit heart warming.

And about season 3? Not really sure where they're going to go, as they closed the gate and Eleven is out in public now. Following up on the love triangles is a given, but we'll have to see about what's happening with the Upside Down. The last shot seems to imply that the monster is coming back. Perhaps since Eleven used her hate to close the gate it only made the monster more powerful or something? Who knows. I'm just excited for season 3.

Also, Duncan was awesome in this season.

That's the thing, they cleaned up most of the plotlines they left over from season one. 11 found her mom and closed the gate, 11 and Mike are hooking up, the Nancy/Steve/Jonathon triangle got wrapped up with Nancy and Jonathon getting it on, the facility got closed down, Will's throat worm thing got resolved, Steve's an okay guy now...so they've got to start somewhere pretty new. Only thing I can think of is the Sheriff/Ms Byers thing they've been slowly building up and tentacle monster returning.

I'd kinda hope they do something not upside-down related for the next season though.

I guess they needed something to change so there'd be some reason she can close the gate now, but eh.

Also, I didn't really get that sense from 8, what I got the sense of was that 8 is almost totally inferior to 11. She has one ability, illusions, where 11 has telekinesis, remote viewing and some level of telepathy, plus whatever power opening/closing the gate to the upside down is. She not only has more powers but her powers are just generally better. I guess it's why she ended up going "downstairs" and 8 just stayed in the rainbow room. Anyway, it didn't feel video-gamey to me at least.



Needed more Millie tbqh

I have hated/not been able to bring myself to care about a single character in this entire series aside from Billy, Will and Max.

The show just has that weird soullessness that every Netflix original seemingly has and I can't get past it.

>8 is almost totally inferior to 11. She has one ability, illusions, where 11 has telekinesis, remote viewing and some level of telepathy, plus whatever power opening/closing the gate to the upside down is. She not only has more powers but her powers are just generally better. I guess it's why she ended up going "downstairs" and 8 just stayed in the rainbow room. Anyway, it didn't feel video-gamey to me at least.
Hm, good point. I'll toss that around in my head for a new perspective.

Steve was awesome in this season. We need more Steve being a big bro to the gang.

>I'd kinda hope they do something not upside-down related for the next season though.
That would be cool, but it probably can't be completely unrelated to the Upside Down. That's one of the core pillars of the show, the fact that it exists. Maybe in S3 Eleven tries to find and reach out to other test subjects(if their names are anything to go by, there's at least nine other people asides from 11 and 8).

Perhaps 8 tracks her down or something? Last we saw her she looked pretty torn up about losing 11. A bunch of big city punks in a small town would be funny.

Millie is cute, yes. Would want her to be my daughter or lil sister.

I completely agree
>bring myself to care about a single character in this entire series aside from Billy, Will and Max.
Really? Max? I don't really care for her desu

Reminder that Dustin is foreveralone.

Season 1 is really fun. A really pleasant surprise.

Season 2 isn't bad, it's just kinda boring with terrible pacing. The middle portion of the season recycles the same concepts over and over, until it finally gets going when shit goes down at the lab at the end of episode 6 - but then the tension gets fucked up by the standalone Eleven episode (which everyone hates but it's actually. Then, when we get back to the lab the actual conclusion is unsatisfying, and we still have no idea what the fuck the actual threat is/was.

The one great addition from season 2 was Bob - who promptly got killed in a really lame way, so that sucks. The doctor guy was okay too I guess, but I still see no good reason why Max and Billy are there, and especially why we spent so much of the season with them individually.

She's alright as a character, did really feel like "we need a normal girl in the group who isn't 11" but she worked out okay.

Or maybe she was just put in to pander to the Irish-American demographic of which I am a part.

I'm fucking pissed about Bob too. I was so expecting him to have some kind of hidden dark side that made him a bad stepdad, but instead he was just a solid, smart dude the whole time.

He was too good to live.

Billy is definitely going to be an antagonist next season, it'll be interesting watching a villain whose pretty much ignorant of what he's going to tear into.

All he wanted was his dried up Stacy.

Millie is fucking ugly, her character is obnoxious, and she has a shit personality IRL, why do you autists love her so much?

skateboards and arcade games make me feel so 90s it's like i'm young again

>a little rough at times
pretentious wannabe detected

>Irish-American demographic

I can only identify with curly-haired redhead lasses on screen.

>kid gets with his friend's hot older sister at the school dance
>gets told he's her favorite
Niggah you just jelly.

Eleven living comfortably with Papa Hop & attending high school learning how to become a normal teenage girl when?

Next season, hopefully. But, she's pretty much skipped all education up until now. She's twelve, for christ's sake. She's going to have one helluva catching up to do.

It's pretty much guaranteed now that she has a birth certificate. What else would Hopper do with her?

are you a curly-haired redhead lass too? LONDON?

Also, I didn't mind her character. I feel like it's always good to have a straight man in the group, and she served that role well. Her backstory with her parents and step brother was kind of meh, and I didn't really piece it together up until the second to last or third to last episode. But once I got it, I felt it was emotionally weighty enough. An abusive home is no fun.

if you told me there was an autistic cult following of this show posting on every forum on the internet about it i wouldnt blink twice

I thought it was mediocre. Didn't mind the setting, but kids weren't all that developed and some were quite annoying (Dustin, El and Mike). Ryder's character was just there to cry and be hysterical, the cop was okay, Steve and Nancy are perhaps the best developed out of the whole cast and the romantic bullshit between the ginger kid and the black one had no prior build up and was forced. I'd rather watch all of the shows it's referencing/copying, then the show itself because it does nothing new or interesting with it.

Season 1 was great, a nice romp that felt like a film. Season 2 had many glaring problems, but also some nice moments.

The kids were all at eachother’s throats which didnt mix well at all and even became grating after the fourth or fifth episode.

The retreading of the mom was dumb and boring because we saw all of it before. Most of the characters have characterization except Will, who since season one only had 2 episodes of actual talking.

The glowing nugget of this season was Billy, who completely stole the show.

In season 2, Steve bigbro scenes (especially Steve-Dustin bigbro-kidbro scenes) were the best. Also loved the Mike-Will scenes in season 2.

>That toothless kid is what american children look like

didnt take you long

Gaten's starting to look handsome though.

>Those zero escape digits


dude that was f*cking epic xD

If you dont think that Steve and Billy are the best characters you can leave right now

I think they are the only good characters (besides the cop)

Steve is the best. Billy is the worst. Billy is a dragqueenface faggot psycho asshole. I hope someone runs Billy over with a car.

i don't get it. why was the post you replied to deleted? there was nothing wrong with it.

He's joking you autist

Loved the show, and Dustin is my favourite after Jane/Eleven.

i like dustin but i prefer others over him:
nicholas hamilton > wyatt oleff > noah schnapp > finn wolfhard > gaten mattarazo

>I'm not sure what they're gonna do for season 3 though.

Will will finally be the hero he deserves to be instead of some fuckboy running around half naked for several episodes and who has been a victim for 2 whole seasons.

I hope they'll give Will a handsome boyfriend in season 3.

>seven or eight, when Eleven goes to find Eight and hang out with her is probably the weakest episode
It felt so out of place the only thing I can think is that's their lead into the next season. Can't see how they keep going with more secret portals to the upside down without being repetitive, not to mention the big secret gov facility got wrecked

Being serious Hollywood is going to ruin her, she's already acting retarded


Will has already been established as being liked by a popular girl at his school. The one who cried at his funeral, and then asked him to dance.


she's goddamn ugly


hey bro you still here? i’d like to hear more about this

La abominacion!

I am sure they will focus on some kid of raod trip or runaway plot in S3, like we are leaving the town for most of the episodes and Elven is hunted by some guys while they still have to deal. Something like Midnight Special also did reference wise.

roasties get
o u t

trips confirm for handsome guy

Finn Wolfhard is clearly better than the others


season one had that comfy retro feeling at least, season two was just garbage

Very soy, I recommend it to all my fellow estronauts.

just like s1 is just a hugely derivative movie from every suspense/horror movie, s2 is also derivative from shit horror sequels hence why it's bloody awful

>What else would Hopper do with her?

rape her

holy fucking shit i really like this show, but now i have to rethink that because this thread is such reddit/who/rlgcancer

The perfect analogy for the incompetence and evil of government, the abuse of kids, actively putting kids in danger for their agenda, boy from single mother household becoming a victim of a foreign entity, invaders turning peaceful neighborhoods into shitholes, white fucking male hero sheriff, most adults are useless, kids friendship most powerful, marxist diversity shitskin couldn't stop the love eleven has for a native boy.

This is the most redpill tv series in a long time. SJW's don't even see it.

If you didn't know how reddit this show was in the first place then I really don't know what to tell you

>tfw no new Millie content for a while

Take a break and get a boyfu instead

I am gonna take a Millie break, but I'm not a homo though.

Why? He’s just as cute, it’s not like you’ll ever see his penis

Season 1 was good trip to the 80
S2 was more like : been there done that 6 -7 on the 10
Billy was good character liked him very much
S3 will be shit, they beter haved stoped after S1 or maybe 2 for the plebs

I have zero attraction to dudes.

I think I agree. I love the scene where he talks to Ted and he doesn't hear what he wants so he says "son of a bitch" but in that situation it's like he says is to Ted

her head clearly inflates horizontally a bit right when she starts laughing and it’s really bothering me

Season 1 is straight up kino. It's a Frankenstein plot of a bunch of 80s movies but that was always the intention. The important thing is it encapsulates the comfiness of the 80s perfectly.

Season 2 is a shitfest because nothing happens in the plot and it loses everything that made the first comfy. The creators went from saying that season one went from a self contained show with Eleven dying at the end, to a very clear four to five season endgame, and now finally they're saying that there's no clear end in sight. They can't possibly be still aiming for a four to five season package if season two was literally just filler. Netflix just got greedy off the success of the first season and threw bags of cash at them, and like that their creativity has gone out the window. Their only goal now is to drag this shit out for as long as possible. That's why season two sucked.

I think season 3 will revolve around Dr. Brenner who they said is alive.

I hope we get to see more of jew Dr. Owens (hehe). Realy liked him


>that shot of him sitting on the bleachers by himself quietly sobbing
that one hit way too close to home

>girl gives her brothers friend a pity dance because he's alone and crying
>"bro he got with her he's practically fucking her already"

keep it alive god damn it

gimmicky retro shit and empty sentimentality for 30-40 year old soygoys. shit.

>He doesn't know about the inevitable Billy redemption arc

Absolutely love this show, hooked straight from e1s1. Just wished that 11 explored with the punks in season 2 more. would have be really fucking cool to see her kill lots of bad guys with her powers. I still cant tell if Nancy does it for me she looks attractive kinda cute although yer breast size has got to be a AA or A. This disappoints me.

Just fucking no. Episode seven was the absolute worst episode in the entire two seasons and felt like it was written and directed by completely different staff.

Billy x Steve needs to happen t b h

>Just wished that 11 explored with the punks in season 2 more
>more cringy and unneccessary filler
yeah great

This isnt funny

But they hurt mumma tho?

Agree Op. S1 was awesome, 2 was really inconsistent and nowhere near as gripping.

>dont want to explore 8's powers and background
>god i bet your fun at parties

They were already doing that without the filler and utterly unlikable characters introduced. Not to mention that female poo's horrendous deadpan acting.

her power is probably perpetual suiciding after cutting herself and getting ploughed by trannies

You have to go back.

Too bad she doesn't look like this anymore and is turning into a thot.

Please don't talk bad about the love of my life.

It's true though. Every time I look at new millie stuff is like a dagger through the back. I want cute late 12 early 13 yr old Millie back.

She's growing up, it was to be expected. Besides, it's not like she's out there showing off her body and overexposing herself. She just has a faggot boyfriend and sometimes acts a little older than she actually is. Completely normal for an almost 14-year old.

>going to
she was ruined the moment her parents decided to sell her off to kike pedophiles.

She's growing way way too fast, just look at the difference in just 1 year. I used to love her so much but she's becoming another Bella. I already dropped her.

Gonna start it soon, but I hate E.T., is it a lot like that? and The Goonies, I hate those wholesome 80s movies

Fucking normie trash. The writing/dialogue are atrocious. Numales, soyboys, and bugman Love it.

Yeah it's a lot like those. But how can you hate those movie, they're fucking great?

they're so cliche, the jokes are predictable and humor is all they have going for them. they're not going to die, they're not dating, going into a "kids" thing you just know the ending will be good

There really isn't that much humor in ST. It's just kids going on an adventure fighting some monster and some supernatural shit. Yeah it rides the 80s nostalgia hard especially S2 but it's fun.

This scene was kino and Hopper is my husbando no homo