So when Black Panther becomes one of the most successful films to date...

So when Black Panther becomes one of the most successful films to date, you're all just gonna cry about "MUH CHINESE BOX OFFICE", right?

It's not going to be much bigger than antman. It's going to have a big opening and weak legs.

Free for black people, right?

>He thinks chinks will watch we wuz kangz

Normie marveldrones at work say they're not super excited to watch it. It's going to bomb, user.

Why is Dennis The Menace kissing Pig Pen in an Iron man suit?

>haha, yeah, you don't like this, do you? We made a movie with black people in it!
>I bet you're real fuckin' triggered now, aren't you?
>in your fucking face, manbabies, this movie's coming out soon and there's nothing you can do about it!
>There are black superheroes now, you fucking piece of shit, and what are you gonna do about it!?!

The problem is everyone knows it's a political movie, bordering on a propaganda movie. There were a few occasions I passed on a film so that when it was brought up bu someone I could say 'I didn't watch it yet' and not be dragged into the conversation. I'm guessing that will the case for a lot of people with this one.

Why is Sup Forums so triggered by it anyway? Black Panther is an original black superhero. He is not some racebended/blackwashed token character. His kingdom is more akin to white nationalist ideas than any other fictional superhero land. It's just a black power fantasy. Whites have all the best superheroes, a shit ton of them to project themselves onto. Why can't blacks have one of their own?

Sup Forums BTFO'D

Chinese hate niggers though. It won't get big numbers over there and they know it. That's why all the hype.

I liked him in avenger shit. I'm probably going to see this and like it. Unfortunately I live in the ghetto and our hoodrat theater flooded so I have to go to Beaumont, which is super hoodratland. Bring a gun.

>Why are these SJWs triggered by everything triggered by this?

Gee, I wonder

>niggers are literally retarded and can't empathize with anything except niggers

The logical implications liberals give off are the best.

Create /capeshitandstarwars/ please gookmoot, get this filth off Sup Forums.

Is anyone else growing exhausted with the nonstop cultural marxism on every board of Sup Forums lately? So boring.

This. Its funny how much anons will bitch about Sup Forums posting, then turn around and do this shit.

>political movie

It's great how progressivism is making so much money for these big corporations!

I don't really care about the movie itself, but the name Black Panther is pretty tasteless due to sharing the name with a violent supremacy group. The media and the fans treating the movie like it's some sort of amazing development or that anyone unexcited by it is a racist is pretty annoying.

this, and stop acting like a movie that will make money for rich white executives is some kind of BUHHHLACCKKKK POWAAHHH statement

I dont even give a shit about politics I just want to watch movies

This comic is completely unrealistic. Everyone knows Andrew Dobson never had a real job.

Blacks have so few reasons to be proud of their heritage it’s good that the Jews gave them something imaginary they can be proud of.

Didn’t the chinks just ban niggers from movies? How is BP even going to be screened in China? Lol

RIP Disney
RIP George Soros
RIP international Marxism

>biggest, blackest movie ever mad
>And white nerds are going to have to see it
This reads like a cuckold fanfic

Fuck cuckolds. They've completely ruined infidelity erotica.

You're right. We have so many pro-white superheroes, like "Grand Dragon" and "SS Gunter". Gosh I guess blacks get a turn for once.

I wouldn't mind any of this shit if they could stop pushing such an obvious agenda.

Villains are always white
Heroes are always opposed to pro-white causes.
Anything pro-white is cartoonishly thuggish and villainous in its membership.

Would it be so rough on these faggots to have this jackass take the bus down to South Africa and stop a few farm massacres or some shit like that?

>ONE of their own
I suppose you already forgot about Pooty Tang