Why do people hate Star Trek Enterprise?

Why do people hate Star Trek Enterprise?

>better than Discovery
>shows the tribulations of the first human mission in exploring space
>characters are authentic and human, unlike the other Star Trek series.
>main theme is awesome because it shows the human race wanting to explore everything
>catchy song

It’s one of the best Star Trek series. What do you think of it?

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It kinda conflicts with the canon timeline, I guess? I don't know, I liked it, it made the early days of the Federation look like I expected them to be.

>Why do people hate Star Trek Enterprise?
no we don't

I agree OP. Got it on par with voyager. Behind best show DS9 and TNG but still quality. Shame it ended prematurely because if allowed to continue it would have been great. Still good and I didn't hate the finale at all. It took awhile to find its place however but all shows had that. First seasons of both DS9 and Voyager were snoozers. Pissed we never got the Romulan war story arch because of faggots who rather watch shit.

>>better than Discovery
Stopped reading here. Second half of STD S1 is already better than Enterprise's entire run. Unless we're being ironic again.

>Behind best show DS9
stop it pleb, I beg you

>STD fan
You are probably a bug chaser too.

DS9 and TNG on par with Voyager is what I said. And if you hate DS9 you don't deserve to live.

>DS9 and TNG on par with Voyager is what I said
then you didn't word it properly, I apologies.
I don't hate ds9, I hate the Sup Forums meme that goes liking ds9=hating on voy

So we're being ironic then.

Enterprise is the only common canon to all the JJ movies and all the TV series

my only complaint is the awful song4teengirls that they used for the theme song

... how so? spock is in the jj movies

>comparing angstygirl relationshipdrama std to real sci-fi shows
go back to the soap opera channel, faggot

Unaltered common canon, despite all the time traveling and reboots Enterprise is still the nexus of the whole of Trek lore.

Temporal cold war storyline sucked, messed with canon. Xindi war/delphic expanse storyline was hastily created and a bit too 'on the nose' as metaphor for 9/11 and the US invasion of the middle east.

Haha yeah it really sucks. Who else is watching the Orville? I heard that's the REAL Trek. Fuck that angsty girlshit! Girls ewww! STD EWWWWW! Do I fit in now haha?


made me reply

Yeah no I like them all. Except anything after enterprise. Oh and the animated TOS and all the movies except maybe 2. Yeah.

Haha it's been a long road by friend

Not true it wasn't a metaphor.

Discovery could become the best show ever created at this point and still wouldn't get most of us back. I will list reasons in order of importance to me personally:

1. They told us (existing Star Trek fans) that we would watch the show no matter what, so they didn't care if they followed any sort of canon.

2. They then senselessly changed canon, in extreme ways (physical appearance of Klingons, state of technology in the Federation, Klingon culture and unity).

3. They locked the series behind a failing paid service.

4. The first 5 episodes gave me no hope the series would be worth anything, failing to provide one likeable character, one interesting premise, or one original idea (space bear warp was even ripped off of a videogame).

5. All of the casting was terrible, with the only two good people in the show being murdered right away or the writers insert of the evil white man.

6. No waifu material at all.

7. No merchandizability. I like building ship models, and there is no way I am gluing a spinning saucer onto a pizza slice.

1-8. In the background of all of this, being told that if I don't like the show, it must be because I am a fat basement virgin, or because I am white, or anything that deflects from the fact that the show was not a true Star Trek series. It might possibly have been a decent sci-fi series if not branded as Trek, but I don't like my favorite series name being whored out and then being told I am an awful person for not liking it.

I truly feel like Star Trek Discovery is like your sister that you love, who then starts trying to fuck everyone she meets, in front of you, while begging you to watch her get shit and pissed on, and then yelling at you because you want to turn away.

Fuck CBS. At this point I actually need them to destroy Star Trek bad enough they will sell the IP to someone else that will give it the love it deserves.

At least in the meantime I have Orville for the trekkiness it feels like and The Expanse.

I truly love Orville. It is like watching Next Gen except it is a very mid-tier ship and crew. In many ways, I feel it is more realistic to what the Federation would probably be like for the average citizen if entrance to Starfleet Academy was opened up to B+ students in high school.

people hate Enterprise because of the first two seasons and the dumb theme

I hate that Enterprise was decent, but had the potential to be amazing. I kind of wish it was never made, so that we could create that era now. I love the idea of showing the roots of humanity exploring the galaxy, and the Federation being formed.

The problem is, they took that great premise and turned it into TNG 2.0 and never went there with it. By the time they decided "fuck it, lets turn this into a fun adventure show/TOS 2.0", it was too late.

>dumb theme
get the fuck out of here

>characters are authentic and human, unlike the other Star Trek series
exactly. not muh star trek

> catchy song


Not him but it's true.
>not listening to the superior Enterprise theme

it is dumb but I didn't say it was terrible or anything

I miss decontamination gel.

> tl;dr
Too lazy, don't read?


See I fucking loved the first half of discovery’s first season. It was exactly what I always wanted out of star trek and never got. A serious look at dealing with hostile situations in space with a running story.

I’m losing more interest the sillier it gets. I think deep down I’m just not a star trek fan.

>Tech stuff is pretty good
>Crew is thin on good characters
>Time travel shit is terrible
>Xindi arc was forced and went on way too long
>Seasons 1-3 bad, Season 4 kino

>better than discovery
Everything ever made is better than discovery

That's fucking terrible. Why would you post that?

By the glory of the founder, such truth in his words

>better than Discovery
>It’s one of the best Star Trek series

I'll give it some props for respecting the continuity and trying to bring Trek back to basics, but it became too bogged down in the stupid temporal cold war plot. The "decon chamber" scenes were embarassing and Archer acted like an idiot half the time. The show improved as it went on but it was too little too late.