*blocks your fun*

*blocks your fun*

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/maps/place/Massa's Tavern/@40.6680482,-74.1239932,17z/data=!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x89c2521d7cdd748b:0x3a21bf44c6e5390b!2sMassa's Tavern!8m2!3d40.6681722!4d-74.1242024!3m4!1s0x89c2521d7cdd748b:0x3a21bf44c6e5390b!8m2!3d40.6681722!4d-74.1242024

>that shirt

Am I the only one who like Aids Moby?

i thought that was one of the chapo people for a second


This guy for sure has a homemade gloryhole setup at his house.

No. Aidsmoby can fuck my wife anytime.

*blocks your arteries*

*blocks your shaq meat*

For someone with a soycuck beard, he’s really chad for wearing that shirt.

wait i thought jack was aids moby and josh was beardson

Jack is aidsmoby and Josh is Beardfat. Not sure what these guys are talking about.

Are you suggesting beardson is hung like a mule and could satisfy my wife?

Jack is AIDS Moby. I thought Josh was called Beardfat, though. Also, why do people call Jack AIDS Moby anyway? Moby already looks like he has AIDS and he looks less healthy than Jack (not that he's the picture of health or anything).

yes, josh is the ultimate chad

I can hear toms impression in my head

I don't get it

Who the fuck is Beardson? It’s Beardfat you faggot

It’s slave speak (American Slave)/ Ebonics for Master.


In those old Tarzan movies from the 40s, the blacks call Tarzan Massa Buana, which probably means something like very well, master.

>that contrived sigh when something awkward happens

That shirt is sold by AP mike who is the producer on the podcast "The Best Show" he also works at Massa's Tavern on the side


Because they are fun words that normal people don't have a seizure over hearing.

The problem with Josh is that he's too aware he's being filmed for a show. Mike, Jay, Rich, the Canadians, and even Jack have a feel to them like they're just enjoying hanging out with each other and making each other laugh. Josh is trying to be entertaining for the viewers, which actually makes him the worst one. He also tries to ape Mike's dry, sardonic style, and it annoys me. Josh is just fine on re:View. Leave him there.

Because saying doggo and pupper sound funny. I don’t get why people sperg about people saying bastardized words.

Beardfat's "Massa's Tavern" shirt is a reference to public radio personality Mike Lisk.

Mike Lisk works as a bartender in a seedy bar called Massa's Tavern in Bayonne, New Jersey a few days a week and the other days producing podcasts for Tom Scharpling. Scharpling constantly prods Lisk to tell stories about all the fucked up shit that happens at Massa's Tavern.

google.com/maps/place/Massa's Tavern/@40.6680482,-74.1239932,17z/data=!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x89c2521d7cdd748b:0x3a21bf44c6e5390b!2sMassa's Tavern!8m2!3d40.6681722!4d-74.1242024!3m4!1s0x89c2521d7cdd748b:0x3a21bf44c6e5390b!8m2!3d40.6681722!4d-74.1242024


They should put him on prerec because rich and aids have a pretty horrible dynamic if they're allowed to interact without oversight or a script.

I was just making a reference to that guy who used to spam threads with that fat naked black lady that said "OOOOOOOOOOOOOHH MASSA U GON MAKE ME SQUIRT"

Because bald + memes = aids duh

I don't get how a jaded alcoholic midwestern slob like Mike enjoys the company of obnoxious soyboy asshats like Jack and Beardfat.
Jack's constant winking and exaggerated gestures to the camera after a joke make me want to bludgeon his skull.

You realize only redditors hate doggo and pupper, right? You have to go back.


Josh is just a normie nerd. Aids Moby is awkward and funny and probably secodn best after Rich

He probably is hung like a mule (sterile) (voluntary vasectomy)

>linking to reddit




>r/the_donald user who literally linked from reddit telling me to go back because pupper and doggo are reddit words

>literally type doggo and pupper hate
>leddit top result
Must be hard being a brainlet.

Sone you're fat canoot defeat my shtoyle

I like all of them. Only autistic assholes like OP can't handle people being different and a little weird sometimes.

He's hot af.

That's because rich sucks. When he's bouncing off Mike it's only so he can make jokes off how fucking stupid he is.