Was it kino?

Was it kino?

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essential soycore

No shit
Only literal soys don’t realise it’s taking a shot at them, nice IMAX levels of projection tho kiddo

Apex soy. desu

nice soyspeak there

Soyboys are into lowbrow fun flicks and manchild toys. This movie is far too complex for a common soyboy's taste.

Also Philip Seymour Hoffman is like an anti-thesis to a soyboy lifestyle.

>dude life sucks lol

t. unaware soyboy

I felt like this was definitely a great movie but at the same time I definitely didn't enjoy watching it.

>stuttering greetext quotation
I can smell the estrogen from here kiddo. If I ever met you in real life you can be sure the first thing I would do is put you in a dress and fuck the living daylights out of you


are you telling me kaufman isnt a soyboy

hot garbage

This is the perfect film for hipster who want to sniff out great works of cinematic art like pigs sniffing for truffles but you stop caring about these things at a certain age.

Charlie Kaufman is incredibly un-fun. A brilliant mind wasted on a dour personality.

Friendly reminder that traps are in fact gay

this board is the worst

Soyboys enjoy capeshit, Starwars and Nintendo switch. Seeneckdohkee isn't anything like that.
I don't really understand why people hate that movie so much I didn't find it pretentious at all, it's pretty funny

Cool it with the tofu salads faggot, I don't know if you noticed but you just shared your homoerotic fantasy with everyone reading this thread


This. Soy boys are too idiots for this kino

It doesn’t qualify as gay when the bitch I’ve bent over my dick is one soy latte away from lactation

>I know how to do it now. There are nearly thirteen million people in the world. None of those people is an extra. They're all the leads of their own stories. They have to be given their due.

I don't think so. One of the defining traits of a "soyboy" is an apparent lack of self-awareness. They shamelessly revel in their childish, un-masculine interests and lifestyle. Kaufman is shame and self-loathing incarnate


best scene youtube.com/watch?v=Z9PzSNy3xj0

>tfw both him and PSH are dead now

The entire monologue was also written like one day before

Absolute kinography

Absolute kino. Don't let people soy meme you out of watching it

They just didn't understand it

Garbage. Of course Roger Ebert liked it.

one of the best monologues in recent cinema

bunch of ironic postmodern smug bullshit. i saw someone describe it as a maximalist film. it is a fucking minimalist film. once scene is just michelle williams looking sad and saying "I used to be a baby", and people eat that shit up like it's good writing. saying "i used to be a baby" is not exploring any kind of theme, it's just mentioning a theme and watching it zoom on by with no exploration.
so much human depth and experience in eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, and the exact opposite in synecdoche. where did kaufman's humanity go?
(only being semi-serious here)

Shame the message is garbled

Eternal Sunshine is borderline unwatchable. Insipid dreck.

Maybe if you've never known love

It's smug, but self aware of it's smugness, but offers us that the only answer is that you can be self-aware of your smugness but can't do much about it which is in itself the answer, but also not an answer.

Both the main characters were unlikable simpletons, sorry.

michelle williams was never a baby. she popped out as a full-grown disgusting bitch.

They're relatable though

You're an unlikable simpleton too...

You must have related to them then

yfw you realize the old guy was the director of the play one level up from PSH

that doesn't make sense

> the absolute state of Sup Forums

Nice dubs though

It wiz good but overly depressing

No, just another pretentious work of cheep pessimism and empty existentialism. Basically rick and morty minus the comedy.

... have you seen anomalisa?