why do they make this face?

>the sneed mouth

>the gigamouth
I thought he was a legend

>jaws made for biting curbs
it seems like evolution had a plan after all

I can smell his breath from over here

So they can ingest as much semen as possible.
Kinda like some snakes can dislocate their jaw to swallow prey that's normally too big for thir mouth.


oh my god a soyomorph


Just shoop a smaller one coming out of its mouth.



>Strawmanning; the thread
Grow the fuck up OP and cultivate some tastes.


Okay first google what a strawman is and then don't ever reply to this thread again.

El brittano...

By tastes you mean Star Wars and similar pleb shit?


Yeah, it is the pic itself. Idiot.

Here's my second post in this thread buddy ;>)

Star Wars has been one of the single most successful and complex story arcs ever created in addition to it's theatrical effects quality. It is the 21st century equivalent of the Sistine Chapel.

Star wars is literally garbage. Empire strikes back was good but the entire rest of everything should be thrown in the DUMPSTER.

You are telling 12yo memers to "grow up"

nah, every OT movie is at least good
the prequels and nu-wars are complete shite tho

Guy on the bottom left is ready for the Brrrraaaaappppp.

nah, even the first one is pretty bad if you remove the nostalgia goggles.

>Adults with yellow teeth

Why? How? If you brush twice a day your teeth shouldn't be yellow!

The grimace scale (GS), sometimes called the grimace score, is a method of assessing the occurrence or severity of pain experienced by non-human animals according to objective and blinded scoring of facial expressions, as is done routinely for the measurement of pain in non-verbal humans.

what kind of music does nu-males listen to?

How could someone with such poor dental hygiene allow that picture to be taken?


>cultivating a taste
>meaning learning to appreciate a global marketing machine known as Star Wars?

Should I learn to appreciate cuisine because I don't enjoy McDonalds?

it's always white men


it's not white genocide. it's white suicide. don't blame "jews" or "niggers". you made a choice. now live with it white "men"

>induce vomiting
>clean it up
unlimited beef jerky


If the third portion of the ceiling was painted by a SJW hack cunt, maybe.

It's from tea or coffee drinking



Why do you fags ask this question every single fucking thread


>snakes dislocate their jaw
Brainlet alert

is this making fun of anti trump spammers or pro trump people

The Interview With A Vampire movie was more complex than the entire Star Wars series. So, no.
Shit, even Spectre was more complex than the entire Star Wars series.

pls don't be real

Does it really matter anymore?

What has been seen cannot be unseen.

So Sup Forums,what's worse? A nagging wife who does things for you only when you do her task list or a deadbeat father who needs rewards to do normal parent stuff?

Honestly, they are all good.
What gets me is that people are holding them up to the expectations of some great cinema / literature masterpiece and that's not the point. The point is to just have fun. If there's some kind of Joseph Campbell hero arc imbedded within, well, all the better. Just roll with it.

Neutral milk hotel

I thought this was some gay twink with a daddy fetish roleplay chart at first, now it's even more sad

>Dude, just turn your brain off lol

Incredibly low self esteem

You got scientific and it all snapped into focus.

>I'm on so many levels of ironic contrarianism that when someone asks me to do something I do it to spite other contrarians


I don't even see the point, there will always be that one time she'll just pull the "not in the mood, oh you have a coupon? Oh grow the fuck up, I'm not your slave."



Gee maybe because they're excited?

>the soy boy horror movie




>Not physically assaulting your wife on the daily


You're right.
To bed, I go, with a bottle of wine...
>Thanks for reminding me; for a second, I forgot where I was.


There is no such thing as a getout of the dog house card. if someone is angry with you giving them a card won't stop it.

Outside of being pathetic only the beer one is guaranteed and a real man would just buy it if they want it.

>implying there will always be a one time there's a she


Mac Demarco

...... Nu-Metal

"Jews are white" - Mike Stoklasa

Which creepypasta is this?

>trumps own soyboys don't know how to iron


get this chuckhead outta here

>zug zug

fucking kek

All that's happening is our worst is breeding with your worst

Why does a parent even need to go to a birthday party? Just drop them off and pick them up when it's over.

>ruh oh


Lol this is super stale pasta.

Fuck off nigger

I agree, neocons are shit. Imperium still the best.

>being excited
>performing & exaggerating your excitement for Facebook photos
They are male women

Several possible reasons.
>making a stupid face on purpose which gives him an excuse for looking like a retard because the soyboy is aware of his terrible looks and wants to hide it
>effeminate "men" imitating typical female behavior and faces in selfies
>trying to look excited and happy to hide the fact that they are soulless bugmen and empty inside, "look how much fun I'm having!"
>fear grimace / trying to make themselves look submissive and harmless

>They added this specimen and Admiral Tumblr to the game before Old Luke, Snoke and the Praetorian Guards, Jango Fett, and Padme

Hell, I'd take that old crackhead Leia over this.

Iron Maiden

>beef jerky

they were made for each other
let them suffer

I unironically find the soymale memes hilarious.

I haven’t played in 2 years and STILL no episode II Padma!? Fuck EA!

Honestly this episode was just painful to watch.



well at least their children have a shot at having normal teeth

Really? That's what bothers you about that? Sounds like you'd be okay with the game if only she played fairly please let me use my coupon. How beta are you?

What's going on in the second picture?

>still having metal fillings

I hope you guys don't do this, my dentist replace my metallic fillings years ago. They contain mercury and will cause problems down the line.

They're mimicking chicks
Why? Various reasons, none of which you need to taint your mind with