ITT: movies where the bad guy wins at the end

ITT: movies where the bad guy wins at the end

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more like movies that are bad. What the fuck Joachim


I liked it.
A nice little witch movie with an ultra QT witch.


Agreed, feel like I’m the only one who thought it was boring as fuck

Weirdly, It's a wonderful life.

alien covenant

stop watching movies with your dick

Most Korean thriller/horror films imo

Also, Se7en.

but Hitler lost


No Country for Old Men


>attack everyone

le ebin guud guiiii ammiright guiz xd

shouldn't austria be on the right if we follow this image's logic?

no cause I'm Austrian and that would offend me

Didn’t the bad guy win in Twelve Monkeys also, or am I misremembering?

You gave us Hitler.

We also gave the world culture, music, art and sciences

and quality cuisine

and terminator

Does it count as the bad guy if they're the protagonist.

Tricky, there was no good guys in WWII.

>attack everyone
Learn what caused ww2:

t. I lern muh herstury frum yewtub XD

Amerimutts pls lve

Just fyi, typing like a retard doesn't mean you win the argument. It only makes everyone think that you're a fucking retard.

t. triggered 56%er

This is one of the few films I can think of where the bad guy absolutely wins over the good guy, and both are pretty unambiguously bad and good. In stuff like Watchmen you could say that the bad guy won, but Ozymandias was, in his mind, acting for the greater good (and it could be said that his plan worked out for the best). In No Country for Old Men, Llewelyn isn't exactly a good guy and brings everything down upon himself by running off with the money, etc.

t. nigger.

Name one (1) real life bad guy who didn't think he was doing it for the greater good.

Yeah but how many of them actually changed something for the greater good? Ozymandius managed to unite two nations that were on the brink of nuclear war.

pretty much any dictator in any shithole ever.
see venezuela as an example,wich has an estimation of 13000 per cent of inflation for this year.

The grinch

It's arguable that a lot of real life despots and dictators were acting for the greater good, I would say most were acting to feed their own ego and amass personal power/wealth. Ozymandias was by all indications acting for the prolonged survival of humanity.


Kim Jong Un and Nicolas Maduro are forcing communism even when it is hurting the majority of people.
North Koreans should theoretically have a very high IQ, and it is despicable how poor they are.


>implying Jake Gyllenhaal was the villain and not the roastie who broke his spirit and their relationship

How so? Jake wasn't the bad guy of the movie, Amy was. That's why he never met her at the conclusion and trashed her in the novel

Adam Lanza

How did he trash her in the novel?

>implying a loser writer who can’t let go of something that happened 20 years ago is the good guy
MRA please leave

I think you missed the point of the film

The novel is a metaphor for what she did to him when she left him and aborted his child.

>implying Adam Lanza existed
In all seriousness what's the fucking deal with the Sandy Hoax Internet Defense Force, anywhere you post about it the same niggers show up posting the same stories about how they knew someone at Sandy Hook and how you're a monster for questioning any details of the official story

his book is about a guy who loses a child and a wife. Same she did to him.

to live and die in la

where the fuk do the retards that claim it was a hoax come from? How can someone be THAT retarded???


Infowars. Then Sup Forums started saying it was a hoax ironically, then newfags joined Sup Forums and saw people saying it was hoax and took it seriously then started to say it unironically. Same way everything happens.

he was objectively right, retarded anarchists caused the deaths of millions of people. Course the protagonist only realises this at the very end when Based Snow tells her how it is