German movie

>German movie
>Turkish guy is always this wise character full of heart, humor and love, that does everything better than the German guy because he’s ethic.
>He helps everyone the best way he can and can be strict and realist when it’s needed, but always have a lot of love to give.

Every fucking time. Why is this trope so common in Germany?

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The question is why are germans so filthy. They even let muslims rape their children in school.

Have you ever spoken to a German? They literally open their asses for shitskins and say thank you for their cum.

Becasue Germany destroyed Europe 5 times in over 2000 years
I wonder why germs are not well portraited

cCc turan geliyor amina koyundun inshallah senin anneni sikitim :d amk ne konusiyormusun :d kara boga inshallah wh*Tes btfo cCc

There’s even one called Kebab.

Can’t make this shit up.

Is the director is a turk

Sounds like a direct translation of the "wise magic negro" trope from America. Also, I think you know why.

It's time to graduate to kanker kino

Daily reminder

Why are Germans obsessed with movies like these?

What the fuck?

>Alpha Turk gets all the ladies

There's 3 of these.

t*rks are cockroaches

directed by (((anno saul)))

The actors are not even turks brainlets.

>Semir Gerkhan has survived like 10 partners.
>people still accept working with him, despite it's signing your death sentence.

MC gets two german bitches, turns them into prostitutes, they love him anyway because he "takes care of them"

It's German government propaganda.
In fact pretty much all German movies are government propaganda because they're all financed by government grands.

It's weird; I know I can't undo any of this culture, but it makes me angry and sad. I can't be angry at what I can't change, but I can't passively permit it with tolerance.

I need to move into the woods and remove myself from outside information. If the world burns i'll still have my grown garden vegetables and chickens and their eggs.

Because its a part of german histroy faggot

Remove kebab

German Movie: Europeans Flee to 'Booming' Africa to Escape 'Collapsing' Far-Right Regimes
>The TV movie "Break-out to the Unknown" (WDR/ARD Degeto), on Wednesday, 14 February 2018, at 8.15 pm, tells the tale of family fleeing a totalitarian system under life-threatening circumstances, from an unusual perspective: in the near future, Europe has collapsed into chaos. In many countries right-wing extremists have taken power. The formerly democratic state of Germany has become a totalitarian system that persecutes dissidents, Muslims and homosexuals.

>As a lawyer, Jan Schneider (Fabian Busch) has taken the side of dispossessed victims. When he learns that the regime intends to put him in prison once more, he decides to flee. His goal is the South-African Union, which is enjoying political and economic stability after an economic boom. A cargo ship is to take him, his wife Sarah (Maria Simon) and both children Nora (Athena Strates) and Nick (Ben Gertz) together with other refugees to Cape Town, but the people traffickers put the passengers in boats that are far too small in front of the coast of Namibia.


>German government propaganda
speaking of which, this is german children's TV. 16 year old german girl falls for syrian refugee

>white people
>fleeing to South Africa
>which is enjoying political and economic stability
what the fuck

Let's all celebrate Germany will be gone in a matter of years. Thanks frau Merkel.

i thought it was a russian who called in an airstrike on himself


which group will release this with subs?

>Thanks frau Merkel

Merkel literally did nothing but officially take the fault for the refugee crisis that was already going on and even that was forced on her and the people of Germany

Trying to pretend that Germany who is still under occupation has any real say in anything is fucking retarded

Because if we aren't constantly bombarded with propaganda about the nobility and virtues of [insert problem demographic here], we might come to see them in a realistic light.

The US does this too. There's a billion and one videos about good family blacks who're gainfully employed decent people that whitey hates for no reason.... OR in the event that the movie is depecting a black living the street life, it's always whitey's fault somehow that he got there.... like the cops arresting the school valedictorian for no reason and planting crack on him.

Because if they weren't always schooling us on the virtues of our minorities is might be very easy to see that
>hey, I've never known a nigger that was employed and NOT on welfare (which he is cheating, not truly disabled).
>Well, I guess I've actually known about 5 *briefly* employed blacks... but really they all kept their jobs less than a week. NO effort shown, completely unreliable attendance, huge amount of attitude. In order to continue to receive unemployment they must at least look like they're trying to find work.
>That and most of them deal drugs to supplement their unemployment/welfare check, and they're completely dishonest about it. The nigger dealer will always overbill the quality, short you, and/or charge too much; usually all 3.

good riddence

it was, this is just the turkroach retarded bozkurt version

Krauts remadeThree Men and a Baby?

Well, she wouldn't have the *whole* say on the refugee crisis. No single politician, even a chancellor, can do much without the backing of their party and most of congress. But she could fight it. Instead she praises the unrestricted immigration that's destroying the very fabric of their nation.

Now's the time for our politicians to find a pair and take a strong stand on the things that matter. Some restrictions in immigration, particularly from nations that tend to give "problem immigrants" are in order.

I hate everything Trump stands for. But I voted for him for one reason. He was the ONLY candidate, even among his own party, with a sane stance on immigration. We can't allow just anyone in, and if they're from nations with a lot of islamic terrorism or cartel violence, they must be vetted *very* carefully, always erring on the side of caution.

Hey there kike

Guess UK and US aren’t as cucked after all

I thought when the turks first came over they basically treated them like slaves. Do they feel guilt about that which is why you see this in films?

We're still better and whiter than Great Shitstain, though.

Fuck off. Cucked Germans did this to themselves because of their white guilt. Of course jews are the puppet masters here, but Germans let this happen. They know, more than anyone, how jews are and still they let them go their way.

The only german I regularly talk to is one step away from gassing the boat niggers himself, so I dunno.

Funny how Americans (the biggest jewcucks in history) destroyed the one ideology resisting international Jewry and then proceed to point their fat fingers at others while there kike overlords flood their ugly artificial nation with Mexicans and negroes. You will be the first to go down friendo

Like German women are some sort of prize