Would this version of events be better?

Would this version of events be better?

Virgin here, do all girls want to be held down and raped like animals. Honest question

think of girls like other dudes. some like things some don;t like things. like the human beings they are.

>think of girls like other dudes
but they aren't dudes

in a controlled environment, pretty much.

9/10 times yes

Not all of them, but more of them than you would hope

>girls are human beings


I had girls get up and leave because i refused to choke them and some that got up and leave when they saw how big my dick gets when im hard

Look, I don't hate women, but they are essentially much different creatures from men. You can't treat any woman like you treat your best male friend.

That is why when your friend says "my girlfriend is my best friend" you must realize they are a suppressed gay.

No straight male will ever tolerate a drunk woman they have no intention of fucking, and when they go through extra lengths to appease their girlfriend and avoid tribal bonding between likeminded males they are extremely cucked.

I say this as a man who is friends with a numale music major in love with a la creatura de Americana

>getting fucked by James bond
oh yes

My currently gf was a virgin before me.
She likes it rough and aggressive.
All women are the same.

80% of the time yeah but only in a controlled environment where they can say stop at any time

From my experience yes the worse you treat them the more they put out/the more loyal they become.

Another Example would be europe getting raped by kebabs and niggers with euro women defending it asking for more diversity

goddamn it OP. My dick just woke up. He was ready for sleep. U bastard.

Some things can't be helped.

Hey reddit. Youre not fooling anyone.

yes but not by you

Even the nicest girls want a man who's decisive and tough. Apply that as you will, but just remember that girls ALWAYS prefer strength over weakness and confidence over doubt.

Literally jus b urselfbut be handsome :^)

I'm a guy and I want to be held down and raped like an animal.

buddy, women literally send marriage proposals to serial rapists in prison