You and I are going to address that insult right now

>You and I are going to address that insult right now...

Mad Men thread!

Other urls found in this thread:

Grimey little pimp

Spotted the waspy beta bitch boy without a driver's licence.

Sup Forums is a Lane Pryce board

Belter scum

Now now, just hang on there a second!

Lane's superior taste in women makes him /ourguy/

That'll be enough of that.

Want me to take your teeth out and knock them out?



I finished it last night.

Wtf was the point of Sam and Peggy!?! They won’t be a good couple! She belongs with Pete!!!

Based Lane. Should have just asked Don the money ;_; ...

>alright ya old limey bastard

What the hell was his problem?

He was an alien

now seriously, that alien speech was Nobel tier

Leftism. Fucking hippies ruined everything man. I love that as Mad Men progresses were supposed to think things are getting better but in reality they keep getting worse.

>70s fashion: not even once

>the stars in the sky, the moon on high. They're great for you and me, because they're free!

Mad Men legit ruined moonlanding for me

mad men
u dumb

Signal 50 is definitley the best episode. I checked the writer and it says it's the only episode co-written by the director of Dog Day Afternoon. And he did some bland forgettable episode of good wife. Just luck I guess.

The fashion worn by the younger execs in the late seasons is pretty much 70s fashion. I know it's the late 60's but it was all downhill from there.


who gives a /fa/ck about the fashion

Lane killed himself the absolute mad man

Because now I associate it with Ultra-Based Cooper died, I honestly thought he would survive the show

>not wanting to look this based

It was just an example of the many ways in which the 70s was shit.

How far were Lane's death and Roger trying LSD? That was prime Mad Men.

Hmm didn’t know he was in it, what season does he appear?

60s was the beginning of the end anyway 50's was peak america/west

Season 3-5. Jared Harris is one of the most underated actors out there. His Moriarty was far superior to the one in Shitlock.

GOATest season and ending

100%, you’re the first person I’ve met online or irl to bring up Moriarty, he did a brilliant job.

>GOATest season and ending
Pretty much. S5 was perfect

so why did Stan go the Jim Morisson route


Did they?

You just know...

>ginsberg was ACTUALLY an alien
mad plot twist, ginsberg is taken by the mothership while in the mental hospital. he returns in 1979, and mad men 2 starts based around aliens.

Lane was so fucking annoyingly beta.

If season 5 was the goat which was the worst?
Personally, I don't think there are any bad episodes let alone a whole season.

>watching a show made by a literal rapist and with a lead that's a major asshole and a bully
>After graduation during 1989, Hamm enrolled at the University of Texas, where he was a member of the Upsilon Chapter of Sigma Nu fraternity. There, Hamm was arrested for participating with a violent hazing incident in November 1990. Mark Sanders was beaten with a paddle and a broom by other fraternity members, while Hamm was leading him with a hammer claw around Sander's testicles around the fraternity house; Sanders' clothes were also set afire. The incident resulted in the fraternity being shut down on campus. Hamm made a plea deal and completed probation under the terms of a deferred adjudication; the charges were dismissed during August 1995

>wallet in his back right pocket
confirmed lackin

he was too pure

leave the thread, pete, trudy is calling for you.

>50s was peak west

Really underrated actor.

The Guy Richie films massively overdo it on the CGI and action but the writing and characterisation is genuinely fantastic.

Harris far better captured the quiet calculated character of a sociopath who effortlessly blends in to high society than whatever the fuck kind of ambiguously gay turbo autist we got from the BBC.

user tell us your pitch

okay, it's for beer

and it's twins

......AND THE DARKIES ARE GAY! ! ! ! ! .....

Get the fuck out my office!

Our target audience here isn't beta males.
It's fragile men.

Alpro Soy Milk. Make it shrink with just a drink.

Do you think she still has fantasies about him?

Well all have our own story with Sup Forums.....

Second half of Season7 is 1970

The BBC Sherlock is literally tumblr. It’s not even worth discussion.


This is truly the GOAT ending

The one thing I don't like about The Crown is that they kill off George IV in the second episode, he was great as Bertie.

oh yeah spoilers

I don't know if it's as good but I really like the ending to season 6

It really speaks to me...

>it's a Sallys jailbait friends stay over episode.

Who was your favorite Sup Forums? Season 6 had like one every other episode.


>marries cute wife
>leaves old life behind
>makes a new corporation with Chads
>chads clearly don't feel really comfortable with him, but still need him anyway
>leaves wife
>fucks Playboy Bunny
>wife returns to him
>beats the shit out of Campbell
>almost makes Joan wet for him

He was a legend

I really liked the crazy violinist bitch who went to live in the East Village with a bunch of hippies

Shame it was a Playboy Baboon


and yet he still came off as a complete beta

Millenials will never understand

he literally could have asked don for money, but not, he embezzled and had to hang himself

>Mad Men in the 1980's
Fund it

kek, I keep forgetting about the YMS in the parking lot

He felt like he had to keep his pride, and he couldn't rely on Don again (considering all those last minute saves Don did). It's the same reason why he had a punch out with Pete. Also, the job itself was what kept him in the US, if he lost it he'd be fucked big time.

you don't understand what it's like to be a man if you don't understand how or why a man would do anything in his power not to ask another man to lend you money

let's make it happen

Sandy deserved better.

>When Betty finds out she sold her violin and has to give up searching for her.

The thought of her out there all alone in the cold trying to hitchhike across the country was genuinely unsettling.

I refer to this user hippies do indeed ruin everything.

>Opening scene shows that either Sally or Bobby have followed in their father's footsteps after a rebellious teen phase
>Hip to be square plays over montage

This little vixen was a personal fav.

That blonde girl at the boarding school was craving Glens dick.

Paranoid schizophrenia.

I liked season 6 the least. 3, 4 and 5 were the GOAT.

WTF were people thinking? Those drugs must have been stronger than anyone realised.

God I fucking hated Ginsberg, they picked the most obnoxious faggot. His choices in attire are another felony offense

>Pocket square completely out of place

Step it up.

He knew that computers will end up turning everyone gay.

>not knowing there's more than one kind of pocket square fold

You step it up.

I was referring to the colour. It's not referencing any of the other colours in his outfit. Unless there's red in the tie but then I blame the shitty quality of the image and my eyes.

Is this the most Anglo face in existence?

I can practically picture him sipping tea with a Raja in British India circa 1855

Seasons 4 and 6 desu

back then elvis married a 14 yr old. Good times.

He's right, though. Exposure to the internet gives everyone an attraction towards traps. It's an observable scientific fact.

WHO was best girl?

For me, it's Moira - Ted's secretary

Faye is my eternal waifu
but I also really loved Abigail Spencer as Sally's hot fucking teacher
and this bitch was my favorite secretary. Harry should have left his wife and married her

Well in that case I agree. Sorry for taking it the wrong way.

Probably an attempt to appear more hip on his part that backfired tbqh

>Abigail Spencer as Sally's hot fucking teacher

W...who would want to do a thing like that...


Hes usually great but he was absolute dogshit in Lincoln.

Hildy's boobs were marvelous.
