Please hire me for more roles!!! I'm not THAT old!!!

>Please hire me for more roles!!! I'm not THAT old!!!

someone get this granny outta here

Young enough for Malick

well.... Nothing lasts forever ;_;



You could play my gf, I'm in to older chicks


i'm sure your dear friend Polanski can give you little something

She is so desperate she tried to recycle herself as director. Made a jewish movie about jews taking over Palestine after the british left. It flopped hard. Angelina Jolie tried the same thing with the same effect. There's nothing more bitter and angry than an actress hitting the wall. All these roasties callling harrassment after 20 years in the business, they wake up when they get no more roles. They're doing it to sabotage the career of the younger onews who are fucking producers to get roles just like the roasties did 20 years ago. The metoo movement is about ruining the younger one opportunities, these bitches want to stay longer than they are meant to.


What's the Palestine movie?

""""""white"""""" """"""""people""""""""


Teen Wolf? Pretty that pic is from The Vampire Diaries too, she had that hair and was also in a dorm

There should have been more black vampires on Buffy

>search her name in order to find her age
>she has a film coming out in a few weeks

I guess you'll have to wait a few years until you get your revenge, user. Meanwhile, you can do something more fulfilling, like searching your former school Stacies on Facebook. I'm sure at least one of them is fat enough to be plausibly below your league. By the way, how's that hairline holding up?

>A Tale of Love and Darkness

Cast her in Jews Love Black Cock 2

this movie could be good seeing as its borrowing heavily from Roadside picnic, Stalker, S.T.A.L.K.E.R etc anyway
never even heard of this one, Jew Issues : the movie?


Harlow Harrison looks nice. Is it worth to check her kinography?

No more blood libel so not eating enough goy children

leave her alone

>realise you're too old to get roles now
>suddenly every man retroactively raped you
Like a fucking clock

Black don't crack.

Everyone is.



>2 years older

>Granny neck


Hottest woman of all time. Ana de Armas is a close second.

>I'm not THAT old!!!

it won't be long before a lot of guys on Sup Forums are saying the same thing

No sweetheart, men are just hitting their stride by 50. Nice try.

>it won't be long before a lot of guys on Sup Forums are saying the same thing

>No sweetheart, men are just hitting their stride by 50. Nice try.

Not long, really. Little more than one minute.

She's looks like Gal Gadot in this pic
and this is not a good thing