It's gonna suck, isn't it

It's gonna suck, isn't it

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has there been a single live action adaptation of vidya that wasn't shit?
aside from bloodrayne of course

They don't even own the rights to the game franchise, you stupid niggers. It's a book adaptation.

The obvious are Resident Evil and Tomb Raider... not great movies, I suppose, but successful enough to keep birthing shit.

Hitman and Prince of Persia weren't too bad. I actually like the latter, but it's been awhile since I've seen it, so maybe I'm kidding myself...

Resident Evil 1 was good.
Prince of Persia was a good adventure flick for kids.
Hitman was garbage.

Silent Hill was decent

It's pretty funny to look at this shit;

Prince of Persia is actually the highest rated movie from RT. I suppose we'll see if the new Tomb Raider will finally do what the other movies couldn't. Rampage... eh, it's mostly just a Godzilla movie. It shouldn't even count.

Jesus that is some bad casting OP what the fuck are you doing.

it's adapting the books though

All I remember about Hitman was Olga boobs. I'm a fan, so that's probably the only reason why I even give it the time of day.

without a doubt.

>GoT eunuch
>Motherfucking Dijkstra
Gimme someone not a manlet. Even Ethan Suplee would be better.

Not my pic lel. Those are literally whos for me in the picture


I'm not sure about Jennefer, but Ron Pearlman would be the perfect Dijkstra.

Emhyr var Emreis is basically the same character as Tywin Lannister (Charles Dance).

>tons of niggers
>probably a yen that looks like shit

Yes the writer is a dumb feminist whore

she is nowhere near attractive enough to play yen

I'm rooting for it to be kino and prove you faggots wrong.

it will be ok if the hebrew-americans don't put their noses into it and stick to the source material.

Mads Mikkelsen as Geralt
Eva Green as Yennefer
Emma Stone as Triss
Natalie Dormer as Ciri

>that pic
>dat scene
>this soundtrack

Was anyone else kinda weirded out by this scene? I was surprised CDProjekt Red took this direction.

Ciri gets raped left and right on books, why not including it?

No it won't. Sign the petition

Only Polish please

1. Netflix
2. A literal who of a female writer
3. A shit one at that (The Defenders and the shitty Daredevil episodes).

Is there any doubt?

Is Dijkstra supposed to be Dutch?



why is for americans a strong woman such a novel concept? Why do your lesbians have to yell feminism, oh my, women can do things.

They'll turn it into a reskin of GOT for the masses I'm sure.

I don't know about the books, but the games definitely are similar. The second game particularly is full of GoT style schemes and power struggles while The Wild Hunt is basically White Walkers.

oh wow I would love Eva Green as Yennefer

That's why Charlie played him in W3.

housewife culture adjustment

you idiots realize this is based off the BOOKS, not the games, right? Why would they feel beholden to cast to match the appearance of the game characters?

Is that Varys?

Something like this?