Paint horses are pretty. Don't you think, Sup Forums?

Paint horses are pretty. Don't you think, Sup Forums?

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is this a MLP thread?

You've never seen Spirit: Stallion of the Cimmaron? The movie where a Matt Damon horse defies General Custer?

It was a shit movie. Horses are stupid

Both of those are true.

Why did they make a Netflix series by the same name?

>make a Netflix series set 150 years later where Spirit's Uncle Tom descendant is a show pony for spoiled little rich girls at a country club

Dreamworks was really desperate to fulfill their contractual obligations, why else would they trot out a property they haven't touched in a decade?

Why are horses so sexy?

Shoulda done some Sinbad. Kids know who Sinbad is, not Spirit: Stallion of Whateverthefuck.


>they did that and not a series on Megamind or Road To El Dorado
every day the urge to kill myself grows stronger

>Spirit: Stallion of the Cimmaron
I keep thinking this movie is related to Conan whenever I hear the title.

How did they make a movie that's so blatantly furshit without any anthros or anything in it? Like there's nothing in it that's particularly more furry than Lion King except it feels way more obvious.


Lots of their audience is kids who'll bug their parents into Netflix and they have a child friendly mode. Kids love them some horse.


>Kids know who Sinbad is
This is actually stupidly true. What the fuck is up with this? How do they know Sinbad of all things?


Deer are superior.

why does this horse have fuck me eyes?


Because he's public domain and cultural heritage. Just like kids' versions of Greek mythology focus a lot on Hercules, kids' versions of The Arabian Nights focus a lot on Sinbad.

>150 years later
I thought it was still in the old west? They get there by train.

>why else would they trot out a property they haven't touched in a decade?
Little girls still love horses and Spirit is arguably the only big horse movie aimed at kids in like... shit, nearly the last 20 years.

That webm of a guy fingering a doe turned me into a furfag

>Breed me face

What are you talking about, user?

We could have Chel every week on a new adventure.

So uncomfortable right now.

>Horses on Sup Forums
How can this NOT be a trap?

user donĀ“t there is always hope.

Not all horse threads are ponyshit.

For instance, who would win in a fight: Belle's horse, or Mulan's?

where she get her eyebrows did

Trick question. Maximus always wins Disney horse fights.

Go back to you horsefucker

Thats a weird way to type Altivo.

Didn't Phoebus's horse Achilles from Hunchback actually go to war or something?

Oh! You learn something new everyday. I had no idea. Thank you for actually answering my question.

horses are very sexual creatures. A stallion symbolizes peak male sexuality for a reason.

it's a redraw of some doujin about men fucking horses

Because you are a horse.

What do know, she's actually sucked his dick.

I don't even remember this horse's name. I just call her "The Sexy Horse."

you don't happen to have links, do you?

>it's one of *those* movies

Does... does the Injun want to fuck the horse? Does the horse want to fuck the Injun?



Savages! The horse tried to befriend them, and look at what they did to him!

She's bored.

The word is "zoophile", my weird friend.

>Does... does the Injun want to fuck the horse?
>Does the horse want to fuck the Injun?

what was the original

mlp only likes little horsies for kids, we are talking about BIG horses for BIG MEN

All I want to know is how she got those leggings over the hoofs, someone explain that to me right now


No prob user, legends are cool.

It's like those chinese finger cuffs, they were loose until stretched out to full-length

she have a roboleg

It's Rain.

Seriously, in the movie Spirit's narration says that she follows him around "like a love-struck yearling." And Spirit is jealous as fuck.


Speaking of does anyone have that /k/ greentext where the dude uses a vibrator on a doe to get deer pussy juice?

>tfw your volcano already erupted inside her but her equine vaginal muscles tighten up around your penis like a orange in a squeezer

Sky looks clear to me

Did she have a name anywhere except the credits? Spirit's mental commentary just basically referred to her as some girl horse iirc

Rain. MILFhorse was Esperanza.

You have my attention.


Goddamn shame

Deers are cunts who don't know how to cross streets.

You mean the one totally made up?


Headdresses don't look like that in the back

If a horse gave me bedroom eyes like that, instead of the stupid dumb animal eyes they actually have, I probably would genuinely be tempted to fuck it. It's amazing how such a simple change makes such a big difference.

Maybe he got a deal on feathers at the craft store.


real animals are mostly retard shit with 0 sensuality, that's why erotic art exist. to make sexy the unsexy

Those retards deserve to die off completely for their sheer retardation.

Centaurs are for plebeians who don't appreciate the beauty that is horse's body

Female horses are actually known to pin human guys they like to walls when they're in heat with their asses

Is this a fancy word for the horse princesses