Tfw no cute paki gf

>tfw no cute paki gf

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Try not living out in the boonies you hick.



Inflates herself, just like a balloon









>tfw no Kamala clone army to harem



Technically not paki, but any news on when this is finally coming out?

I would love to see character become one of those ex-muslims like Aayan Hirsi Ali, basically realise it's stone age barbarism.



I don't want Kamala to become a slut, but I want her constantly thrust into slightly embarrassing sexual situations.





Why would you want a British gf?



>when does she convert out of Islam?


You have no idea how lucky you are. Pakis are fucking shit.








>having rubber body powers means she's never going to be tight
>being a muslim means she's probably a virgin and has no sex skills
>she's only going to put out if you convert and marry her

I was just reading an article about Atheists in Pakistan, and man am I glad to live in the first world where I don't have to worry about being blackbagged and torture because I don't agree with a 1400 year old warlord pedophile's teachings.


I like Kamala when she's a nerdy fangirl instead of a political mouthpiece

I can't even tell you how much I want a dark-skinned girlfriend.

The contrast in color is just so amazing.

t. indian

Calm down, we can solve this with lesbians.

>not tight're aware elasticity is BECAUSE of resistance right?


>Kamala will never smooch you.

Careful user, you'll trigger the mudslimes here

>Rubber body powers means not tight
It means she'd make her self tighter
Elasticity is a result of the resistance of a substance
So she'd only be tighter

>Girl beating up men
Never, the whole studio was beheaded for being guilty of haram

Why are there no Arabic Christians in comics? They're the more persecuted group so reasonably they'd be the ones who earn more brownie points.

I want to corrupt her away from her holy crusade and into a life of debauchery and sin.

>inb4 honor kill


Does Kamala support Sharia law?

Reminder that Pakis are inbred pedophiles


and cute

go away india

Isn't there major concern in the UK at the moment about how inbred the Pakistani communities are getting?

I live in the UK and I can honestly say I have never heard anyone say anything like that.

though I do live in the north west, there are less of them here


Only one study, but since it's a cultural issue, it's probably more prevalent than one would hope.

Can we just have one Kamala fap thread without talking about Islam?

>I live in the UK and I can honestly say I have never heard anyone say anything like that.

A UK citizen uniformed about Muslims? Get out of town!

They're inbred to a comical degree.

>oh noes we should just DNA test instead of not fucking our cousins

I Jihad u

Pewbutt a best

>Character's religious identity is a core part of her personality
>She never critically confronts what Islam means in the real world context or in the fictional context of the Marvel Universe where Thor is on the Avengers and Muhammed's feats pale in comparison to most mutants. Her identity as an Inhuman is never critically examined in an Islamic context where humans are supposed to be created by god not alien geneticists
>She's the most transparent attempt at a "I'm just an average cute muslim girl next door" character I have ever seen
>Bastille Day is tomorrow and odds are people in France are going to die.

No we fucking can't talk about Kamala without talking about Islam because her Islamic identity is something the writers bring out for diversity points without actually talking about what it means to be Muslim and believe in Islam.

And that "please don't look at the theology look a the cute girl instead" bullshit is KILLING PEOPLE IN FRANCE.

Don't worry frog, maybe if enough people die this time they won't be able to blame it on islamophobia

>Her identity as an Inhuman is never critically examined in an Islamic context where humans are supposed to be created by god not alien geneticists
Yes yes and Nightcrawler a devoted Catholic who never questions things either

Nightcrawler has a crisis of faith every other year.

I can't wait for people to make another KAMALA IS CUTE! CUTE! POST KAMALA thread tomorrow while the French are still hosing off the streets.

Has Kamala ever stated whether or not she believes in a literal interpretation of the Quran? I bet the writers don't have the guts to have her say she doesn't.

People are dying in Europe and Marvel doesn't have the balls to have their Muslim mouth piece say "that's wrong. I condemn a literal interpretation of the Quran."

>Never questions things either

Probably because Catholics don't drive trucks of peace into Mecca user. And probably because he and Rahne have talked about being Christian in the context of being mutants back in New Mutants. And probably because he has a crisis of faith every 2 years or so.

Also him becoming a priest and the Purifier arc you filthy casual.

>>Bastille Day is tomorrow and odds are people in France are going to die.

Just the price we have to pay to live in a vibrant and diverse society.

>Probably because Catholics don't drive trucks of peace into Mecca user
And what does that have to do with
>Her identity as an Inhuman is never critically examined in an Islamic context where humans are supposed to be created by god not alien geneticists
In case you still dont get it then let me rewrite that for you
>His identity as an mutant is never critically examined in an Christians context where humans are supposed to be created by god not alien geneticists

>I want to corrupt her away from her holy crusade and into a life of debauchery and sin.
You are a man of taste, as long as we don't go full Emergence into that corruption.

Reminder that diversity is a hindrance we tolerate to avoid compromising liberty.

If she's a Paki why isn't she hairy and ugly? I'll give them credit for her giant nose though.

>Protestant Christian in Marvel

-Beaten and abused by her priest father

-Grows up with huge self esteem and body image issues thinking she's some sort of demonic freak

-Has to struggle to befriend Nightcrawler who looks like a demon and MAGIK THE ACTUAL HALF DEMON SORCERESS WHO RULES A DIMENSION OF LITERAL DEMONS

-Gets called out by her friends for not getting along with Illyana.

-Has the "I'm a believer too but I don't believe all the things in the Bible" talk with Sam.

-Goes to Asgard and has a crisis of faith during that.

-Eventually gets over herself, rejects the faith of her father and believes in her own interpretation of the Bible that accepts freaks like Illyana. Also rejects her religious ban against sleeping around and has pups with an Asgardian wolf god.


Read God Loves Man Kills you fucking casual. Nightcrawler and others HAVE dealt with having religion in a comic book universe.

Oh no. They're CUTE.

>Kamala will never meet Illyana and go AYA! GENIE WITCH LADY!

>Kamala will never be abused by her parents

>Kamala will never be told to get over her religious intolerance by her friends

>Kamala will never be told that her religious indoctrination has given her huge self-esteem issues

They shouldn't have got a muslim to write her. Muslims are incapable of the same kind of critical self reflection other religions are.

Yeah, no. Her Ammi would tell her what for. That thing is completely unwashable and her little beta will not save the world in dirty costumes!

It's iron age barbarism, though.

Oh dear god that would be so based.

Marvel would never do it though. Maybe a few decades down the line when Kamala is a forgotten D-lister and Europe is a smoking crater some writer will take her out of the toybox of forgotten characters and make her an ex-muslim.

I just hope I live long enough to see it. Having Kamala become a critical reflection of current Marvel's softballing of Muslims years down the line would be so, so sweet.

Pick one

It's a sale thing. Gotta get them before the Brexit shenanigans see them all tossed across the Channel in exchange for Polish farm hands and butchers.

>Also rejects her religious ban against sleeping around
That's not how it works
>Muslims are incapable of the same kind of critical self reflection other religions are.
Why don't you go watch the God's not dead movies.

Because the left hates Christians and cant' imagine them as an oppressed minority.

And because Kamala's writer is a Muslim who would revert to her Terminator programming and would likely try to assassinate whoever wrote in the Arabic Christian.

Bullshit. She knows that animé and scoffs at it.

Still violent, atavistic horseshit though.

t. Ireland

You can solve everything with lesbians. Except spousal abuse statistics among lesbians.
Those can only be improved by venting frustrations in consensual oil wrestling matches.

>That's not how it works
>Literally tells her father "that's not how MY Christianity works"
>Literally has a talk with Sam about accepting things like Nightcrawler and Illyana even when the Bible condemns witches and demons

It IS how it works.

>W-Why don't you watch God's not dead?

Why don't you read up on the humanistic transformation and critical self examination Christianity underwent CENTURIES ago?

Or why don't you point to all the Unitarian churches in Mecca user?

Because you know those Westboro Baptist Church guys? The most hated family in America guys?

They never killed anyone.

>Or why don't you point to all the Unitarian churches in Mecca user?
Right after you point to all the Mosques in the Vatican.

>God's not dead

So how many people have Kevin Sorbo and Sabrina the Teenage Witch killed user?

What is the Mosque of Rome?

>Inb4 "Well that's not TECHNICALLY WITHIN the Vatican city"

well their own careers for starters.

You know what he means you stupid apologist.

People in Rome aren't trying to exterminate Muslims. People in Pakistan ARE trying to exterminate all Christians.

No one is holding their breath praying please please please don't let the Catholics kill people on Bastille day.

Trying to equate Islam with other religions and call a push is bullshit. And you know its bullshit.

Why are you defending Islam?

Only keen on Kamala if I can pressure her into haram behavior and eventual apostasy.

Then keep looking