"Solo: A Star Wars Story" Producer Dead at 54


>Allison Shearmur, producer of Hunger Games, Rogue One, and Solo, died of cancer
>reportedly, the day before she died she attended a meeting to review the progress of the movie

Too bad for her kids. This movie literally killed her.

Apparently Kathlen started playing harder after TLJ bombed. Let's hope that she just sticks to ionizing people when they fuck up, not killing their children like Warner Bross.

Hopefully this means we'll get more reshoots.

>be forced to work on so many shit movies that you get cancer and die.

I guess the force ISN'T female

>Star wars, a franchise that brough to you "Empire strikes back" and "Revenge of the sith" died of cancer
>reportedly, this happened after it got female producers

I guess it truly is. That's why it's a bitch.

Star Wars is literally cancer

>"Solo: A Star Wars Story"

You mean Ranger Solo

You mean "Sorry babe, but I fly Solo"?

god hates nu wars

>producer of Hunger Games

Nothing of value was lost

The Disney Jews are already killing people to improve their marketing

Kathleen is getting desperate. I'm worried she might set her sights on completely innocent people soon.


Sucks for her children. Way too young.

>not killing their children like Warner Bross.


Oh right Synders kid

Who is kathleen?

So when's the Ranger Solo trailer coming out?

kathleen jenner

Memes aside, isn't it weird how so many people are dying so young these days? I mean 54 is not a child but still, life expectancy should supposedly be of at least 80 years, and you have 40 year olds dying like it was nothing.

Kathleen Kennedy the Disney exec who muscled Lucas into selling Star Wars. Just a suit but she's the defacto "face" of Star Wars now.

That's cancer for ya.

Now Disney fueled puff pieces by Forbes, Salon, etc. will say "Why The Alt Right Is Taunting A Cancer Victim's Film" or some shit

>its real


She was apparently a producer on 2017 power rangers. I wonder if she's the one who mandated tacticool costumes (I can't really be mad about Rita, any exec or director would have done it)

Too bad she's only a producer.

>movie was so shit it literally kills her

The originals are decent. But I agree that they are over praised. All of the others are shite though.

holy shit star wars is a mafia now

Donnie Yen is so out of place here. A God among peasants.

so this is no longer the worst thing with Han Solo in it?

It is almost as if giant companies have fouled our natural resources and filled our enviroment with toxic chemicals.

Naw. That can't be it. We should clearly get rid of the EPA.

>Allison Shearmur, producer of Hunger Games, Rogue One, and Solo, died of cancer

You are what you produce.

>im gonna lose my parents soon

Feels bad. Guess ill cry myself to sleep tonight

>pump pure cancer into the world
>die of cancer
It's called karma, user

>Mum is 55
>Smokes a lot
>Dad died 10 years ago

Fuck me its gonna suck when she goes if i don't off myself first.

Don't forget the 2017 power rangers movie

I bet it was the Russians. They destroyed the ratings for TLJ by review bombing it. Why would they stop there? They are after us you fucking idiots.

EPA is socialism anyway, it's inhibiting small business growth.

>And that’s a good thing!


She has lost the will to live.

I unironically want this song as the end credits music

>life expectancy should supposedly be of at least 80 years
that is a meme. most people die before they reach retirement age but if they let that be widely published, people would stop working until they croak.

this, I'd lose my shit

That woman had no fucking business in Star wars. She produced Cinderella, yes you read it well, what else, the Hunger Games, what a surprise, Pride and prejudice and zombies, Power rangers, both big bombs. Just tells you how much of a shitty producer she is. Anyone still not believing they're turning SW into a YA movie for teenage girls?

People used to die younger retard
This board is literally full of children. There's no conspiracy around death...of all things...Jesus Christ.