What went wrong?

She used to be pretty.

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This may answer a question I've had for a long time:
>do ugly women become feminists because they are ugly? or do women who are feminists become ugly because they are feminists?

>She used to be pretty.
Get some taste.

They stop doing things to please men. Clothing, makeup, facial expressions, posture, etc.


No. She used to be hot, now she's not. She was never pretty.

She still is gayboy. She would be top tier if she let her hair grow out again.

early/mid-'00s Scarlett was hot as fuck

Yeah she was pretty back in the day. Early/Mid 1970’s Hillary was hot as fuck

her sugar daddy lost his power.

It's almost like personality is a big part of attraction

Why do these stupid cunts always go with the lesbian gym teacher hair style?

Feminists want to be men.

She protects pedos dude

>russia posting on a Sunday morning

Have you checked out the pizza joint yet?


just love saying scarjo..

I should have sexually harassed her on an elevator on 42nd street.

Both, feminism was created by east coast old ugly jewish women without kids or husbands
Ugly women who used to become nuns then became feminist and thanks to the media they tried to convince beautiful women to become ugly like them


jew genes

Your definition of pretty is skewed.

>They offer you the role of Hillary Clinton on her biopic as she gets to be the President of United States
>Prepare for the role
>Trump Wins, no more Hillary biopic on schedule

Is there a correlation between how much you respect a woman and how attractive they look? I could never trust a woman that is ugly or is dyke looking. Just seems they are going to say something really stupid or openly political with no reason for it.

Despite what feminists want you to believe, women and men are fundamentally different.

Men that were actions tarts 20 years ago, can still do it now.

Women who were sex symbols 2 years ago, aren't anymore.

Thats life. Women age like warm cheese. They have a short span of 10 years tops from 16 to 26 where they look incredibly. Then its all downhill. If you add partying, cocaine, giving birth to the mix, you can half that to 5 good years. Just think about it. How quickly these women get replaced by newer and hotter fresh meat.

Furthermore, women cannot psychologically process the entire up and down of their sexual power. They go from "it-girl" to literal "who gives a shit" within a year. That messes with women's heads. ScarJo was arguably the most famous "sex symbol" (she wasn't the most attractive woman, but she was definitely the most famous) and now her looks are clearly starting to fade, which also makes her aware of studios showing less interest in her being the romantic lead. Ofcourse this also has to do with her incredibly inflated salary. At some point she's easier to replace with a hot new piece of ass.

Now she's starting to realize that and look at her. She starts getting political. She starts getting opinionated. She's starts showing signs of bitterness and frustration. She went through celebrity boyfriends (Arguably the hottest men on earth) and those same men are settling with much younger women to start families, while she is stuck being a "strong" woman without kids.

She will nosedive into depression very very soon. Once Avengers is over.

Women, unlike men, age like shit.

Not making babies with deadpool
divorcing twice
playing the victim and praising working moms (moms should stay home with the kids, not jetsetting around the world to make shitty movies)
kike blood

I'd rather believe an ugly woman, because there is slight chance that she had to put a speck of effort in her life.

The former. Notice how she didn't start talking about this feminism shit until she ran into the brick wall that is white female aging.

It's pretty hypocritical too since she "got hers" through being a massive whore but she'd prefer that this avenue wasn't open to the current generation of hot sluts.

i always thought her lips were weird