ITT Your favorite Star Wars side characters

>Sexy Russian accent
>Bounty hunter
>Fist fought Darth Maul on equal grounds until he used the force

You have good taste user. More girls need horns.

Jolee Bindo

Senile nigger
Canderous is the best, based character plus great side stories.

Kyle Katarn.

>Side character
You'd better be joking.

He was a cool guy.

Did all of them survive the battle?

>Isn't canon in Legends
>Isn't canon in Canon
>Exists in the weird slip space reality that is the original Clone Wars cartoon and nothing else

Truly the greatest tragedy of Star Wars.
I think a couple of clones died in Muunlinst, but Fordo and most of his team lived through that and Hypori.

I'm sorry, user.

Didn’t Fordo switch teams when he went to Hypori? All the clone he went with to Hypori were ARC and blue.


You can have her, I'll stick to my space lesbians

Kanan Jarrus is perfect

High-quality choice, friend.

I wonder what happened to him. Would be great if he lived a few more years and went out in a great duel vs Anakin.

What's your favourite Kyle Katarn Jedi Outcast moment?
Was it when he as an old man cut himself off from the force and refused to have anything to do with the Jedi?
Or when he realised that he couldn't escape his destiny and regains his force powers to go correct his mistakes?
Or when the bad guys had a ship larger than a super star destroyer that he had to blow up?
Or when he jumped down a hole in the Jedi Temple and came face to face with a mirror reflection of himself?
Or when a character used the force to project an extra image of himself in order to trick the person trying to fight him?
My word, if The Last Jedi didn't straight up steal those ideas, there's quite a few coincidences there.


what's with the antenna tho

>Master Kenobi, I'm ARC