Why did she hate George?

why did she hate George?

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She didn't.

She hated herself.

everyone has a friend who they don't actually like

There was every reason to hate him. He was a deplorable person

attractive women hate the guts of ugly, awkward men

Reminder Elaine objectively made the show worse and was only added because executive SJW nonsense

she can hate whomever she wants. shes solid af

>show already had an unfunny female
>replaced with genuinely funny JLD
>SJW nonsense in 1990
unironically what did he mean by this?

The show wasn't going to be aired anymore unless they added a female character. SJW nonsense has been happening for years user

I fell for the b8

>hurr durr a vapid cunt who actively ruins the guys life is cool xD stop being a misogynist bro

The show already had a female character. They didn't add another one. They simply replaced her.
Is this bait?

Elaine was much funnier than Jerry

Not that guy, but you're triggering me. Please refrain from doing so in the future. Elaine is great.

Okay now you're trying too hard lol


t. nu-feld faggots that don't understand the truth and think women are perfect

>replacing one interchangeable female for another is SJW nonsense

Yes, the show not airing if they didn't add a female is SJW shit you faggot

How would you like it if I spanked your face?

The show is boring and not funny.


He was a little too thirsty desu, everytime she did something even vaguely sexual he'd always be a little too eager or ask something that was a little over the line. That desperation is very off-putting. Also he's a bald manlet lel.

How would you like it if I spanked your bottom?

She didn't hate him. It's just one of those situations where you have a "friend" you only hang out with because you share a mutual friend.

ITT: Liberal soyboy faggots crying about le nostalgia when Elaine was shit

She didn't. And she was the best character btw.

Why u so mad tho?

>Soyboy faggots say she's the best character
>Explain why they're wrong
>Get shitposted at
Fucking americans

Last word

You're boring and not funny

You know the show is boring and not funny.

>No examples given
Hello american

How the fuck can I give examples of funny scenes from the show when there are none?

>How can I give examples of my argument?
Ok retarded american give examples of unfunny boring scenes

Last word

>No arguments given
Literally all I'm asking is for you to show me the unfunny boring scenes


All I'm doing is asking him to give me examples, yet he deflects. How can this be anyone other than an american

last word

Underage needs to go

r9k faggots leave


Ok, that's easy. All scenes from episode 1 season 1, all scenes from episode 2 season 1, all scenes from episode 3 season 1 and all scenes from episode 4 season 1. That's just a few examples. There are lots more.

>he deflects
>implying that's the same user
newfag detected

>le epic vague meaningless argument

last word


This is reply for .


I’m going to fuck my gf. She likes my big soyboy cock. She’s also my best friend

>asks for examples
>given several examples
>unable to refute truth show is boring and not funny
>smokescreens screams epic vague meaningless
You now know the show is boring and not funny.

What examples? When that totally epic XD user said episode 1 season 1?

The show is really funny. Last word.

I found this show to be annoying beyond belief.
They were like SJWs before getting into politics.
They couldn't handle anything.
The slightest thing ruined their entire week.
>oh noez dat guy wore a goofy hat, my dinner is ruined

Larry hated himself so he wrote her to hate him too

>unable to deny truth
>bawwww the examples are btfo disproving me so i will pretend they are not examples bawwwww

>The show is really funny.
Now THAT sentence is funny. It's funny because it's not true.


You asked for scenes and you were given many scenes. What's vague about that?


women despise beta males

It is true. Last word.

Yes, the post you replied to is true. Thank you. Last thank you.

She hated him because she wasn't attracted to him.

I thought it was established they're all vapid and selfish?

No, my posts are true. Last word.

she was attractive, intelligent and successful while he was an ugly dumb loser. same reason i look down on you turbo virgins

I agree. Your post, which stated that the post you replied to is true, is true. Second to last word.

last word

Wrong. Last word.

>wrong, my posts are not true
Make up your monumental contradictory mind.

*monumentally (though I'm flattered)
But no, thanks. Last word.

first reply to your post

How has no one mentioned that Elaine could only enjoy bareback sex? They wrote an entire episode about it. Elaine best girl.

I don't remember what that is. Last word.

Elaine best boy. ftfy.

first to reply to your posts

Elaine was a coprorate shoehorn.
The show was supposed to be about some loser NY kikes that were repulsive to women. NBC forced Elaine in there.

He's a short, fat, bald man.


Cop out

no, not a cop. first to reply.

She was a smoking hot Jew though so I'm not gonna complain.

Last word.

how, the three guys slept around like there was no tommorrow

this user gets it
I think in the first season
george "tries" to date Elaine
he goes about it in a real sleazy way.
and pretty much there after Elaine has viewed him as a sleazeball and his actions during the show only confirmed it.

Goerge is the slimy greaseball of the group
I know some of you may think that Kramer is the greaseball.
but he is the aloof pest.
George is very much motivated by sex while Kramer seems to just want to have fun.

women hate ugly men, more so if said ugly men try it on with them, as it makes them think they aren't as attractive as they like to think. And god knows the modern woman has an incredibly inflated idea of her attractiveness

>george "tries" to date Elaine
You mean this episode?
Come on, man.

I dont think Elaine really hated him at all.To me it seemed more like indifference. It was the same for George, they both only knew each other through Jerry and didn't really have much else in common other than that. If Elaine had of actually hated George she probably would have stopped seeing Jerry altogether or started talking shit about George behind his back. Same for George.

Also, Kramer, was just amusing to all of them and Jerry couldnt be bothered trying to avoid him since he lived next door.

This is correct. I always keep different circles of friends separate outside of very special occasions for this reason.

Is NY really that friendly like on Seinfeld and Friends.
You just walk in other people's apartments and start going in their refrigeratora and shit

NY is more like the scene where Jerry steals the marble rye off the old lady. Except he would have just killed her in real life.

no, this kind of show reels people in with a fantasy about the dream life with your friends. seinfeld, friends, scrubs, cheers etc are all have the same premise really

Best hiphop song ever? I think so.

that isn't BRASS MONKEY

Did you tell your friends about the world colliding theory?

The song I posted is Seinfeld relevant and not a joke at all though.

that isn't Jump Around

Seriously like top 20 greatest hip hop songs all made by whites or kikes