Your dole dippers, madam

your dole dippers, madam

what race is he




A dole dipper you say? Dont mind if i do...

but he has an english accent?

umm, no sweetie...

um yes, i've watched the ad like a thousand times. i know more about dole dippers lore than you know about anything.

listen here you little bitch. If anyone’s gonna know about dole dippers then it’s gonna be me so don’t try and pretend like you know about dole dippers.


t. baboon

Your sneed dippers, chuckdame

pleas stop this bullying

no more sneed in this thread please ok thank you

yeah but hes black

Your Mcdoubles, madam.

I thought we were having sneemed clams?

sneemed hams, formerly chucked clams

for me it's the McChicken


So does Louis Theroux

based dole dippers poster. based!

are you implying the (((dole dippers penguin))) is jewish?

Goyim dippers

Someone post the Skoal dip webm edit from /gif/

Your feed & seed, sneed

>tfw you got banned for three days for starting a dole dippers thread.