You know, it got me thinking

You know, it got me thinking.

You see how there's so many people going on about how this minority of the month is misrepresented or unrepresented and shit. So what?

Why can't a series be a neat little self-contained story that doesn't cover everyone on this planet? Does every story need to be a political commentary?






Not every story has to feature everyone
But there should be, over all stories, some ratio of focus on characters similar to the make up of the real world country they're from

If you're in Italy, it should be nothing but Italians. If you're in Russia, it should be nothing but polar bears and slave women if the panel is above the waist.

The US is a pretty diverse place, especially in urban centers where tons of super hero stories take place. Hence there's been a push to give some meaningful representation to people of other races and demographics comparable to the demographic make up of those area





Except that the LGBTQXSZ+ shit is way overrepresented, like 100%+ overrepresented.
Also they still put the token negro in places where the population of negroes is like under 3%.
It's not about representing reality.



it's not about representing reality, it's about representing people, plus this is usually just a bullshit argument people make because they don't like gay people in their cartoons, if you were so passionate about representing reality every character in cartoons would be chinese, yet they're not
besides creators don't have a responsibility towards anyway regarding how they want their characters to be
also, lots of other things don't represent reality in cartoons, why is this thing in particular the one that makes people lose their shit?


What's the percentage of the US that is LGBQ? (T can go to hell)
The issue is that we have no concrete number on that since it's based largely on self-report, and given that there are portions and areas where it's still not neccesarily a normal thing to be that way, many may still be in the closet

that's not me saying "How do you know you're gay if you've never tried it" but it's simply a fact that being gay still isn't socially normalized yet

So let's assume the current figures about the US are correct, that about 4% self identify as LGBT. What percentage of total in-publish characters identify?

You're misunderstanding the motive. Minorities want to dominate. They bargain to get an inch, then want a mile; you shouldn't take the inch request at face value, it was just about getting their foot in the door.

BLM is upset that the president is no longer black. They would have stirred up a similar ruckus if Hillary had gotten in. Think about that. It's not ideological. They just want to be in charge and have all the prestige and attention, even as they talk around the issue and pretend to be upset about trivial things. I'm not sure it's even conscious. They are just seething about the realisation that they don't live in a country that they have absolute control over - they woke up from their 8 year daydream and are very cranky.

Similar story for sexual minorities, etc. Just jostling at the trough.

Yup. You know why people praise how accurate The Wire was? 'cause they actually paid attention to the racial makeup of the city, unlike the schlock put out by CBS.

O'Malley was fucked even before he tried to run for president, because everyone remembers what Carcetti did for political gain and David Simon was pretty forthcoming with who he based the man on.

We set up an entire board for you guys, just so you would shit up Sup Forums less
Please use it

He's right though. BLM never cared about black people in peril. They just want coverage.

You're assuming every single non-white, non-male person in the world is part of BLM.

Please, back to your board.

If you don't do it, you are still doing a political commentary without even trying to. You can't escape it.

People will still deny that maybe violent nigger/spic culture poisons the reputation of the whole race and people feel more comfortable with white people. No amount of media brainwashing will stop this, as long as their cultures are incompatible with success and peace people will feel more comfortable with whites.

They don't produce a wide enough variety of actors of great quality to be represented equally. If their culture were allowed to advance through criticism and advocating change, they might start producing enough quality actors/candidates for whatever that are worthy to be chosen over the whites. Like how nick fury was cast well even though the actor was black. This will happen when more minorities take part in more civilized cultures.

BLM isn't like the Black Panthers.
They're even less centralized
To say anything about BLM is to assume there's any consensus aside from the starting premise that there are a disproportionate of abuses of force by police officers towards African Americans, particularly on the use of lethal force

Beyond that, BLM doesn't have a leadership structure or chapter structure. It's like that fucking Guy Fawkes mask: anyone can put it on and say it means whatever they want cause there isn't a Bureau for the Approved Use of Guy Fawkes

I never said that though. Who's the one assuming stuff here?