GENERATIONS Teaser Trailer is just out

And they will remove nothing

I'm not interested in what they remove, I'm interested in what they add.

If every character teased is 'brought back' then the newer versions will whimper out due to sales.

Comics have teaser trailers now?

What the fuck? Is his name really supposed to be pronounced that way?

>Great work kid, I'm glad someone like you is around if I'm ever gone - The Series

>all those likes

>This isn't some alternate reality story or some time-travel story," - Alonso

>Is there enough room for *Blank* and *Blank*

It depends on a case by case basis (IE. Makes sense for there to be multiple Novas, but it doesn't make sense for there to be multiple Spider-Men). Also, those answers can't be told by the company that's trying to push them because obviously they're going to have a bias so they can gain profit. Those type of answers are determined by the fans who know what these characters mean to them or the original creators who know what the character was supposed to be. Fuck off Alonso.

Oh, hey, Ultragirl is back in Carol's old colors.

Isn't she supposed to be a Kree hybrid mutant. And by proxy the holy grail or Jesus to the Kree because she broke the stagnation of their evolution?

If they keep both versions, it's a good thing. It means that, if people are smart, the new heroes will become unprofitable and Marvel will get the picture.

No, it's AmaDAYus; that guy is a doofus.

>Makes sense for there to be multiple Novas, but it doesn't make sense for there to be multiple Spider-Men
Why not?

so a basically, you can visit these old characters in the 'vanishing point' and have adventures but they are not actually coming back to main marvel u.

drat, i would have liked to see mar-vell's reaction to the destruction of the kree.

Steak me

No that is past Carol. Kamala gets zapped back to working at Woman magazine.

Nova is basically a bunch of space police. Just like there are multiple cops in your city, there can be multiple Novas. Spider-Man is a self revolving story about a character who has nothing special about him getting super powers and juggling both lives. It's also about him growing up, so adding another Spider-Man ruins that dynamic /unless/ it's him handing off the title to his child since it falls in line with the aspect about Spider-Man growing up.

And yet Nova was canceled at issue 7.

You know they wont. Their entire reasoning with Generations is that the people who are fans of the classic characters (the ones that have numbers on their side) will read this book and like the newer ones. Which wont happen because despite what Marvel would like to believe, people love these characters for the drama surrounding their lives, not because of their stupid title.

All characters go back in time to meet their original hosts when they were young, big whoop.

Only thor is reverting. They're committed to the new versions.

Falcon franchises replaces Cap.



What Marvel doesn't get is that people are getting tired of the same icons. Whomever wears Cap's costume will fight Hydra, whomever is Thor will do the same Thor shit, and so on. That's what people are getting tired of, and the legacy people are too stupid to realize that things will revert because there are no stories to tell with the new legacies. Hell, there's no stories to tell about the old heroes either!

Nobody cares about sam nova or robbie Reyes.

Riri >them.

Legacy has two meanings, to pass down legacy or gain legacy.

According to CBR faggots, fighting the Sinister Six for the nth time is a fresh thing because it's Miles and not Peter.

kys image fan.

Or immbitch fan.

what marvel doesn't get is that people want to see their favorite characters doing stuff and not get killed off/removed/etc to be replaced by the newer one of the month.

>We've told all the stories we can!
This argument is dumb. Sherlock freaking Holmes is still getting new stories about him. Different people have different interpretations of characters, different life experiences, and different views on the world; which means they'd all handle the characters differently. The problem with the legacy characters is that they were made with marketing in mind and thus have no reason for people to care about them.

>Is there room for __________ and __________?
>This is the big question everyone has been asking.
Actually, mine has been "Why haven't Alonzo and Brevoort been fired yet?"

You got a source for that or are you just pulling horse shit out of your ass?


>this is the place where you're gonna get your first strong clues, a meta narrative about who Marvel is and where we're going
I got my first strong clues long time ago. But I have no doubt in my mind that this will remind people who Marvel is currently and where they are going.

Tom Brevoort looks like he's lost weight.

>Carol still front and center

>Is there enough room in the marvel universe for Thor....
>And Thor. Shit.

It would go as
>Is there enough room in the marvel universe for Odinson and Jane Foster?
Sorry, bud.

I legit don't understand how they can do this event with Thor

It's literally a character Thor already knows, who stole his identity and left him a wreck, is she just going to avoid that?

>"There's room for all of them"
>Sam Wilson confirmed to be giving up the shield and going back to The Falcon for Legacy
>Peter borrows Miles' best friend and charter school upbringing from Miles for Homecoming
>None of the new generation heroes (aside from Carol) have been confirmed for Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite
>Pushes Riri Williams as Iron Man's successor, immediately sidelined by Secret Empire and Hologram Tony

Really, it's Marvel's disingenuous nature that bugs me more than anything

It just points out how even more retarded using the name of Thor is.

It'll be a Thor from the past, so he won't know about the events that led to female Thor.

>is there enough room for Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson.


Fuck off, Captain #BLACKLIVESMATTER. You were the worst Captain America ever. And take Rayshaun with you.

So Thor will literally ignore why Jane has the hammer?

who's got a movie coming out soon? spoiler: it's not jane


>male Thor in the movies
>Male Thor in MvCI

Jane Foster is going down soon, Hopefully.

He might ask, but it's not like he'll see her and immediately realize she's the cause of all his (future) problems.

So, source for your bullshit.

I'm interested where that book is going, probably none of the rest though

"There's room for all of them"
And all of them will be present in the Legacy titles.
Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite and Homecoming have nothing to do with the comic line.
Riri's book is uanffected by Secret Empire. And she also appears in CWII, being a part of Natasha's teen heroes squad.
So basically you're talking out your ass, pal.

the funny thing about MvCI is that has nothing recent marvel comics going on.

Sam isn't its Nova. Kamala is confirmed not in. Hulk is Bruce, Cap is Steve, Iron man is Tony, Thor is... Thor.

At absolute best, Spider-man will have a Miles skin, but it'll still be Peter.

It's pretty obvious Thor is no longer going to be Jane Foster. She's not very profitable and Male Thor is alot more marketable.

>who's got a movie coming out soon? spoiler: it's not jane
who's gonna be the center point of the book, when the movie comes around? spoiler: you dun goofed, kid.

Thor Odinson, like always. What's happening with him has always been the dominant point, everything else is filler for jane to meaninglessly meander through.

You weren't excited when Marvel Comics literally changed the comic industry with their brand new technology of variant covers?!!!

You're thinking of Legacy, Generations is a celebration of their new characters.

Janevwas never gonna last.

I like that odison steals her costume post death.

It's based on final fantasty tatics dragoon costume.

Yeah, he was dominant, when he got pushed out of the main title, so that he could protect Volstagg's hammer for a while.
And he is definitely going to be the main character of the arc titled "Death of Jane Foster".

Bendis did too.

Ike dosnt want fatties in marvel.

Slott is the last fat final boss.

Kamala not being in pisses me off the most

She'd be perfect for a MAHVEL style fighter... and her story quirk could've been how she's actually familiar with the Capcom games and written fanfics like this before

>Jane Foster dies
>Thor takes his hammer back.

That's the important part.

It's like this is your first "character has been switched with someone else" story. They're gonna pull a Superior and kill Jane off while wanking Thor just enough to launch his own series. These stories are designed from the beginning to be relaunched back to the status quo.

Brevoort reminds me of the type of basement dwelling idiot who visits Sup Forums or Sup Forums. Which makes a lot of sense considering his 'holier than thou' attitude.

The only outlier with Thor is God of Thunder WAS his return to Satus Quo and it was alright.

Why does Marvel ape Marvel Studios so much? Don't they hate each other?

>They're gonna pull a Superior and kill Jane off while wanking Thor just enough to launch his own series.
Pull a Superior? You mean that time when Otto was gone from the book forever, that time he was killed never to appear again? Nice joke, buddy.

>Jane Foster dies
It's this part that I doubt.
Remember that time Foggy Nelson died from cancer?

No, I mean that time Peter was killed then "removed" "forever" only to come back and actually be the Superior Spider-Man instead of Otto.
Fuck off, user. This is the oldest trick in the book.

Has interest increased, Sup Forums?

And I'm saying that Jane won't just disappear.
"There's room for all of them"
Doesn't mean that Jane will remain as Thor, but it also doesn't mean that she'll be gone from the book. Same as Otto.

>her story quirk could've been how she's actually familiar with the Capcom games
Gwenpool uses her knowledge of games to defeat an actual sentinel.
Gwen needs to be in this game.

She's dying of cancer user, thats her shtick. She was designed to die and be replaced. The best we'll get is her depowered and on Asgardian chemo.

Look at the poster. There's multiple Thors, they're going to be pulling that Secret Wars IV again.

>She was designed to die and be replaced.
yeah, she was designed in 1962 to die and be replaced.
Just as Foggy Nelson was designed in 1964 to die from cancer forever and ever.
Just as Otto was designed to take over Pete's job and then die never to appear again.
Same as Amadeus, who'll probably have to die and vanish for Bruce to return. Same goes for Laura and all the others, right?
Also, remember that time Bucky died in a Thor-centric event? Wonder if they'll ever bring him back.
I guess what I'm saying here, bud, is fuck off.

>The best we'll get is her depowered and on Asgardian chemo.
And how does that go against "There's room for all of them"?

Deadpool fags would be butthurt but Gwen would be the perfect way to preserve his... FUNCTIONS while abiding by Ike's asinine "No More Mutants" bullshit

She'd just be a generic Deadpool clone. I'd much rather see more obscure Marvel characters getting a spot who'd actually bring something unique to the table. I mean, they're not going to do it because of MCU shilling, but it would be fun.

Fucking hell user, nobody's saying they'll be gone forever. Jane was literally designed to die of cancer and the event is called "The Death of the Mighty Thor". She's going to die, and just like what happened in Superior there'll be some stupid reason behind her return, just like Otto.

Her jane foster body dies, the hammer goes back to Odison.

But her god body survuved and gets the ulitmate thor hammer.

Shown on the cover foreshadowing it.

>is there enough room for logan and laura?
you have fucking 4 wolverines right now

If anything my interest has decreased even more

>stupid namefag vehemently defending legacy

Logan is gone but is old man logan.

That's Frigg Wodendottir, one of the granddaughters of King Thor.

The Marvel Shit-Show never ends.

Yes, because "There's room for all of them", which means that characters don't have to be shunted off to the Limbo forever, and can actually co-exist narratively. Like Pete and Otto. Like Steve and Bucky. Like Steve and Sam. Like Odinson and Jane. And that's what I've been saying from the very beginning.

Whatever jane thors dying.

Sam isn't cap anymore. Why would jane still be thor?

Civil war 2 showed odison back as thor in the near future.

Plus the movie.

If it isn't Gwenpool or one of the small titles that are allowed to be weird like Generation X or U.S.Avengers, Marvel can go to hell rn 4 sheezy


this. its gonna be 2018 by the time we see what marvel actually intends to do. legacy is just an emergency stopgap to milk more cash from the few who still buy and the idiots who fall for this fake back to basics plan.

Fuck no

I'm not defending anything. I for one would love if Aaron would have the balls to pull a Starlin and give Jane a proper send-off, a real death. But I really doubt that that will be the case.
Oh, for fuck's sake.
"There's room for all of them" doesn't mean that there's room for all of them to keep the mantle. It means that there's room for all of them to co-exist in the universe. Thor will get his hammer back, but it doesn't mean that Jane will have to die and disappear for that to happen.

>Civil war 2 showed odison back as thor in the near future.
That was King Thor. His stories take place in the far future.
And yes, present Thor will get his hammer back. It's just that CWII has nothing to do with foreshadowing this fact. King Thor had Mjolnir from the very beginning of Aaron's run.

>when they go through the side-by-sides, Sam and Rich aren't shown
Why does Marvel seem to hate Nova?

Since at very least AvX they have

"There's room for all of them."
Yes, the old characters are all villains and/or shown as inferior as the new ones.

Stfu future thor will be main Thor.

Jane is dead.

Sam isn't cap, so no room to be cap.

Jane will be reborn as the nurse.

Room for all indeed,hahahahaahhahahahahaahhahaahhahahhahahahaahhaahahhaahahhaahha.

They probably would have gotten their own one-shot, if their ongoing wasn't cancelled.

So was their big announcement seriously just "We're gonna sell our comics with TWO different covers available! TWO!" ?

>Stfu future thor will be main Thor.
Take a look at the background of the CWII tease and tell me if that city looks like one from the near or from the far future.
>Sam isn't cap, so no room to be cap.
>"There's room for all of them" doesn't mean that there's room for all of them to keep the mantle. It means that there's room for all of them to co-exist in the universe. "There's room for all of them" doesn't mean that there's room for all of them to keep the mantle. It means that there's room for all of them to co-exist in the universe.
>Jane will be reborn as the nurse.
That might be one of the ways for her character to continue, yes. You know why? Because "there's room for all of them".

stay out of this Bendis!

So what? Liking different things does not make you superior you fucking cuck. Let the faggot like what he wants. It is a debate, not a fucking echo chamber.




god please let it stick, fuck you jason aaron