Which propaganda films would Sup Forums consider to be most successful at subversion?

Which propaganda films would Sup Forums consider to be most successful at subversion?


>said the world would literally end in 2012
>it didn't
gore is a retard

Dont if its propaganda really but Bowling for Columbine does a pretty good job of making people anti-gun, especially here in europe. It also makes one think americans are retards (something people believed before too though)

that one, and capitalism: a love story


>caring what Cuck Island or Poorland thinks

Does Sup Forums really think that climate change isn't real?

Im not saying at all that you americans should care about us. I just said that BfC is probably well made propaganda from the reactions i have experienced in my country (Austria). You dont need to feel attacked amerifriend.

Sup Forums thinks climate change is a good thing because it'll decrease crop yields and cause billions of brown people to starve


>damage control of a cuck trying to look like he's not bothered that he raised other man's child of his whore wife so hard, that he convinces that child to make a doc about it where he proclaims that it's his fault and that other guy is in the right and his whore wife did nothing wrong even though it's the second husband that she did it to
And people gobbled it up.
Annihilate Canada, someone.

buy our solar panels goy

there are reasons for wanting to lower co2 emissions like ocean acidification but even cutting them out entirely wont stop the planet warming up

It's real but nothing more than a political tool for the elite.
>You goyim are going to have to start paying carbon taxes!
>brb, taking my private jet to a summit where I'll support China's 200 new toxic smog factories :^)

No the majority of people don't think it's real

the ones that don't even register as propaganda to your normie brain.

>expanding temperate zone
>decreasing crop yields
Besides, africunts already starve themselves fine on their own without our help.

Rhodesia's farms used to feed most of Africa. Then it turned into a little ethno-state called Zimbabwe and now they have to fight rats for the right to eat bugs from the gutter.








Moore’s film’s are always propaganda. Deceptively shot and edited and approaching the subject matter with a predetermined conclusion. He ruined the “documentary” genre just as it was seeing a resurgence.

Is this serious? Ankle level flood at coast and it's confirmed for this retard? Slav city Petersburg has been dealing with this shit since city creation in 18 century.

So real we need to fly politicians and celebrities on individual private jets to an ideal vacation destination to talk about how to best spend our money to fight it. All while each having a larger “carbon footprint” than whole cities of people whose tax dollars they want to spend. Thank Christ that Leanado DiCaprio is on the case.

We're currently at >400 ppm CO2, rising at 20 ppm/decade, accelerating. Pre-industrial values were like ~280 ppm. 3.2% man-made CO2 my fucking ass.

All Holocaust movies.