‘Invisible Man’ Loses Writer, Universal’s Dark Universe Continues to Implode

>The most recent blow to the slowly lumbering franchise comes from the writer of the planned The Invisible Man film starring Johnny Depp. Ed Solomon (Men in Black, Now You See Me), who had been attached to the project for nearly two years, has officially parted ways with the movie.

>“At the end of the day, I think Universal and I had a different idea of what the movie was gonna be. We began thinking that our notions would meld, and I should’ve listened more closely to what they really were wanting. I think Universal has had to come to a kind of reckoning of, ‘What are we doing with the Dark Universe?’ and, ‘What is our real intention with it?’, and I think they’re reconfiguring it now, which I think is probably good. So I’m not working on it.”


Kek, how you want your Universe senpai?

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That is one badass group of actors. It's a shame their movies have been getting messed up

>Men in Black, Now You See Me
It's for the best.

they should make a sofia boutella solo movie mmm

Bad idea from the start

>loses writer
So there is still something going on?

>dark Just

Oh no not the DUCU!

What's the endgoal here, remake the extraordinary gentlemen?


This was supposed to be the testosteroneverse. Now it's sterile

damn i wanted the sequal for the Sean Connery one for so long

Johnny would be more suited as Dorian Gray though

The first one was why he fucking quit acting. Anyone expecting a sequel was delusional.

Sofia is so beautiful there.

Why does it even matter who plays the invisible man anyway? You wouldn't even see him for most of the movie

They just tried to rush it too much, they were obviously looking too far ahead to a crossover movie and thought hiring cheap retards to produce the solo movies and get them out of the way would work for them. It's kinda funny how Hollywood is slowly killing itself.

exactly so why not better utilise Johnny for Dorian instead since im sure he can act and match his charisma
if they ever go for making another Dorian anyway

>Star Wars kicks out a director, hires acting coaches, delays trailers
Thats a good thing!
>other cinematic universe loses one guy
I hate how up Disney's ass entertainment media is.

Go DARK UNIVERSE! Don't give up!

and yet DC just keeps going

I thought it was scrapped?


They went through the whole spectacle of announcing it, doing photo shoots with the big name actors, doing interviews about it and all this shit. It would be to embarrassing to pull the plug completely PR wise. So they will just stall on it and move along at a snails pace in development hell. That way they can always say they are taking their time working on it when asked

oh wow , losing a writer, how will they ever recover

the idea had potential, but i seriously doubt it's going to be a success on any level whatsoever.

Unironically they literally wont. This is just another blow to a dead horse.

Hey, weren’t the same sources saying the whole universe was canceled just a few months back? It’s almost like someone’s trying to poison the well or something. Surely no one would do a thing like that though, right?