Good Time was the best film of 2017

Good Time was the best film of 2017

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Its pretty great. The fun house scene reminded me of Easy Rider

What do you say about this film when trying to recommend it to someone?

White trash Drive

You don't. Never bother talking to plebs about art. Either stoop to their level and babble about whatever pleb garbage they've seen recently or don't bother. Trying to get normal people into a higher plane of aesthetics is nigh impossible.

Jesus did they have to make the promotional art so uncanny valley


I think the poster is perfecting for getting across the vibe of the film considering it has such a dreamlike quality.

You'll have a Good Time watching it

Realize that 90% of people have literally have 0 taste and simply take solace in laughing at how fucking stupid they are behind their back

Second best after The Killing of a Sacred Deer

goat soundtrack

Convince me to watch this, I loved good time

Really activates your almonds, doesn't it

The less you know about it the better. I'd just say it's a excellent psychological suspense

Place Beyond the Pines

Is he actually deaf or just that good of an actor?

>what is song to song
>what is a ghost story

For me it's tied with Blade Runner 2049 and Columbus

Alright fine I'll get it tomorrow

Armond White said no.

What was the ending supposed to mean?

He was retarded

Yeah but he had hearing aids too.

that guy is actually the director

They are also great films user but you haven't given any reasons as to why they are better or why this film is worse.

What were you hoping to achieve with this post?

actual spoiler below
his brother wasn't beaten up at all, and their mom is actually nice and he only hates her because robert pattinson's character does

We saw the brother get beat up. I think that was just several months in the future.

That fucking over people eventually got to him

He did get beat up though. It shows it

literally the definition of style over substance, good shots, well acted but every other aspect was under developed or non-existent
>inb4 muh 2deep4you metaphysical art degree fills in the non-existent explantion of events and skeleton of a plot

Neither has OP in his unsubstantiated claim of "best film of 2017"

yeah definitely

Really surprised by Pattison, thought he was just a teen movie cut out.

The relationship between the doctor and the kid was interesting but for the most part I agree with you.

The previous film by Lanthimos had a much better balance of style and substance.

Connie was never in the right and his whole endeavour was in vain

That is a funny way to spell My Little Pony: The Movie. The visuals were fantastic, the songs were top notch, and the plot, while essentially a gussied up version of the Season 1 premiere, is solid and a good for fans and a great introduction to Equestria for newcomers.

Nah. It didn't go far enough with the concept then just ends. Somehow people act like it's nail-biting thrill.

But the mom threw the pan at him

He's referring to the mother beating him, iirc it's mentioned once in the movie.

I think the story was the best part of the film. The way it's told, "the tension keeps building up as every character is out to save themselves. It shows the worst, how an indestructible concept such as family can easily be broken under pressure. Also Nicole Kidman looking like a actual monster was freaky "

SPOILERS (sorry i fucked up)

This shit get O. Sick and tired sick and tired dat O. Dat is O

>Good Time is a good movi–

Think again.

Terrible flick.

A broken watch is right twice a day. The opinion of a lawyer wanna be provocateur is as relevant as the opinion of a feminist on consent.

Unironically this

B-B-B-But he liked BR49 and Dunkirk! How can he betray us?

Can you explain why it's a terrible flick?

are these rhett and link?


turbopleb kike

why does this guy think he's a movie buff?

If this doesn't convince you to watch Good Time I don't know what will.

do people unironically think the autist brother is better off in that patient home walking around like a zombie than being with his brother that loves him


Edge of Tomorrow is the best film on that list

no it's whiplash, and it's actually the only good one on that list.

absolute truth, it's just raw cinema and it's been a while

A brother that involves him in a robbery and gets him thrown in jail?

Well no that's clearly not an ideal place for anyone but being with his brother is not a good situation. Connie was a fuck up that did nothing but put his brother in danger. Nick did not need to be there for the robbery. He is mentally ill and he didn't even had anything to do in the plan but stand there. Sure Connie's intentions were good but he could have done it in such a way that didn't put Nick in harms way.

This tbqh

It's an amateur and edgy flick.
I don't get the hype.

>Ex Machina and BR2049 aren't good
>Whiplash good

this dude's taste is the embodiment of reddit