What do you expect from Season 2? Do you want Jude Law to reprise his role?

What do you expect from Season 2? Do you want Jude Law to reprise his role?

I thought it was perfect as a one-season miniseries, and I'd honestly rather see a different project from Sorrentino than a continuation of this. But I have faith that he wouldn't be doing it if he didn't have something interesting in mind

I heard pray tell that Lenny died in the last episode and there will be a new Pope... played by Gene Simmons.

The new season is literally called The New Pope and Jude Law isn't in it.

That's not how the phrase "pray tell" is used.

Is this show remotely interesting? How interesting can the life of a pope be?

It's great, but I can already tell you won't like it. Don't bother

do you like dancing Greenlanders?

It's really good, and does a really great job of balancing pro and anti religion sentiments

hes making the vatican great again

>What do you expect from Season 2?
Not much. I felt the first season was already dropping in quality towards the end.

>How interesting can the life of a pope be?
Extremely read a book

>I felt the first season was already dropping in quality towards the end.
Seriously? The last three episodes were the high point of the entire medium of television

It was the best towards the end

It's fairly interesting. The gist of it is that the Vatican chose a "young" (he's 40, the average Pope is at least 65) American from New York to be the new Pope, with the expectation that he would be progressive, good for the media, etc.. But he's actually the most hardcore reactionary in the entire church. It's not a normal Pope, it's a Pope who wants to turn back the clock at least 500 years for the Catholic Church vs basically every Cardinal.

Drop in quality a la Game of Thrones

I'm disappointed that Lenny's story is apparently over
I hope the new one gets visions too and Lenny is one

>Seriously? The last three episodes were the high point
I was going to write an actual reply because, yeah, seems like something that could lead to an interesting discussion.
>the entire medium of television
And then I realized nope

Fine by me. I think I know what your objections were, and I've already had that discussion several times

I'm giving it a shot

It's pretentious shit. Thought it could be good but damn is it bad.

How is his opinion about Islam