Poor Jonah can't catch a break

Poor Jonah can't catch a break

Happier because they feel like they have more oportunities than him. They feel like they're the ones with more mobility and power, and that he is less likely to leave because she's a catch for him.

He's not taking it personally, this is a lighthearted tweet. The whole point of their dynamic in that movie was that she was way out of his league and he was spilling spaghetti everywhere because of it.
Its particularly lighthearted because at this point in his career he's successful enough to get any attractive normie roastie he wants.

His rich so that means he must be happy right?

I can't believe we're doing this again, but what should he have said in this situation?

And we all know how Jonah Hill likes a good laugh.

He should have tweeted the infographic about respective male and female age preference.

>/fit/ and /fa/
>everybody knows I'm leagues above my gf
>meanwhile she's really insecure about her looks
Feels good knowing she'll never leave me. We've only been together for half a year and she's already talking about marrying me. I'll never be lonely again

Now you know how the sandwich you bought from Subway feels.


>women are happier when they're being pathetic
Sounds about right

Emma Stone isn't that attracive. I'd say they're equally ugly

now thats a smug pepe

Maxim raped him.

Delete this. I'll wait.

this bitch is fucking disgusting


>tfw the only famous person with my name is a fat joke

“Yeah? Well I hope you get raped by a pack of niggers, and when you do it will be your fault.”

>/fit/ and /fa/
So you're double gay?

Could be worse. Your name could be Brendan and you could be associated with a fucked up failure.

If you can't be happy while rich, that's your fault.

I'll be nice and say rich in a "fuck you"/"can step off the shit-carousel" money sort of way. I'm sure there a wealthy successful people who are kind of slaves to their careers and only their ungrateful children will ever enjoy that big house and awesome pool etc.

But a person who is rich enough to afford independence literally only has their own happiness to occupy their time and energy if it's something that eludes them on a day to day basis.

Anybody who's ever had their life ruined by financial stress would happily split your head in two to have your "problems".