Name a worse youtube channel

name a worse youtube channel

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agreed. bunch of incoherent shit

I can't

It's self-aware satire

>it’s supposed to be shitty

>make joke videos
>autists on Sup Forums think the videos are serious

Is the entire channel self-aware? Because all it does is exploit the fact that movies are edited together from distinct takes in order to point out "muh continuity errors!" The channel actually hates movies.

>Black and White? What is this, the 1800s? *ding*
>Smoking indoors around kids, pretty sure that's a health hazard. *ding*
>Sexist much? *ding*

>it’s supposed to be sho

Why is Citizen Kane the greatest movie of all time that can do no wrong, reddit? I don't get it. It might have been revolutionary at its time or whatever by why masturbate over it so much? Seems to me like a way to signal you've got "good taste" without actually having any taste or knowing anything about movies.

why do you even watch YT channel

Jokes are suppose to be humorous, or at the very least witty.

I used to like it until I realized the public he has to cater for

His channel is full of sjw shit


Mine is probably worse
3 subs

I watch their videos on shitty movies I will never watch anyway, like all Transformers after 1

It's not the greatest movie of all time, and it can do plenty wrong. People love and respect it because it's innovative in multiple aspects of filmmaking.

red letter media

It's just not funny.

>Credit Sequence? *ding*
>Thing that isn't immediately explained after it happens or requires critical thinking to understand? *ding*
>Saying we created this channel to point out the flaws with modern hollywood then also say this is meant to be uncritical satire? *ding*

They say it’s satire, but Jeremy takes himself waaaaaay to fucking seriously.
>We’re white *ding*

Pretty much this

>Muh "retro" piles of old garbage

The view whores at Looper


sure buddy

I don't get the gripe with h3h3. I haven't seen a lot but it seems like fairly unoffensive, middle of the road commentary.

Lessons from the Screenplay is far worse

there's the problem, "commentary" and reaction channels were supposed to be dead, but h3h3 brought it all back and his 13 year old fanboys worship him like he's the messiah.

The Young T*rks

That's still a thing?

That's just what they say they are. If they get something wrong, they hide behind the "We did it purposefully wrong" excuse. It's pathetic.

Who is dick garfield?

Objectively worst youtube channel but I still watch every single video crew:

I absolutely love how butthurt Sup Forums gets at this channel

I can't. It is the worst. In fact if I had the time and patience I could probably get rich doing a movie sins sins channel. Because he always says shit that is wrong, stupid or things that lend me to believe he has autism. Maybe the last bit is a requirement for YouTube.


as a left wing guy, I try not to use the word cuck too often, but this fella is a complete cuck

Red Letter Media. Same unfunny shit as CinemaSins with couple valid points per video, like CinemaSins they could stick to the facts and few good jokes they come up with and make decent minute or two videos.


Pleb. His videos about new games are garbage, but retro stuff is pretty interesting.

Anything with a Furry persona as Youtube icon sends out a biiig red flag for me, no matter how valid their opinions might be.

Game Theory is pretty bad. I think he also does Film Theory.
At least the cinemasins gimmick was funny for a few months.

There is some autist on Youtube who makes long ass videos 'Everything Wrong With CinemaSins'. Nobody probably has time for that, but he makes good points about how they are bad and wrong.

They literally start the video about themselves saying "we're white" as if it were a sin. Fuck them.

>main character is a black bull
>-100 sins *reverse ding*

What movie is this?

Fuck you LGR is GOAT
this channel is so much worse, if you ignore the good editing that distracts you and just focus on what he's saying you'll see how full of shit it is

Jake and Logan Paul
Fine Bros
The Amazing Atheist

were they being sarcastic or just a cuck?

>black guy does something
>"holy shit this is so smart and awesome! I'll remove 3 sins for that!"

get out

>I could proclaim this nig movie the greatest film of all time but I'm a racist whitey so I'll say it's top 5

Get Out

>i can hide behind the satire card while also criticizing films and presenting my ideas

Sargon of akkad

>Guys who dont understand why people dont like h3h3.

I used to watch h3h3 a lot but he is very two faced. The logal paul tripe is a great example of this:
On videos he gives Paul massive amounts of shit because hes a naive teenage, and completely rips him apart.

When Paul goes on his podcast he acts all "human" with him and befriends him - thats fine hes human after all.

Next video h3h3 completely shits on him again.

What is it Ethan, you friends or not?

lol kys. ethan is based and paul is a loser lets get that straight. obviously if you see someone in person your going to be nicer to them arent you dick fuck?

Considering their target audience, probably just cuck.

No need to be rude user.


I don't like paul either you fucking idiot.

Why should you be nicer in person? Thats literally being two-faced.

Ethans two-faced and doesnt release good content.

The pauls are retarded teenages.

an hero nigger.


I don't even know who the fuck that is.

Not the person you responded to, but what does seeing someone in person have to do with anything? If you talk shit behind their back and act all nice when you have a talk with them, you're a spineless cunt with no integrity.

>Why should you be nicer in person? Thats literally being two-faced
call me a nigger in real life then you spastic cunt shit. oh no wait you wont cause your a massive pussy probs in your moms basement

sure nigger.

back to


Lowlife degenerate pandering to twelve year olds.

Screenjunkies is the worst of Them

>you're a spineless cunt with no integrity.
says the guy posting on Sup Forums

He gave him a ton shit during the live podcast too, to the point that it became awkward. Don't lie.

No. Channel awesome is.

Are you seriously equating an anonymous individual with H3H3, a highly known YTer?


Nah, he was buddy buddy the majority of the times.

H3h3 is a spineless Jew.

What is wrong with him?

the channel was ok when he talk just for 4 fucking min, no 20 min .

Game/film theory
I have no idea how anyone can watch that shit without feeling sick

Didn't he jump on the PewDiePie hate train, as well?

Nothing, his opinions are too safe and quite predictable, and he's your run of the mill blogger, who pretends to be reviewer. Also a typical manchild.

They're atrocious.

are you seriously a faggot?


They've openly contradicted these statements of "it's just a joke lol".
At the best, it's unfunny, but at the worst it's just hypocritical trash for them to jump back and forth on their shitty opinions.

You missed and are still missing the point, but I'm an even bigger retard for wasting time on someone who's here only for dick measurement.

i wouldnt let you touch my dick let alone measure it

yep, unfunny humor, self aware ironic "clickbait", uploads something every few hours and it's never good.
Painfully talentless kikes who don't understand humor that would appeal to anyone older than 10.
Eh, he's been a big part of internet culture and I sort of respect him, but none of his videos actually make me laugh. I watch them and enjoy some of them because it feels sort of like watching old tapes. It's got a heart to it but apart from that the humor is trash, and so is the fanbase
Their opinions are consistently trash, and when they do say something correct, it's usually for the wrong reason. Reddit tier.

jackie chan
Naw, I can't, it had a good idea of pointing out flaws but then it became ultra-nitpicking for "joek"

fucking everything

dumb cunt that likes entry level shit and thinks he's an enlightened genius, even though he barely understands half the movies he claims to like
has no sense of humour
has no skill
has an ugly face

>i hate everything thats popular
i bet your fun at parties

Come back when you have a point that actually manages to successfully defend one of those people, and doesn't rely on absolute assumptions + attempting to insult the person who made the opposing statement.

their all funny and based is my argument

pewdiepie has nice hair

>yo check out this pewdiepie meme everyone has been spamming
is much, much worse at parties.

>The channel actually hates movies.
nah thats Sup Forums

Yo wat up it's ya boy Ethan from h3h3 here with another cringe reaction video vape nation papa bless dude.

>We're not reviewers, we're assholes
>Sins are things you don't notice or will care to notice
>Just like in Catholicism, our sins can be very minor things
>We put our videos in the film and movies category because we've given our full allotment of fucks to people who don't understand satire
>Sup Forumsedditors still think the series is supposed to be held up alongside actual movie review shows
You know they do a podcast where the majority of "what we think about movies" discussion takes place, right?

Damn, Sup Forums will never recover from being truthbombed.