How would each fare in the others film universe?

How would each fare in the others film universe?

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Holland would literally break in Raimi's universe

MCU wouldn't last a minute in either

SM Peter woud be dead in he MCU. He'd have tried to do something during avengers and got his shit rocked

SM Peter was easily the most resourceful of them, and probably about as strong as MCU Peter, but with additional experience and improvisational skills.

Tom pls

He'd be destroyed.
The Goblin would straight up murder him.

MCU Spidey would just flat-out get wrecked in Raimi's universe. The suffering is palpable, and Goblin was vicious. I think Webb and Raimi Spider-Man could swap universes and get on just fine. On the flip, both of them going into the MCU would be really interesting, given the sheer scope of it.

Raimi Spider-Man could take a fucking beating that's all I know.

lmao what, the vulture was significantly more dangerous than GG

To me, Raimi's spiderman universe felt like the only one where there was clear and present danger literally everywhere, and every encounter Spiderman absolutely had to rely on superhuman reflexea to avoid getting utterly rekt. The fights felt like there was a very real danger of Spidey ending up in a casket because he reacted a microsecond too late

>SM Peter goes to HC and finds that MJ is black, a cunt and underage and promptly taps that.

Raimi's Spider-Man was literally an idiot. He didn't even create his own webslingers

Yeah, when you think about is, Raimi's Goblin was fierce.
>Insta-vaporizing bombs
>Razor bombs
>Caught Spider-Man's punch with one hand
>Carried the weight of a trolley with dozens of children inside with one hand like it was nothing
>Took an unrestrained beating from a guy who stopped a subway train, and STILL stood back up

SM's Peter in the MCU would be like "thanks, but no thanks" to Tony's bullshit, maybe getting mad after he founds out what shit he pulls off.
ASM's Peter would be the one to bully Pajeet's Flash.
SM's Peter in ASM universe would take one film and an half just to properly kiss Gwen.

Did...did you really just "lmao" unironically?

Also, Raimi's Peter took a SHIT load of abuse. Like, JESUS. I doubt Tom or Garf could take on the Sandman. In fact, if Spider-Man 6 ever happened, Spidey would be routinely kicking super-villain ASS.

Holland's spiderman as of right now would get destroyed in either of the other universes.

But give it time, he'll get there. He's got the strongest suit/webbing at the very least.

Raimi's Gg was really pretty fucking terrifying

I have not seen the second trilogy yet nor civil war but the first trilogy spidy would have had much less trouble in the bank. His spider sense was much stronger.

To be fair, Raimi's spiderman had years of experience under his belt by the time 3 happened.

Of course Holland, whose only been at it for a few months, would get wrecked by sandman.


Shit, even in the first movie he got thrown through a brick wall, then took an explosion to the face, then got punched and kicked to hell and back by a superpowered lunatic.

Holland's would get corrupted by Osborn and watch the nba finals with him or Dr Strange in the best scenario. Tobey's would be nice addition to the avengers. Garfield just sleeps all day and eats lasagna

I think Holland is the best peter and spidey easily. But that said, the first two Raimi films are still the best easily.

I hope MCU spidey's next stand alone has higher stakes. Its fitting for this movie and Spidey's growth, but Homecoming easily has the lowest stakes of all of the MCU movies thus far. Save maybe Ironman 2

Well MCU spidey got crushed by a fuckin warehouse and was pretty fine after he lifted the roof off of himself.

But Raimi's spidey is definitely stronger right now, Tony pretty clearly said that any of the people at the airport fight could have laid spidey out of they really wanted to.

I just wish we got Toby back. I'd love a retired Peter to be talked to by Stark, trying to bring this dad/husband back into the game.

I'd dead-up commision a recut of Civil War where that shit happens if I were rich and autistic enough.

To me, SM spiderman felt like he had the strongest moral compass and his uncles death influenced him the most. Which, I think is a stronger factor than raw power or skills

He didn't feel like a shallow 2 dimensional kid

>Did...did you really just "lmao" unironically?


Fuck off. Get real.

Eh, Holland was worth having a new spidey.

You just sound like a cringy faggot

More superhero movies should have lower stakes

I don't think it'd be the same anymore. Holland's going to be a good Spidey, provided the writers penning his stories actually let him get the growth most people expect and hope for.

SM Peter caught a whole side of a warehouse too. Something I appreciated about Raimi's movies was that he would give visual hints now and again on just how much physical potential Peter has. I'm not big on the MCU, but I dig that they're going that "he has a lot of potential" route too.

Yeah, I'm okay with lower stakes here and there.

And I'm not saying that Spiderman should be like saving the entirety of New York or beyond, but something more dangerous like Raimi's green goblin or dr ock would be cool.

Vulture was kinda small time, Tony even said he was below the avengers' pay grade.

Not that I'm saying it was a bad thing, considering the general tone of the movie being about Peter being new to the whole heroing thing, a smaller time villain was perfect.

I think the rampant racism, sexism, and homophobia of the Raimiverse would simply be too much for ASM Peter and MCU Peter.

Raimi Peter in the MCU would build a shrine to the Red Skull, join Hydra, and be the villain in the next Cap movie.

I agree, but want to add that having higher personal stakes would help these a lot of these movies. Spectacle only does so much, making people care about the characters and their journey definitely doesn't require all the fireworks.



The writers suck though. The movie was embarassing. People left the audience in my theater. A lot of them. No laughter, just groans.

He gets Electro, Lizard, Vulture, and Shocker to accidentally kill themselves and or reform
The movie ends right as he's about to fight a villain
He stops being a hero because there's no Tony-senpai to notice him.

It was a different time.

Raimi's Spider-Man was only active for a few months and he beat Goblin. Holland wouldn't stand a chance

Nice maymay bro

>Any of the people at the airport could have laid Spidey out
Lol wat? The Winter Soldier and Falcon jobbed to Spidey in two mins. Really the only people who could've would be Cap (who did), The Vision (who was on Spideys side), Black Panther (again, same side), War Machine (same side yet again) and maybe, MAYBE, Ant-Man

Tobey and Andy Spidey would have easily danced around Captain America at the airport but the main question would be which side would they be on?

I liked the lower stakes in HC, you can tell Ironman or even Cap would destroy the vulture.
>People left the audience
Astral travel?

But SM Peter was originally /supposed/ to be the MCU Spider-Man.

Tobey's would probably remain neutral.

Andrew's would definitely side with Cap.

I don't even know what you are talking about.

How was Raimi's spiderman racist or homophobic?

True the timeframe is about the same.

Basically the difference is Raimi's spiderman has better innate abilities, MCU's spiderman has better tech.

Once holland spiderman gets used to actually using his powers and all the different web modes, I'm sure he could take on Raimi spidey's villains.

He just has a longer path to get there.
They got out of the webbing. And they knew he was a kid, I'm sure they probably held back a bit.

>and maybe, MAYBE, Ant-Man
Confirmed movie only fag. I'm a huge Spideyfan and even I'd admit Peter's fucked against anyone with Pymparticles

I don't really believe you.

The people at my theater thought it was pretty great. A good amount of laughs.

It's serviceable. I don't like a lot of the things they did with the movie to differentiate themselves from the others, but I do think there's potential. It did exactly what it needed to.

What's with this pausing and spacing like you're doing a character bit? Jesus, Sup Forums NEEDS to be inaccessible to people who use Reddit. I don't know how they'll do it but it needs to happen

No, he wasn't.

Garfield's was, though. They planned to include Stark Tower in ASM's NYC skyline and OsCorp Tower in THE AVENGERS' skyline and I believe those cranes were originally a reference to the city being rebuilt after the Chitauri invasion.

I don't trust the MCU with Spider-Man. I wish I could, but I thought his scene in Civil War was awful.
>Hey guys, do you totally remember that really old movie about wars in the stars?!
>Woah you have a metal arm, even though my mentor (the great and big dicked Tony Stark) has a robot suit?! That is so neato toleto!

Tobey and Andrew Spideys weren't nearly as retarded and impressionable as Tom's Spidey. Tobey was a bit of a lone ranger who didn't seek out help with the police. Definitely Cap side. Andrew, after all the shit he found out about with his parents in ASM2 and their government involvement, would pick Cap.

I had heard they wanted to do a crossover with Raimi's spiderman and the xmen back when but weren't able to get the rights.



Raimi Spider-Man was originally intended to be the first MCU movie retrospectively, but Sony said no.

>Webslingers instead of webshooters

But the star wars line was supposed to be awkward, everyone else was like "is this kid for real?"

Honestly I think they got a winner here. They could fuck it up, but I think he fits both peter parker and spiderman pretty well, while Tobey and Andrew generally only got one side of the equation right.

>Once holland spiderman gets used to actually using his powers and all the different web modes, I'm sure he could take on Raimi spidey's villains.
Both Garfield and Holland would be fucked against Ock considering they have shooters instead of organic. The train scene would be really hard. Holland's reaction time does seem slower, could be because he's younger, so that may give him a disadvantage against Goblin. Tobey only made it out because he dodged the glider. Holland didn't notice the wings coming from the other room or the roof about to collapse. Now that I think about it Tobey may be the strongest movie Spider-Man

Oh god I forgot about the crane scene. That was so dumb

And Tomas Jane Punisher.

If Feige got his way Spider-Man, X-Men, Punisher, Daredevil, and the MCU would all take place in the same universe. Nothing said about Ghost Rider and Blade, but I'd assume those too.

>But the star wars line was supposed to be awkward, everyone else was like "is this kid for real?"

There is a massive difference between "awkward" and "groan inducing dialogue." It was extremely forced, and honestly just saying "Mr. Stark, you ever see Empire Strikes Back?" would've felt a lot more like Spider-Man.

Oh please what's Ant-Man going to do, jump up and punch him whilst small? Spidey can tank hits from the Rhino. Shrink him? Congrats, you just made him deadlier. Ant-Mans powers aren't really suited for direct combat, his strengths lie more in stealth and sabotage. Unless we're talking an insta-kill by indefinite shrinking, there's no way Ant-Man takes Spidey.

I'd love for a universe featuring the late 90s early 2000s cape movies

>tfw no Defenders movie featuring Jane's Punisher, Tobey's Spidey, and Nic Cage's Ghost Rider

Well considering the yacht scene was kind of a shout out to raimi's train scene, but spidey didn't succeed, I'd say yeah Raimi's spiderman is easily the strongest naturally.

I don't think thats inherently a bad thing, gives Holland's spidey room to grow.

And yeah once he actually gets competent with all the tools he has, he could easily beat Tobey's spidey on a technical level if not a physical one. He definitely has more options with his web shooters than Tobey's spidey had.

He noticed the wings coming at him.

He just didn't realize that the Vulture was trying to destroy the supports, not really hit him.

>We wont get to see Nick Cage meet William Dafoe in hell.


Raimi Green Goblin was honestly one of the most dangerous villains in a comic book movie. He had it all, gadgets, super strength, and he was really sadistic too. Gobby lifting up that loaded train car with one arm shows he could splatter captain america with one punch and those bombs he had could turn people to ash instantly.


>implying I use reddit
Y'know, there're other ways to call me out on my degeneracy. Making a false statement ain't one of them. If you didn't say that, I might've been offended rather than annoyed.

>Both Garfield and Holland would be fucked against Ock considering they have shooters instead of organic.
Comics Spiderman has shooters instead of Organic and he's beaten Ock so badly he got brain damage.

Comic Spider-Man is actually smart unlike those two. In fact, comic Spider-Man would wipe the floor with Raimi Ock.

Everyone on Sup Forums sounds like a cringy faggot

It would've just been a gag. There were no serious plans for crossovers with Tobey's Spider-Man, whereas with Andrew's the possibility was entertained.

Also not true. But Hugh Jackman was going to make a gag cameo as Wolverine during that "what does the city think of Spidey" montage.

Exactly. Doc Ock isn't hard to put down, you just have to punch him in the face once basically. He's just a normal human.


That's true about the web but shooters but him at a disadvantage. Karen would give him an advantage but I wonder how quick he would respond to her commands/how quick she can give them out. I don't really remember much from TASM. I would love to see a Death Battle style brawl featuring the three Spider-Men.

I must have misremembered. His agility/reflexes did seem off though. Like when he got clocked by Shocker at the door.

>"Hey! You're posting like how I do on Reddit"
Outed, reddit-man

honestly I have more of a problem with people using ellipses in written speech over dated jargon like lmao

Comic Peter is much smarter than any of his movie counterparts. Raimi's Ock was smart too (maybe smarter than comic Ock) but didn't look past "muh wife" and "muh sun machine". I mean the dude was able to rebuild it while insane

>Implying they wouldn't try to capitalize on the fact that mother fucking Tobey Maguire Spider-Man takes place in their films.

They definitely would have brought him back up again down the line.

>people left the audience
I love this Sup Forums meme!!!

Recently rewatched Punisher.

It's absolute shit.

Yeah, he definitely got jumped a lot for someone with spider senses

Though its implied he's not fully in control of them. Apparently the telescoping eyes the stark suit had was to help him focus his spider sense. Thats why his amateur suit had goggles on it instead of just open eyes.

So yeah, its possible he is just overwhelmed by his spider sense so he can't properly use it. That combined with being panicked about the Vulture's plan and he gets blindsided.

Thats how I see it anyway.

Sony was already planning a reboot by then.

>Cage Rider meets Spider-McGuire

Throw Blade in there and this would be the GOAT cape movie

But would Blade be willing to open his eyes?

Raimi Spidey could survive in any universe, he's the most competent of the 3.

TASM Spidey could barely handle his own universe. He's literally stupid. Oh and Mary Jane would be dead

Homecoming very very uncapable of lasting in either of these universes. But give him some credit, he's only 15 and he did take on Vulture in a homemade suit. By the time he reaches college like the other 2 Peters he'll be very powerful and pretty damn good at what he does. He just needs more training.

On the subject, the actors that almost played Spider-Man throughout the three franchises.

Sam Raimi's SPIDER-MAN.

>Jake Gyllenhall, James Franco, Freddie Prinze Jr., Scott Speedsman and Jay Rodan.


>Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Daniel Radcliffe, Robert Pattinson, Logan Lerman, Anton Yelchin, Alden Ehrenreich, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Zac Efron, Jim Sturgess, Xavier Samuel, Liam Aiken, Drake Bell, Michael Angarano, Dane DeHaan and and Josh Hutcherson.

Marvel Studios's SPIDER-MAN

>Asa Butterfield, Charlie Rowe, Judah Lewis, Matthew Lintz, Charlie Plummer, Timothée Chalamet and Liam James

You type like a complete faggot

Sony had a Spidey-Shattered Dimensions movie in mind too.

They didn't know what the fuck they were doing if we're being honest.

>Apparently the telescoping eyes the stark suit had was to help him focus his spider sense

That didn't make sense to me in Civil War. I always assumed Spider Sense was like a chill up his spine or maybe like that feeling you get when you're about to fall. Does he have elf eyes or something?

He can't even show up because he didn't pay his taxes. He filmed his scenes from prison


>Asa Butterfield
jesus, he would be terrible for spiderman. Is way too stiff to be a light-hearted superhero

Are you IN or OUT?

Pym particles are on the same level of bullshit as speed force

I'm not sure I believe anyone is a COMPLETE faggot

>Release me and we'll show you vengeance like you've never seen.
>*Cage begins to pace back and forth, pounding his head over and over* No no no.
>NOOOOO HO HO HO! *Eye proceed to bug out of Cage's sockets as he screams at the sky*
>*Camera pans over to Snipes, who just sees Cage screaming at thin air* "Some Rider's are always trying to ride up hill without a cycle".

I also have the notion Raimi's Spidey would clash with a lot of people in the MCU. He's too angsty and self-centered and not in a "just a kid" way.

>TASM Spidey could barely handle his own universe. He's literally stupid


>Got the little boy trapped in the car to wear his mask and protect him from the fumes.

>Figured out that Connors was the Lizard and was hiding out in the sewers.

>Set up a web tripwire system to track the Lizard's movements through the sewers.

>Used liquid nitrogen to slow down the Lizard.

>Was doing a pretty great job defusing tensions with Max and the cops and accounting for all surfaces Max could have accidentally electrified

>Used water against Electro and came up with the plan to use his webs a conduit to overcharge him.

Andrew's Peter is pretty damn resourceful.

He got my faggot message!