Let's get us a good old fashioned OTP thread!

Let's get us a good old fashioned OTP thread!

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Always. I don't care that they never canonically met outside a joke issue.


>Not Shaggy/Scoob

What's wrong with you.

Wingbat and X-23





>today's issue of the Invader Zim comic
I need more of that shit in my life man

Man, fuck you for this.


Shit. I thought it was Pete/MJ.

>Not VelmaXScoob



It is, I've just been watching too much Scooby Doo so I got them mixed up.

That and Pete's ass game in the picture is weak as hell. His ass is the best in Marvel. No wonder I got him mixed up with someone else.

i love them, they were my first, predating my concept of shipping


Nope, that's Daph and Shaggy. Here's another pic by the same artist.

Hans and Elsa

Same here. Sadly I can't find any good fan fics of them. Everything I can find is horribly OOC or has so many spelling errors I can't tell if they are OOC or not.

Let's be honest, the only good pairing to be found in Scooby Doo is FredxTraps

Scooby x Snacks muthafucka

Best Avatar ship incoming.



You only like her for the tits. I bet you don't even know her last name.


But no one in the Avatar universe has a last name except for Toph and her family.


...Why was that?

When did Door-kun stop being a door and get breasts? Or is that Kou?

Probably because they couldn't be fucked to come up with last names for everyone.


You be nice to Naoto.

There are Overwatch comics

3rd post and already showing patrician taste.


>not velmaxjhonny

I wish Naoto was flat.

It really is too bad that it has a snowflakes's chance in hell of being cannon.


She's best girl no matter the size of her tits.

Nah. Maybe when she doesn't show up to tell us stuff we already know and feel ashamed about her sentai obsession at the very end of the game then I'll be nice.


It has at least a better chance than all the bonkers fujo shit.

But 0 + 0 is still 0

Out of all the rabid gay fangirling this series has this is the only gay ship I want to actually happen.

Pidge being gang-raped by all the Galra empire is the only patrician ship.

Scott's a real heartbreaker and Lisa is a real homewrecker but I always liked them together

why is being trapped in a box kind of cute?


Dr. Half-Galra or: How Allura learned to stop worrying and love the dick.

My heart is torn between love of sporty athleticism and love of reverse traps.

The forced closeness, right? However awkward they might be, eventually they have to get comfortable.


Same here, but with the benefit of adult hindsight it's a bit obvious why it could never happen. You know how sensitive Japan is about racemixing.

What's strange is how TK and Matt are 1/4 white but they still have blonde hair and blue eyes.



Their dad has yellowish hair too, so both sides of the family might be mixed, and they might be a great deal more than 1/4.

That said, Japan pretty much has a "one drop rule" in anime. In Tamers, half-Chinese Li Jianliang looks and his Chinese dad look different from everyone else with their blue hair.


But that is just as cancerous as Klance and makes literally no sense.

Nah, I just couldn't do that to my boy, Kanji.

Sup Forums bombing your Sup Forums thread.

>also posting well written gradual romance.


That's why we have art/fics


Sadly, it was not to be...

>These 3 end up having a drunken threesome before heading into Dracula's castle

>all 3 sitting up in bed
>"We must never speak of this again."
>All 3 nod.

Oh believe me, I agree considering I wrote one but it's pretty slim pickings.

Not even /fit/ but I'm a sucker for pairs where the otherwise cold headed strong and independent woman can't resist the hunk.
See also: Disney's Hercules and Megara

I do feel bad for him, so I also ship pic Kanji/Rise to help alleviate my feelings of guilt.



I write them as well

I do hold out hope that maybe, just maybe, something will happen next season that will tip the scale in our favor.

Mada Mada

Just who the fuck do you think you are?

>the light from his face dots visible in his shadow
Not even into these two, but man I appreciate that little detail for some reason.

Genyatta is so cute, it hurts.

Oh I might as well

to my knowledge the japanese love it just as much as the americans did

japs and yanks united by love for the best ship


maybe throw a fish into the mix

I'll fight you right now motherfucker.


Came here to post this. Glad to see more support for it after S2. I remember feeling pretty lonely here after S1.


In terms of my narrative fetish: I love the hardcore girl (that can manifest in a lot of different ways) x good natured guy/Boy Scout dynamic
I don't know why but it's always been my thing, especially if they don't change each other

In real life, I have no idea if that's what I'd be interested in...I don't know if I've ever met a girl I would describe as Hardcore

God the ending to Adventure 2 made me so pissed when I was younger. Even today, years later, if I remember the ending I can feel my blood pressure spike. I haven't seen Tri yet, is it any good?

I honestly thought they were Simom Baz and Jess Cruz. And totally agree.

...that was the joke, senpai.

Please leave.


It's... listen I fucking hate the 02 kids for being whiny bitches and even I think what they did with them was too much, there is a lot of filler and some episodes could be taken right out, I'm personally enjoying appmon a lot more

I love that ship, too, but holy shit it gets a lot of hate. Phamercy fags are fucking vicious.

its not bad on the whole
there are some really good episodes, and some not so good ones

but its generally quite enjoyable

>but holy shit it gets a lot of hate

Rightfully so. Ever seen a Gency shipper on youtube, tumblr, twitter, or even here? They deliberately seek out other ships involving Mercy or Genji to comment about how Gency is better. Fuck 'em.

and pharmercy shippers don't?
