38.000 years till purging Xenos

>38.000 years till purging Xenos

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>tfw STILL no good 40k movies or shows.

Not really. Mankind has been fighting xenos WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY earlier than m40.

there is literally a 0% chance they'd be good

It might be if it was a psychological thriller about some Guardsmen running into a Chaos Daemon while out on patrol or something. The movie covers the group's individually unique but collectively coherent descent into madness, and ends with them in a wasteland of dense fog as they get slaughtered by Grey Knights.

Any movie that intended to display a more full view of the universes' narrative would be garbage. But, you can make interesting and powerful stuff within the universe if you are smart with what you choose to show.

>there is literally a 0% chance they'd be good
How about a horror about a group of peaceful Tau and alien-loving human colonists lock in an underground network of bunkers with a Black Templar Space Marine after the city is nuked from orbit?

how about a movie where the ultramarines fight a tough foe and many die but when all seems lost a macguffin saves the day and they prevail

>tfw no adventure film about someone traversing the maze of Tzeentch
>ending will be them having to outwit Tzeentch himself

That movie exists and it was crap


>tfw no Genndy Tartakovsky 40k carton

>Just the right time to praise Xenu

He tried his best

>tfw no anime 40k cartoon

>adaptations of shitty source material for manchildren would be shitty flicks for manchildren
Really piques your pecans

Ridley Scott would be a good choice to direct a 40k film, he has good attention to detail though it would inevitably be about the struggle of Horus wanting to kill his Creator because Ridley Scott wants to meet God

Who will win out the war, Tyranids or Necrons?



If I was in charge at GW I'd be at least trying to get a Necromunda TV series in production somehow. You could keep it easily self contained and relatable enough to casual audiences, while also introducing the larger universe spanning concepts in the background.


Feels good man