'Ewan McGregor you're f***ing dead': star threatened by Instagram account under name of Mary Elizabeth Winstead's...

>'Ewan McGregor you're f***ing dead': star threatened by Instagram account under name of Mary Elizabeth Winstead's husband


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Call me a cuck eh? Fuck the woman of my dreams? You're fucking dead

Well, If Ewan has the high ground, that guy is FUCKED

call me a cuck, will ya?

>The now deleted post reads: "Call me a cuck, will ya? Laugh at me, will ya?"

>"F*** the woman of my dreams behind my back, will ya? @mewins @mscregor_ewan You're F***ING dead..."

>The word 'cuck' refers to 'cuckold' which means the husband of an adulteress.


>Your new wife?

how did the porno murder thing come about, were these just the ones who died so far this year anways?

Is this a meme or real?

>how did the porno murder thing come about
He started killing em



Holy fuck it's real

why isn't this getting more attention?

>kind of bored with my old girlfriend
>better go steal someones wife

Holy shit that site is fucking awful, who the fuck would design something so shit and clunky

web 2.0 was a mistake desu

>unironically linking the mirror

literally the worst tabloid rubbish in the UK

>call me a cuck, will ya?

Posting without archiving should be bannable, stop giving these fucks clicks


Why are british tabloids so fucking awful, every time I see a co.uk domain posted I always have to check to see if it's actually true

So this was a Sup Forums poster right?

Nobody outside of Sup Forums knows who Riley Stearns is so yes

that website just gave me eye cancer

>Sup Forums uses british tabloids as their "source" of information
>meanwhile those same tabloids use fake screenshots made by Sup Forums as their "source" of information

it's hilarious honestly.

It's been in print Riley

Own up

>starts babbling and ranting about Sup Forums with no provication
>meanwhile the daily mirror is a left wing toerag read solely by crusty soyboys and pakis

makes you think mate

I browse Sup Forums all day every day, why have I never seen this before, even in MEW threads??

So he's so enraged he goes and murders... porn stars

Would love to see MEW get in a fight with Ewan's daughters, I bet she could take them all out simultaneously. MEW is 5'10, athletic and has impressive muscle mass. She could pin them all without breaking sweat

You don't know the half of it

>kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill

yes and their mom too

From personal experience I can tell you girls around that height are really pliant. It's the petite ones that are scrappy.

this is hilarious

If he dies does that mean no trainspotting 3?

>its a "capeshitter wants a pointless crappy sequel just like in his capeshits" episode

>fucked Mew during her prime years
>she "dumps" him when shes about to hit the wall
>probably wont even be a ugly divorce since no kids and shes more famous than him

how is her husband the loser in this i really dont get it

cause he still loves her

that will pass eventually with him having come out on top

The book comes out in march senpai, apparently one of the main four dies D:


>Call me a cuck, will ya?
Well you are a cuck by definition.

Yes, he will realize he lucked out.

>how is her husband the loser in this i really dont get it
What the fuck. The guy is fucking crazy for her. Now she's a cum dumpster for a guy with a bigger paycheck.

getting cheated on is not being a cuck
enjoying being cheated on is a cuck

Not true at all, cuckoldry is when your wife fucks someone else, whether you enjoyed it or even knew about it is irrelevant. The moment a cock that doesn't belong to you enters your wife you have become a cuckold.

Srsly tho, I wish people did kill porn performers

that's false

You're still a stick wheter you enjoy it or not. The term comes from a bird. We both know birds don't "enjoy" things because they are animals and animals have no soul or brain. So wheather you enjoy It or not is irrelevant. If you're wife cheats on you're self then you're a cuck.

nuff said.

This is accurate. The entire thing sounds like a greek tragedy. Must be method actors studying up for something. Probably not the first time this guy got cucked though.

It isn't.

>the husband of an adulteress, often regarded as an object of derision.

Just because the word is also applied to the fetish doesn't mean that is the only meaning of the word.

I hope it is Renton so it finishes once and for all

I'm tired of waiting...

almost feel for the guy. not like he had much of a chance being the little faggot he is and going up against millionaire A-list actor chad. still, he got what he deserved for being such a faggot. i bet the guy couldnt even beat ewan mcgregor in a bar fight, he looks about as tough as a 8 y old in a wheelchair

triggered Sup Forumsbabby detected lmao

you sound more triggered than him tbqh senpai

he is pretty lucky that a girl like MEW even talked to him let alone marry him. He is really unattractive.
there is no way he thought it would last

>than him
Obvious samefag is obvious

was it then him?
sorry not English native nor do I 'samefag'. tbqh

this fucking soyboy is gonna either pussy out or try and fuck it up by the looks of him.