Moviebob is right about The Last Jedi pathetic MRA BTFO

You know Moviebob is completely right about Star Wars 8 The Last Jedi, bet you can't argue without without resorting to insults about his appearance.

>I loved it
>it was meta
as far as I made it, your welcome for the view.

more like movieblob

>fat feminist virtue signalling beta continues to defend the piece of shit cash cow movie that is The Last Jedi

You think this pretentious dumb fuck has any shred of self awareness?

Not an argument

Not an argument

it should be illegal to make public opinions if you're a obese, unhealthy fat fuck. Are you seriously telling me this soy consuming fat feminist is thinking clearly and straight? When was the last time he ran up a hill in the forest? When was the last time he experienced a runners higher? The feeling of being utterly physically exhausted after an intense workout? When was the last time he sat down an ate a plate full of vegetables and a piece of grass fed steak? Oh yeah, never. He eats ice cream, soy milk, chocolate, sits on his ass all day, never exerts himself, and as a result, it turns him into feminism virtue signalling beta. How could you take a joke like this seriously? If you literally take anything this guy says seriously, you are essentially admitting to being a beta orbiter faggot.

Yeah. That image of him in catholic frames, with a "in Bob we Trust" at the top, mario question block in the background, while wearing a GI Joe shirt with a suit over it doesn't have any bias and has unquestionable authority to call people manchildren.


didn't he originally hate the movie and then changed to loving the movie when he realized that people he didn't like also hated the movie?

The virgin Reddit Letter Media
The Chad Movie Bob

>"people at walmart" caricature tries to appear like a cosmopolitan professorial jew which is the most sophisticated thing his fat bald head can imagine
>gi joe shirt under suit


Fuck off, Moviebob

>imagine being Anita and doing a fake smile that this is /yourguy/ when all she wants is the son of a rich capitalist who sells arms and trade in financial fraud

>Moviebob is right about
You insult me with your low effort.

I say this without political or internet politik bias - moviebob is one of the most pathetic internet figures I've come across. He's obviously not Chris Chan tier, but he's in that realm.

It's just fucking ridiculous.


I have a question? Why would a hyper-intelligent human, one of the top 1% of all intellects...a person who has admittedhe was destined to lead men like cattle and build societies they don't even know they want...why is he reduced to begging for strangers to give him handouts to pay his rent?

I don't need to be a men's rights activist to see that these movies are baizuo pandering trash, I like that men have less rights and have to tolerate daily abuse too but I don't want my star wars fucked with like this.

Fuck you faggot and that fat fuck.

Not an argument

it's pretty fucking great tho

>im a randian technocratic foward artiste of a globalized future world (even tho i hate ayn rand) and we will exterminate the backwards hicks
*is a fat pig living in a swamp*

Not an argument


*Saves movie criticism*

calls you out for sperging all over Sup Forums
Seriously, Moviebob, do you have anything better to do than lurk here all day

It's not a sale either

*goy dick lotion falls on belly hair*
*loses erection to princess peach*

Pic related.

This was written by a man who is middle aged. Bald. Obese. Lives alone, with no children, in a flat stuffed with children's toys. Has no job, no career. Spends his days making videos about children's entertainment. Posts hundreds of tweets a week about topics he has no expertise or education in.

And sustains himself via begging for spare change.

that's not a thank you.

I dont give a Single fuck how sweet Daisy Ridley's vagina is when the story in the movie is fucking insulting

God you're a dumb pleb.

It's MEANT to be shit! That's the point. Most people go into Star Wars expecting a good story and entertainment. What Rian brilliantly did was make a boring and shitty film. It's utterly subversive.

He also subverted expectations by creating the first Disney film that won't triple it's opening weekend in final grosses.

That was a good trick.

>not even going to watch
I know it's just him defending TLJ like the pathetic cuck that he is. This is the same guy that unironically enjoys Other M.

This is the actual olympic level mental gymnastics Disney used to go through with this decision. It's almost impressive.

*blocks your backwards stupidity*

it's like a tim and eric sketch


>Look at me, I'm trying to sound smart!!

Fucking dead give away this MovieBob guy is a drooling brain dead retard. Reading his tweets is obnoxious, it's the way he writes them out. He comes across as a dumb fuck trying desperately to sound smart.

>Ain't pretty, but necessary

So was the Holocaust

literally this

Quick synopsis?


lmao, I thought it was just a meme

>I don't know how the military works, the picture.

>the military is literally just a top classified mission every time, soldiers are told to run towards a building without knowing the mission or why

You have no obligation to tell your soldiers what your mission is. That is how it works. If you don't like it, don't sign up

Underrated post

t. Beta-cuck that's never served

are you fucking retarded?

Friendly reminder this guy is an obese middle aged man who begs for handouts online and make videos about his love for children's toys.

MovieBob thread?


The funniest part is that I kept seeing faggots like moviebob rambling on about military structure and how it "really works".

Despite the fact that in the real military you can't get commanders to shut the fuck up and stop explaining and re-explaining their intentions, before changing them days later and then deciding to explain them all over again, this time with contradictiory messaging.



this dude would be part of the neoreactionaries from 6-8 years ago if he knew how to read above the level of a simple woke liberal child

nerds are awful and knew they could be shit, but 'mario bros fanfic writer/ technocrat randian fatty fascist for hilary clinton' is so goddamn gay

>If you think Rey is a Mary Sue, you're mad that a movie has a woman protagonist, that's it

How can someone who reviews movies regularly believe that a female lead in a movie is a new thing?

You've never been in the military, have you?





>fixating on mario

How? I used to draw zelda and shit because there was fantasy there, mario is just bing bing wahoo



>Moviebob is right
stopped reading there


Why does he type like this? Why does he try to make himself look smart? It bothers me. We know he's a fucking retard. He would never debate someone like Ben Sharpio or Jordan Peterson over political topics because he's actually just a drooling retard regurgitating what he reads on tumbler and feminist blogs. It actually makes me feel physically sick knowing there are people on this planet that unironinally watch and support this fat slob.

I love that their defense of their beloved character is "huh actually the military is like Dick Cheney doing secret false flag operations and killing drug dealer's enemies without our soldiers knowing the full picture" or whatever.

So huh yeah that's our anti-fasctist feminist hero


It's staggering that this guy will make public his Sup Forums tier political views, and not even attempt to hide the fact that he's a 50 year old fat weirdo who subsides on e-begging.


I would want gaming to progress too if my understanding of gaming was limited to one mainstream retro platformer




>the indoctrinated voted to remain
fixed that for the cunt



>I contributed

How does one become so delusional.

Mario is a fat loser that rolls around in shit just like Moviebob. There's no way he could relate to Link or his literal chad brother Luigi



It takes huge balls to advocate eugenics when you looks exactly like der untermensch


That's the best part. He unironically calls for genocide of undesirables, seemingly ignorant of the fact that he'd be the first to go.

Unironically great metaphor. Not being able to smoke in pubs fucking SUCKS.

Removing Channers from the internet would be fucking shit.

>early Doug Walker production values
how does he keep making a living?


>He can't even colour in Fire Mario correctly

holy shit




worse, because people didnt vote for the lamest candy ass version of mommy liberalism

that dude would bring his mom to the lockeroom to hide behind her skirt until he was 17

>i don't believe in systems
>i'm a technocrat

did he suffer brain damage when he was young? I know he comes from a broken family and thinks that the super mario brothers movie "was his personal vietnam," but what the fuck makes him say shit like this?

Please don't make me regret enjoying Last Jedi by showing me that this fucker also liked it.

This guy is like a more successful Chris Chan

The miss use of the word meta trigers me.

This all seems oddly specific. "bro-ification" "XBL culture", what the fuck is he talking about? It sounds like he's just really mad at Halo or something.

>I can't enjoy movies if people I don't like enjoyed them

i can concieve in my head movieblob killing himself. at that point, what is his "life" for?

Not even going to bother to see what his points were. I have qualms with the fact that it's not something worth arguing about. Another 15 minute+ video arguing for or against The Last Jedi using whatever critical lens? Just add it to the fucking pile. Love it or hate it, this is something not worth the amount of discussion it's gotten. Movie aside, everything surronding TLJ has illustrated what's blatantly wrong with pop culture in all camps. It's one of the most toxic pieces of media ever concieved.

>Comparing Holdo to Choke Me Daddy Adam
At least Holdo did ONE cool thing.