Explain Westworld to me- season 2 when?

We have to stop this park. Dolores shoot every host in here. I'm ignoring that we can easily repair them again. You also have to shoot me because it is more dramatic
How the hell was that supposed to help in any way? Explain this.

What the fuck are you talking about?
do you even see the whole first season?

Yes I just finished it. Dolores is told by Arnold that the park needs to be stopped before it opens. The only way to stop it is to shoot EVERY host. Teddy will help her with that. Teddy and Dolores shoot every host, shoot Arnold and then shoot themselves.
Now the question is what good is it to shoot all the hosts? They can be easily rebuild like all those times before. The only effective thing was shooting Arnold but they could have just saved time and shot him instead of all those hosts. It doesn't make any sense let alone have alone just walk away or whatever. It wasn't about saving the park but Arnold couldn't live with the death of his son

What is the point in shooting all the hosts. They get shot on a daily basis. Arnold's plan doesn't make any fucking sense. Explain this to me.

Literally none of these things happened. What show were you watching?

My understanding is that Arnold thought he was doing a mercy killing of all the hosts, and that once he showed (by demonstration) that hosts are a) sentient and b) can kill humans, Ford would realize the error of his ways and shut down the park and leave the hosts dead.

Instead he rebuilt them all and made an Arnoldbot because he's a stone-cold motherfucker.

the 1st season was already nonsense shit

>My understanding is
Very poor. Rewatch.

How can anyone care about this show

They fucked it up so bad....

Why? I thought it was pretty clear all the way through.

yea but still it was awesome to watch Dolores and the Man in Black adventures.

The 2nd season is going to suck. The allure is the park Once you go beyond that it sucks. This is why the Matrix sequels sucked.

They do in the season finale. Dolores and Teddy shoot the entire town and then they shoot Arnold who sits down on a chair. Before that it is said that Arnold told them to shoot every host in the park- it would be the only way to destroy it. But how do you destroy robots that get easily rebuild? Ford also says that plan ALMOST worked out if they hadn't found a sponsor.

I think this is the best take. I am not him but you say it is poor but do NOT answer OP's question. So what is your take on it?

without Hopkins and Harris I have to agree with this, but still I'm gonna watch it. Let's hope that S2 won't be a fucking disaster like happened with all the tv shows lately.

To be fair Westworld didn't show you much about world outside park, while first Matrix show you exactly how the world looks like outside the matrix.
We still have no clue what's goning on outside the park. Just hits and glimpses of mysterious shareholders and (I assume) they enemies/competitors trying to steal their tech/data.

Dolores shooting Anthony Hopkins and all of the investors is the plan to get the park shut down

Well in case you know the movies there are many parks inside it: The roman world, the knight world. This gets hinted at with the Samurai World (guess what SW stands for). I think they won't be able to leave that easily and the entire second season will be about the park. They won't make it out of the park / only at the end of the season. We will get to explore the other areas of the park. Also note: The park is underwater.
Harris and Hopkins were key persons. Great and amazing actors. We do NOT see Harris getting killed though. Hopkins gets shot right through the face so he won't come back. Shame.

Wait I thought she was shooting all the guests?

He's talking about the scene where Arnold tells Dolores to shoot all the hosts before shooting him. They can be rebuilt so what was the point in doing that?

No she was shooting all the other hosts. That's why it doesn't make any sense. The always get shot. Thanks a lot for being the only person that actually replies to the thing I have written. What a board full of morons who fail to read posts and reply to them. Their very own echo chamber of their own mind. Retards.

>Hopkins gets shot right through the face so he won't come back. Shame.

Thay can always pull "it was actually an android who attended that party and it was all part of my masterplan"

Yeh what IS the point of doing that. I still don't know. No one told me.

>Creates thread about the show
>gets mad about people talking about the show and not his very specific point

It's forum, not chatroom.

My understanding of it was that Dolores shot all the investors and future owners of Westworld and was going to lead the hosts to freedom. I don't remember Hopkins telling her to kill any hosts. I mean Hopkins even programmed the black host to escape. Also all the deactivated hosts were awakened and converged on the investor meeting to kill them, they even shoot Ed Harris.

That's not what OP is talking about. Read

I realise that now. Disregard it I suck cocks.

Yeh I was thinking the same and I am hoping so. Hopkins was a strong character and is a great actor. He added so much to it. I did enjoy the first season of Wayward Pines. Season 2 turned into shit because The Führer got killed and the cop too. I hope it won't be like that for season 2 of Westworld.

I get mad about people who are too stupid to get the question of the thread. I mean that question is what this thread is all about. Go and make a Westworld general thread if you want to have a general conversation you retard. It isn't my fault that you are too fucking stupid for message boards and do not know how to use them. Also I get asked
I am wondering if people fell asleep if they can't even remember that this thing happened.

Looks like OP found a plothole that just went past everybody's heads.

I can't wait for season 2 if only for the return of the \w/ general.

>I am wondering if people fell asleep if they can't even remember that this thing happened

Well, the last episode aired over a year ago and most people watched it as it was airing. No wonder people don't remeber it clearly.

To bankrupt the park before it opened.

>It was literally about to open

>It was early days in the tech remember MIB even mentions how the robots themselves have changed over time so it wouldn't have been a quick fix like modern day WW

>Killing one of the two co-creators of the park would have created a big enough scandal in the media and doubled Ford's workload.

All in all though he failed and Ford and the Park survived and succeeded and the whole show was shit and no one cares about watching robots kill each other to prove they are humanlike for a second season.

I feel like no one pays attention when watching stuff.
>Hurr durr we want complex shows!!
Watches then and doesn't even follow the story.

I still demand an answer. I think I will have to fuck off to reddit because they seem smarter than Sup Forums.

Well I am glad I've waited because we didn't get a season 2 in 2017. Still we have to wait for season 2 so yes I am very glad that I've waited because now it won't be THAT long anymore. Such a massive gap between seasons is unacceptable.

Arnold and Ford both had the ultimate goal of creating real sentience. When Arnold saw glimpses of this in Delores he got scared and wanted to end the program. Since he was also killed along with all the hosts but Ford was not, Ford was able to still open the park (after the delay caused by Arnold's actions) and work towards his goal of creating sentience, which he ultimately achieved. So the point of Delores shooting all the hosts was Arnold's failed attempt to end the Westworld experiment.

Is that clear enough for you?

Who cares? Post snek!

So the theory isn’t that what’s her name(the black lady) that escapes is actually not sentient but was programmed to escape right?

What if everything that happened to delores is still just part of her programming and she doesn’t have ave and sentience either.

I'm sorry I don't understand



Wasn't that proven? I'm pretty sure there was shot at some point in the last episode (I think?)
of her code with lines about escaping the facility.

I miss snek threads. That's when I started waiuposting.

What I don't get: There were few twists in that show but they never shocked you because it was always hinted at / they told you in advance it was going to come so you weren't like
when they revealed it. What was the point in that?
When Bernard went to the hidden house with Kathleen Kennedy he told her
>Hosts can't see it
and then she is says
>What about this door?
and he says
>What door?
OH HE COULDN'T SEE THE SECRET DOOR. That moment everyone knew he wasn't human. So you had to wait a bunch of minutes until it got confirmed to the entire stupid audience. Why did they do that? They do that often.

>You are a homage to Arnold
like 15 minutes later. Oh Bernard looks like Arnold. Who would have guessed?

It really wasn't fun they threw spoilers into their own show and then you kinda had to wait it out even though you knew it was going to come.

Explain this!

She is really ugly. What do you find to be attractive or interesting about her? Generic bulky nordic blond chick.

I'd love a bulky nordic blond murdersexbot.

SHRINK WORLD confirmed


Oh, fuck, it's you again.

It is fucking
>Samurai World
you idiot!


Shogun World makes more sense to me since it can describe the 600+ year time period of feudal Japan run my military dictatorships rather than just one type of warrior.

>Can't even afford to CGI Yul Brenner in for a minute cameo but will happily de-age Anthony Hopkins


Not to mention the biggest plothole, if someone as important as Logan went missing that the whole park wouldn't shut down and look for him.

Having a robot go on a murder rampage and kill the co-creator was in hopes to show that the park was dangerous and have it shut down, it wasn’t really about killing the other hosts. I think, idek, it was like a fucking year ago.


They had Yul Brenner in the show though. The De Aged Hopkins looked pretty great too!

Can't wait for Eastworld

Where can I download pic related? I think there is a Westworld tv show and a Futureworld TV show. There are also a bunch of old movies. I can't find them online ANYWHERE.

There are westworld and futureworld movies and they are both easy to find

Yeh I've got them but what about the tv series? I can not find that one. I wouldn't mind a stream.


of course I have no idea what page that is. Is that a private tracker?

>Is that a private tracker?

So whose arsehole do I have to lick to get in?

good question, but i don't think that would get you into BTN

pacing so that the twist wasn't about the audience's reaction, but about the characters. You knew about it before it happened because of unsubtle to subtle clues, so it wasn't a shock and you could therefore focus on how the characters deal with the twists.

Sent ;^)

Goddamn she is hot as hell