Why is Makashi so fucking cool-looking?

Why is Makashi so fucking cool-looking?

Lightsaber forms thread.

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The Get'adubs form is the strongest.

Didn't work for me.

Enough with this wookipedia fanfic bullshit. There's no such thing as different forms. It's just autists watching the fights trying to see something that isn't there.

Check Wookiepedia again, there's canon accounts of the pre-canon styles. Quit being a wet blanket.

Also, Makashi is good, but Soresu a best.

It did for me, though.

>using anything other than based Trakata
Lightsabers aren't swords you dummies. So stop using them like one

its the patrician form, doesnt waste time with uncivilized blaster opponents and focuses against only the most worthy

No it didn't.

Because it's ancient force tech max damage that they have.

I enjoy that it's so stylish that you even salute your opponent with the lightsaber before you fight them.


No need to quote your own post kid. We don't care.

>knowing and actually having opinions on this


Is Dooku the biggest pleb filter?

am I getting blind or am I seeing a curved lightsaber?

dookus lightsaber design the the most aesthetic by far, no one can debate me on this.

Shut up kid.


Dooku's lightsaber is curved to better facilitate lunges/slashes, i.e. real-world fencing techniques that the Makashi form is based on. Basically, if you know fencing, you know Makashi.

uhm sweetie... it just needed to power up




Fancy fencing

He didn't really end up following the one-hand rule though because I've seen him use two hands on multiple occasions. Though it may have just been to guard.

We don't care so much that we post in your thread.

Did you intend to BTFO yourself? Because you did.

>why do you care about this stuff lmao just enjoy the cgi guys haha just eat some nachos and relax xddd
fucking hate young """people"""

Is it made out of BBC?

What the fuck is makashi?


I prefer the che'kem form, much more effective

He is a classically trained actor, meaning he has studied fencing and knows how to hold a sword. Really nothing more to it.

He's also killed Nazis.


Nah, that Get'afive.

It has lots of spinning. That's a good trick.

This is the most embarrassing series of get attempts I have ever witnessed.

>he can't pull a five

you couldn't even pull a real number

What's the name of the form that lets me spin around like a bullet and scream like an autist?

I hope you're a troll, nobody can be as stupid as you're.

Wow, you just keep BTFOing yourself.

nah chekemdubs

Sheev's unique form, A'Tis Em

at least post webms or gif to show us the technique


Here you go.

Soresu's for betas. Ataru's for alphas. But seriously, with Soresu all you do is turtle up and hope your opponent makes a mistake.

It's the most elegant and duel-centric form, which is also why it's never used because it's useless against blasters.

What is the most uncivilized and random form?

Darth Maul's?
definitely sequels


>as stupid as you're
not sure if english isnt ur first language or if ur american

It looks like you tried to learn this power from a jedi


Except his fight scenes were all filmed with a stand-in who also played Mace Windu and General Grievous

>that stance
>that unique lightsaber
>played by Christopher Lee
>badass cape
more like Count Kino

>ywn see a japanese choreographed light saber duel

I really don't understand why JJ didn't do this. You could've given Rey a trainer on Jakku who teaches her the equivalent of galactic kendo, and then put her against Kylo Ren's sloppy old school Star Wars fencing.

Then it explains how she beats him without making her a Mary Sue.