What did we think about this?

What did we think about this?

Pretty fucking good


What was his problem?

5 episodes in.

Don't have a clue what is going on but it's great.

I enjoyed it a lot. I just didn't like that it ended on a "cliffhanger". I worry that it will take the L O S T route of not answering questions and just leaving threads hanging.

proof that germany is superior

dark > gay (nostalgic) things

watched the first episode today, good break between porn, maybe what i expected from the last stranger things session

Well I am german and I can tell you that it's a little wonder that a halfway decent show was produced here. There are only very few good series that can be apreciated by an international audience that are somehow original or are at least interesting.

Hollywood is run by Jews who hate Christianity.

God complex

So why exactly did they need to burn kids’ eyes?

Torture porn for Jews.

It's hella fucking epic and even dark sometimes. Also check out russian series Chernobyl, wich is good too and semi related.

It was a side effect by the self build time machine. It doesn't work properly

How can he travel through time? Why didn't they just bomb the tunnel?


Why did they need that when they had that cave which had wormhole?

The series is great and all but the way is build - shown to the spectator gets tiring fast.

>Scene begins, characters talking, probably a conversation about something important
>Scene ends in around 40 seconds then switches
>Different scene, characters doing something or talking.
>Scene ends in around 40 seconds then switches

Its like they thought they had to add something of worth to every scene so the viewer is constantly feed with cliffhangers and things that will impress him. But each scene is so quick its like watching a slideshow.

So who is going to win? Claudia or Nooa ? Place your bets anons

It seems like he wants to send them into another year than those 3 timelines the tunnel connects.
He calls himself Noah and says somethig about creating his own version of the world. Maybe he wants to send the children way back to the past or into the future to be the crreator of a new world.

Reddit the show

Just fuck off

I like his yellow jacket

Or maybe every passage through the tunnel is pre-destinated and really doesn't change anything in the timelines. But traveling with this time machine would be something different.

Best people:

Worst people:

I think he looks somehow cute in general.

Do Germans really do this?

Felt way too similar to stranger things and I gave up after episode 2 because it's really nothing special.

No, but Jews sure do want you to think it's normal after seeing it on TV.

I agree with the gist of your post.

Not really. Older aunts just used to spit into tissues and whiped it into ones face if it was a little bit dirty, saying "Zeig ma', du hasta was!" before doing it.

Give it a another try. It really stands on its own. The first episode really has some Stranger Things vibes but later it gets more Twin Peaks with a bit of Donnie Darko.

>no monsters
>time travel
>no comedy

The wormhole only allows for three specific time periods. He wants to create a machine which would allow travel to any time.

Good atmosphere and performances. The soap elements got tiring quick.Also the intro song gets on my nerves

Seriously you have a whole board where you can complain about jews, blacks and leftists, libtards, gay or whatever all day long. Why post here?

Fucking Hannah. Every time she is on the screen reminds me of Kate episodes from Lost.
>something interesting and cool is happenning
>suddenly it's melodrama

Why are you so upset about someone pointing out Jewish subversion in TV? Do you have some kind of vested interest in Jewish influence remaining hidden?

>Also the intro song gets on my nerves
Really? I think it was pretty catchy and captured the whole melancholic atmosphere pretty well.

Go back to your Reichsbürger kids club.

Typical Jewish response.

Was made in Europe by Christian Germans not Hollywood you pleb.

All media in Germany is owned by Jews as well.

If anything the ZDF is owned by the pope, for instance.

Personally I think it could be much better if only information traveled in time, not people, with Noah abusing the loop by constantly feeding information to his younger self.

His gf left him for her nephew

the dub is so fucking awkward. Did they hire 4kids to do this?

The current "Pope" is a shill for Jews who literally worships in synagogues and followed the advice of a Jewish psychoanalyst for years.

>being enough of a brainlet to watch dubs

like these?

What happened kid did you try to press /mlp/ and hit Sup Forums instead and get baby's first redpill you are acting like a faggot stop it, its embarrassing.

Just watch the subbed version


Also wtf with young Helge being in the blue room?

Another classic Jew reply. You might even be the same Jew!

It was explained pretty clearly in the final episode

I liked it.
But the mad max part looks bad.

The beginning of Helge being risen by Noah for a while.


It was literally 1 minute.

Yeah but now he is in 1986? How did he get back? Or is room in 1953?

imagine being this much of a brainlet.

>homely town in suburbs
>kid disappears
>nuclear power plant is up to something shady
>government black ops fucking with kids for some greater cause
>distraught family member taking law into own hands to find out the truth

you have all the subreddits to be a pussy faggot on, why post here?

the tunnel I guess

This is an 18+ website kid go and get your mommy to post her tits for the big boys. Also I take offence to being called I Jew unlike you I have fourskins on me. Now stop acting like a faggot you are an embarrassment to Sup Forums I bet you came from r/thedonald after the election.

It's a very good show. I am worried about season 2. The part in the future was too cliche. It didn't fit well at all with the rest of the series.

Do we actually know that the last bit was the future? Could he have changed something and it's an alternate time line. Was this what Noah was trying to do and fucked it up?

This would be even more interesting.

It's just a though the tunnel only goes to a specific place and time every 33 years and the girl at the end looks like his aunt.

Im sorry but why would the government kidnap kids to do these experiments on? They would just send dummies or lab animals first like fucking obviously. Then they would do some crazy money scheme for volunteers to do it. Shit's retarded as fuck.

are you retarded

>the government


Hannah 86 is best girl though

he means him and me, fuck off

you're just not invited as per usual

Pedo, pls


Not really

Not the guy but she's 14 he's not a pedo you stupid fuck

The color grading really annoyed me. How that one particular shade of yellow really popped out constantly, with all the rest being basically colorless. Really goddamn annoying.

That being said, for a non-english spoken series, it was pretty good. Gets a tad confusing once they introduce a shitload of new faces well past the halfway mark, but that's not that big a deal.

Haven't seen it past ep 2 guess it isnt the government? Why have they hidden such a discovery from the government? Retarded as fuck.

Dear god just watch the whole series before making shit up

I loved it, but the ending felt like it was from one of those movies where they change the endings for American audience and it's really dumbed down lowest common denominator shit.

She’s not the best
but she’s by far the cutest

Does it really rain this much in Germany?


Noah essentially already said this in the last episode. Whoever is there in the present cannot kill their past self because upon doing so, they would never age to the point where they would travel back kill themself.

In a way, the show is already finished before it started. Event-wise anyway.

t. pedos

Was good but pretty confusing, though that might be because I watched most of it kinda drunk and fell asleep during 3 or 4 episodes

In northern Germany yes. At least it feels like that

>like it was from one of those movies where they change the endings for American audience
like what?

I think the yellow popping out was intentional. It's got this whole phillosopher's stone shit going on and Citrinitas (Yellow) is a major ingredient/step in it, Jonah also wears the yellow coat symbolizing he's part of the process Noah is orchestrating.. or maybe I'm pulling shit out of my ass to excuse the fact it sort of annoyed me too. And yes it got to a point where I didn't know who the fuck was who, they realized this themselves and gave us a side by side of characters eventually.

As a german this is pretty cringeworthy to watch, the missing language barrier/need for subs takes a majority of suspension of disbelief away

6 eps in. I fully understand that the mysteries cannot be satisfactorily explained, but the atmosphere is phenomenal. The hotel lady's plot is a weak point but everybody else's connections and plotlines are great. I'm kind of sad now that LOST didn't have this tone to it.

The show is really soapy, yeah. Could be improved if it focused on actual character development instead of "who is fucking who this week™?!" Also if they refrained from spoon feeding EVERYTHING to the audience. The side by side past/future frames are terrible. And the watchmaker guy explaining black holes/meaning of life is r/atheism tier shit. Im still interested in S2 though. Will probably watch.

kys let them speak


But compared to other german TC shit this actually well crafted.

>The show is really soapy
So was Twin Peaks

I kept wondering where I’d seen Ulrich’s actor before

Try Babylon Berlin

Based Ulrich

Yeah I know, but other than this any maybe Deutschland 83, Weinberg, Der Tatortreiniger or Stromberg there is really nothing at least halfway decent to be found