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>not using Brave


Literally a line you'd hear from an episode of Ninja Turtles. Fucking hell...

>black guy beating up a white woman

Honestly, why did they think the quips and crummy action movie dialogue were a good choice? There are six Star Wars movies before this one, and none of them do stuff like this. Why did they suddenly add it?

Was this supposed to be funny, or cool? Because it fails at both.

an extra year of production time's a helluva difference

>It was a boring conversation anyway!
>Now this is podracing!
>So uncivilized.
>Boba Fett? Where?

I can go on and on.


None of those "quips" ever interfered with the established tone though. In Nu-wars they will be a serious, tense moment which is always undercut with a joke because the Marvel films are such big successes.

You're literally delusional if you think there hasn't been quips and shit in previous Star Wars, go back and re watch the whole series.


>"Now this is podracing"
>Spaceships blowing up all around anakin, people dying left and right
>Blows up enemy ship
>"Uh oh"

REBEL gibsmedat

>implying people liked TPM

>I hope so, Commander, for your sake. The Emperor is not as forgiving as I am.

just cause it was shit doesn't mean it doesn't count, retard

>"boring conversation anyway"

The 'rebel scum' line was even worse.

>Character gets beaten and says something disparaging to his opponent
>Other character responds with a one-liner that plays on the words of the other line just said to him

Fuck this.

How is that a quip? He’s just threatening him, there’s nothing intetnionslly funny about that line.

You’re acting like people were okay with it in the prequels. They weren’t okay with ANYTHING in the prequels, much less all the shitty jokes.

>"Wait, I thought you were blind!"
>"It's alright, I can see a lot better now"

That's hilarious 80's buddy-cop banter. Not a quip.

>but comedy doesn't change over time user

>there’s nothing intetnionslly funny about that line
>Guy who chokes people for smallest of things and isn't forgiving at all
>The emperor is not as forgiving as I am
It's an obvious joke

literally walked out, powerbombed the ticket man through a table, lit the kinoplex on fire and walked home because of that line

Just pointing out that there was shitty quips and gags in previous Star Wars films dumbass

>if I capitalize something, that means it's right!
Go back to making rape allegations on twitter you fucking #metoo faggot.

I'm pretty sure I heard this exact phrase somewhere else

What was the deal with people calling them rebels in this movie anyway? I thought they were this totally new Resistance?



>tfw no matter how hard alt-babies cry, Kathleen Kennedy is still in charge, and Rian Johnson will still make the new trilogy
Sure feels good.

It's 1997 banter since Han's line was different in the original version.


It's a joke from the script writers. From the character, it's a threat, which is in line with both the tension of the scene and situation.
The issue isn't that there is humour, it's that the humour is one step away from the characters just turning their head and looking straight into the camera.


Don't get cocky, kid.

>Black man beats and murders strong independent white woman
Pottery, bravo Johnson


It's a different style of quips. Now it's stuff like making fun of action movie tropes or acting like the space world is ridiculous
>Let's go chrome dome
>Who talks first, do you talk or do I talk?
>The entire "message for general hugs" scene
The original movies seemed like just characters who quip and have grown up in the Star Wars universe. The new movie quips would fit more in a Flash Gordon movie, they sound like they come from Earth people who were moved into the Star Wars universe somehow. also brought up a good point, nu-wars has every single scene cut with a quip. The original movies used them a little more sparingly

>It's a different style of quips
Because you said so?

Not him, but because there is and always have been a difference between snark and quips.

>always have been a difference between snark and quips
Poe is a snarky guy when he is trying to stall for time. This is an established character trait

That scene is a terrible example of this.
The issue there isn't how he's joking, but that he's even doing that bullshit in the first place.
It's literally "Now how could this happen? We're smarter than this." dialled up to 11. Snark's only supposed to serve to ease the tension in a situation that arose. The entire scene exists solely for the sake of him getting to snark, and his plan in character relies on it, and the utter incompetence of everyone on the First Order command ship.

you must be autistic to argue that the jokes in OT is the same as the disney marvel type humor in nuwars

Because certain things are in different styles and Disney's style is different from Lucas's style. It's such a deviation away that the movies are noticeably different from the original six. What are you, an idiot? How have you gone this long and not understood the concept of different styles?

Being a marvel quiplord isnt a character trait. Its just lazy pandering to retards.

Rian just wants to subvert your expectations.


>you were always scum
>rebel scum
Who the fuck even wrote this?

The jokes in tfa were much worse

You know Moviebob is completely right about Star Wars 8 The Last Jedi, bet you can't argue without without resorting to insults about his appearance.


>undercut with a joke

>Cocky character shown to enjoy mocking his enemy
>Wahhh why is he quipping as a way to buy time?!

it's not rape if she likes it

You're literally defending the main military plan of the Resistance for the ensurace of their survival being a successful prank call.
>People are genuinely happy with Star Wars being on NuWho level.

Probably just another facet of Rians anti-"JJ leaving dangling plot threads for other directors handle with no plan" shitfit.

>Wait I thought you were blind!
>It's alright. Trust me
How does it feel being a literal newfag


It’s still an accurate observation

>bet you can't argue without without resorting to insults about his appearance.

Sure I can. He's creep who lives with his grandmother. He's pro-violence, and dresses like Mario and his videos are the ramblings of an insane person.

He'd literally support TLJ solely on political virtue signalling grounds, because he believes it's the only way he'd get within 5 billion miles of a willing vagina.

He is the literal definition of the manchild and perma-virgin SJWs (like him) love to accuse anti-SJWs of being.

What went so wrong for Finn?

>There are six Star Wars movies before this one, and none of them do stuff like this.
Laugh it up, FUZZBALL.


>dat recoil

Poor Daisy

this line made me scream with laughter when I was 10

>the black dude is corny and uncool

why not just make him white?

>yfw "fuzzball" is the wookee version of "nigger"


They subverted the tension of the action scenes with humor

that's hilarious


>this horrible movie had the same infantile sense of humor therefore my movie is good

This alone is the answer to why the movie is shit. "Can you imagine Luke saying this to Vader during the fight in Cloud City" the answer is no. This movie is shit.

All I'm saying is I'd rather chrome dome over
"yipeeee" and "that's what I call podracing"

face it user, if lucas had his hands on star wars again it would not be OG star wars humor, it would be prequels style humor. if you don't believe me, watch the previews of star wars detours which lucas had a huge hand in,; that's the shit he finds funny. star wars always had humor, it was never meant to be a "super serious space drama". if you walk into star wars not expecting cheesy shit, you're an absolute fucking moron.

Here (you) go

Why do people still watch movieblob? His bias is so obvious it hurts.

>not watching the original versions

Does anyone actually believe RJ will be making more Star Wars films?

>proven wrong
>h-here's your (you) kid
If you were in star wars, I'd really complain about how shit that quip was

If you prefer villains being defeated by prank call more than excited exclamations you might be retarded.

hes a fucking 10 year old on an adventure you bitter little cunt, and ill fucking remind you that hes a podracing champion whos used to fuckers dying left and right on the race. good lord you brainlets need to be hung