What are your thoughts on this company?

What are your thoughts on this company?

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McDonalds of the movie industry.

The older animations were decent, but 21st century Disney productions in general are shit, and every studio / franchise they acquire turns to shit as well.


I have little thoughts on them.
I'm more fascinated by the people who buy their shit.

I like it, but I wish they had some competition

Never underestimate the power of human stupidity.

Incapable of coming up with original content but boy howdy, can they ever buy it, slap on the mouse ears and call it their own.

Eventually will take over all media and rename itself the United States Federal Beaureu of Entertainment.



Looney Tunes > Disney cartoons

I love how the cookie crisp cartoon is soy-mouthing too.

Needs to be forcefully torn apart by the government under a new banner of trust busting.

He's opening his mouth to perform a biological function.
The rest of the chucklefucks are doing it because they're bugmen with zero self-awareness.

Releases a good movie every once in awhile

If they crashed and burned it would literally improve our entire culture.
Even if only for the roll back in the fucked up copyright laws.

True true. Based cookie crisp animal, even though they taste like shit.

You're all acting like Disney was evil and other companies something better. Every company cares only about one thing - our money.

I'm a bit worried on the monopoly the seem to be gaining on the media industry, doubly so because their CEO seems to be a Trump supporter. Which isn't to say that didn't make or aren't making quite a few high quality movies too, if only on the virtue that with an output like theirs, there has got to be some good stuff among them. I mean, they produced David Lynch's The Straight Story, which is my favourite movie of all time. I'm also fairly happy with their Star Wars movies so far and I think stuff like Zootopia and most of Pixars output are perfectly adequate family movies.

I still have a rather intense dislike for most of their practices as a company and at this point they're becoming too big for me not to be worried about it. I think the moral of the story is, there are a lot of people working within Disney that are genuinely talented and genuinely deserve support, the company itself though has more than questionable ethics which is why I try not to spend any money on their products. The best case would be for them to collapse under their own weight and let some of the more talented artists working their start their own companies.

No one is denying that. Disney however, has a litany of shady SHADY fucking shit under its belt and repetoire and yet still pushes its image as a wholesome all-American family oriented company whilst in reality its brand mascot seems almost like a very dangerous animal literally stalking the human race.

Walt was based though. Hated Jews and hippies. It hasn't been a decent company since his death after The Jungle Book.

Then again he was a Mason

The difference between Disney and other companies is that Disney always gets their way. All companies want our money, true, but other companies tend to get humbled when they release a failure. Failure forces them to change gears and mix things up. Disney has never had an absolute failure. Whenever they realease a film that underperforms, they have several contingencies lined up to soften the blow. They always get their pay.

We don't hate Disney because they want money.
I want money too. Most fuckers want money.

We hate them because they're a monopoly intent on destroying the entire entertainment industry.

Paying critics is wrong.

>t. literal moron armchair movie critic
Hang yourself in your mommy's closet

The problem is consumer control and monopoly.
If you want something "good" you have to bow down for the Jew.

comcast will fuck its ass

I remember they used to taste good like 20 years ago. A lot of commercial foodstuffs tasted better long ago.
But then again, I was a wee lad so maybe my tastes bud evolved and matured.

I agree. I think it is more that they've changed a lot of ingredients and production methods. It is too much of a coincidence that every childhood food and snack tastes a lot different.
