The Eternal Debate

Platinums, Blondes, Redheads or Brunettes Sup Forums?


Blonde > Red > Black > White

Anyone who disagrees is a pleb with shit taste who should neck himself.

Blond is king pleb you bimbo loving douche.

>this fucking aspect ratio
Are you retarded, op?

Red > White > Pitch Black > "Blonde"

Red is best.
Platinum/Blonde, overplayed but I feel a genetic responsibility to mate with one.
Brunette, enjoy your mustaches.

Fiery Red is truly the Patrician's Choice. Platinum is up there, but not quite. Shame that both of these don't really "exist" in real life...

Platinum is the True Patrician's taste. Everything else is just Plebian taste.

Blonde does it for me. Specifically blonde hair and blue eyes. Literal perfection.

I must admit, I've always had a weakness for raven-haired beauties.

Look, I can only speak as a heterosexual man but the ranking goes as this.

Blondes > Red Heads = Platinum > Black >>>>>>>>>> Brown

only tranny lovers like redheads

Magik makes me hnnnng every single time I see her. Russian Demon Girl = Insta-Boner

Just a same raven hair is far too uncommon, especially with white skin.

I think we can all agree brown is literally shit-tier as far as women go.

t.NEET who has never seen a true fiery beauty

eck eck eck

Magik is best girl, user. That is what best girls do to a man.

Patrician taste

Gentlemen prefer blondes

...But heroes want redheads

Red hair is cool, but way too many of my favorite characters have black hair for me to say otherwise.

Exactly user, exactly...



Only fags and racists want blondes because they cant handle the passion of a redhead.
Real men want redheads, cause they like the attitude. All others do not matter.

>Anka Carol

Shit taste desu.

I agree on the redhead part, but... what the hell do the other things have to do with blondes?!

>being this much of a faggot

Hitler's Aryan dream user.

Racist faggot detected.

All Carols are worth appreciating user.


>liking a type of woman now makes you racist
If it offends you so much, go back to plebbit.


Every redhead I've known has been a suicidal drama whore.

Black can be godtier in specific conditions and styles, though the overall design always matters.

It's all good so long as they have tits and ass.

It all depends on the woman.
But something about a dark haired woman.
Maybe it's oedipal

Then red second

>this image
Absolute best taste.

What is the best eye color? I vote gold.

In women? Emerald Green or Sky Blue.

Jet black and voluminous.



That's black you stupid fuck
