You should draw every day, even if it's just a little. Post whatever you're working on, be it a full piece, doodles...

You should draw every day, even if it's just a little. Post whatever you're working on, be it a full piece, doodles, or anything in between.

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I doodled some robot animal, animal robots.

I didn't do anything new.

sweet reminder of our first challenge on how's your webcomic

I'm very excited for new Tick series on Amazon.

Sketched some random characters for a new comic idea.

The Workman.

The Handler.


No scanner, don't have a tablet. I kill time at work drawing on the scrap cardboard I fish out of the gaylords. I've been making progress, though, and a practice drill I've been doing at him is looking up pictures of people and breaking them down into a frame then drawing from there.

And the Dollmaker.

i'll participate
what's the theme?


whoops this is the full one
>Theme: Castaway in space
>Genre (options):
>slice of life

ok i think i can do that.

Lots of sprite art.
would you play it Sup Forums?

so i just post this on the deadline on hyw?

still working on the same thing from last thread that was in

Newb here, I just did some warmup sketches of armpits.

Yes, until that day we'll post the enties

Drawing is for chumps.

I am more of a writer, but it's fun (if also frustrating) to learn how to draw.

Eh I did this one today.


Will you enter our challenge lucy?

I have many commissions consuming my draw time so I'll pass

I was planning on inking this sketch, but I've decided just to jump in and paint it.

Very inspired by Tekkonkinkreet...

That's still pretty good for something sketchy. just needs a few people walking down the street and you've got yourself something out of an old-time magazine

This ended up going on a tangent pretty fast

did a few character profiles for my webcomic. I think I'm practically set for now. I just need to do a few floorplans and maybe a rough map of the city the comic takes place in and I'll be ready to start the first chapter.

last one

Not bad, that bald professor could use some more wrinkles around his eyes to show his age

>the characters' last-names are light and yagami

Your style looks really familiar.

Mockup of a protag for a comic I might make about a sad man going on intense adventures collecting tax money from criminals

Here's a demon I'm working on just for fun.

another quick mockup

Not me, if you have seen my work on here it's probably under Steely Phil.
Whos Jork? Does he have a site or something?

I'm trying to design a t-shirt.

How do I into inking?

This spooky ass dood probably took half an hour to one hour, not counting breaks to read shitposting in /5eg/.

It's a Token for Roll20, so I didn't spend a whole lot of time on it.

And here's the "normal" version. This one only took 30 minutes, though it's still got a lot I could clean up if I wanted to.

Posted this in the Discord,gonna make him a buddy

looks very cool, I like your coloring and style of shading quite a lot.

It's quite rushed just to get the basic gestalt of the character, but I'm happy you think so, thank you.

second page of a comic I'm doing for a competition

Any opinion on which color pallet works best?

Those are some pretty cool looking goblins(?).

duly noted. still having a little trouble trying to portray older people.

hah, didn't even realize. I got Light from Dr.Light (Mega Man) and Yagami from Iori Yagami(King of Fighters)

Hat's awesome, I dig how his clothing is in a state that doesn't impede his creature form


doodles, eh? alright
i have two that i did just earlier
first is an attempt at drawing pepe in flapjack's style. not sure if it's successful or not

my second is pipi with a hat i based off a photoshopped cat that was going around on r9k

thx bruh, they're supposed to be vampires but thats pretty irrelevant for the story. So goblins work too;)) heres the first page

I like number 3 and 4 the most - the orange works nicely.

What did you use to draw these btw?

Toonboom harmony

Noice, how did you get such good line work user?

There's a blocky part at the start of the arm when pointing up

Looks cool. Some paneling issues: the panels flow better if the characters are positioned consistently thorough the panels. The two humans could walk right thorough the pages.

The vampires switch sides in the two panels which break the flow. It would work if their position was flipped in both panels: the humans coming from left pass the vampires, and the vampires look after them to right. Another alternative would be having them remain at the same side of the panels.











My child, have you heard the words of our lord and savior loomis christ?

The middle pose is like a damn optical illusion,mate

That actually looks pretty good.

Did you use any kind of reference? If not, you should. And I don't mean anime.

Unfortunately, is right. You lack some basic fundamentals that you should study up on, mainly perspective and anatomy.

Fleshed out a concept for an elephant-raver girl. No idea what I'd user for, but I liked the idea enough to go back to it. If anything, I can make a one-off of it.

apparently I signed up for crunchy roll's convention.

So I'm working on this Samus and struggling mightily to draw armor.

Hampton is easier to learn from as a starting point than Loomis desu


This is nice stuff, user.

Played around with ink wash last night.

1, 3, and 4.

And what's his personality like? That would help with picking out a palette.

I like it, but yeah, I think adding some background characters would make it feel more lively.

The premise sounds interesting, I love the style too!

This is from a day or two ago, but everything I've done since then is patreon or future comic stuff I don't want to post publicly.

thanks, man, appreciate it.
got some more stuff if you want to check it out:

some sketches of some side characters, family of the main three kids (which y'all have probably seen me post here.
LOVE this.
the ink looks super nice!

some more. the wharf sisters, excluding bonnie.

Very graphic, like this look!
I feel like this guy needs a slicker haircut, though.

The blue lighting detail on this is really interesting.
And the rendering style is neat, too. Nice job,man.

semi-arbitrary color/height chart for these gals.

Sounds dumb, I'd read it

I'm so late to this party is isn't even funny but whatever.

doodle thread?

That's a pretty good Heather. Hands are a bit wonky tho.
Maybe we'll get some mileage out of ghost Heather once October comes around.

How do i learn to have fun drawing. I feel like since I didn't get in the habit of drawing as a kid I'll never learn not to hate it

The why do it?

Because I want to make things. But every time I look at what my hand is doing and see stuff that looks like a 3rd grader did it I get mad.

At least people who started when they were kids have the advantage of not realizing how shitty their early stuff looked, and already had a few fundamentals by the time they got old enough to be critical of themselves.

Inked up a new character. Her name's Sister Marion.

As someone who started when they was 27, just keep at it man. With drawing the way to do it is to do it. Also the sad truth is when you first start, it's gonna suck. We're not going to fault you on it. We might joke but alot of people want our art fags to succeed

Hey man, I hated drawing too when I first started, to tell you the truth I've always hated drawing when I was a kid, but I got into it anyway because it seemed like the only skill that one can practice with online resources, since I just suck at my original passion. So yeah, for about a year of hard work I hated every second of it, but I assure you it gets better, every practice you hate it a bit less, and at the end you still feel satisfied because you did something to improve yourself, and once you see some results, it gets even better, and it's only up from there. Keep at it, don't give up!

oh and another thing, when it feels like you're hating it too much and you're about to freak out because of it, don't be afraid to take a break, however long it takes, and ease in again by drawing stuff you like, because something is always better than nothing
if you overwork you will most likely experience a burnout, and it feels awful so take care of yourself

drawn with mouse on paint.

Drew busts of the characters from the Call of Duty Zombies mode.

its not looking all that bad. coloring will help a lot, but until then just try to erase the excess rough sketch and go over the individual segments of the armor with a finer pencil, and make sure they distinctly overlap where they're supposed to. Like on the forearm specifically, you can't really tell if once piece is supposed to be recessed below the other, sitting on top, or flush.

Is my apple okay?