I want to ____ Hela

>I want to ____ Hela


ejucalate into

not watch any movies featuring


get my face sat on by her

service her feet
lick her pusy
clean her asshole
drink her piss
eat her shit
be her punching bag
be her personal servant
be her toy

Fuck her hard on the sink
After that give her something to drink

kneel before


Her body looked amazing in that costume.

>Now you remind me of Dad

Cummies o'Clock


stick my tongue into the anus of

should have half-rotten face
if marvel wants to rip off norse, could do it well, not half-assed

Should also be Loki's daughter, not Odin's.

lick the bare shoulders of

get mindbroken by

Finally a man of culture here





Was she harvested?




Damn she looks fine with that dark hair and smoky eyes.



That's a pretty great shot.


be vored by



eat the toejam of

She reminds me of Madison Ivy here

what was she doing before this scene? just hanging around waiting for odin to die?


Wait what, Cate Blanchett is a mom of 4?
I always assumed she was childless because of how insanely good looking she still was
what a goddess



We didn't get enough Hela. She was completely flat

she was being banished so yeah

She was sealed in/imprisoned by Odin so she legit needed him to die to reappear.

plastic surgery

This is actually a pretty cool effect.

I'm not trying to be paranoid but...

Didn't Odin died in Thor 2? Like he was killed by Loki... Or did I just dreamed that?

sniff the pusy of

why would she immediately teleport to the spot of Odin's death?

She's goddess of death. She immediately knew when he died, and decided to make an entrance.

fuck and then dump

what if odin was thrown into the sun on a spaceship as a sort of viking funeral?

lick feet of

Then she probably wouldn't have gone there. I'm sorry, are you mentally deficient?

he should have been thrown alive tho

I want to her body looked amazing in that costume Hela?

Green spinny knife lady had nothing to do with death. She should have been some old war goddess or a prime Valkyrie or something.

does she know where she's teleporting? she just always has a life force sense of Odin and can teleport anywhere in the universe at any time? why didn't she leave asgard then?

fix the makeup around the eyes of

you stole my fucking line!!

crash the plane of


it was offscreen, so it was unclear what loki did, the only result shown was that he replaced odin.

ragnarok pretty much explained what he did, he sent odin on earth while he was weakened, then impersonated him and banished the nigger who can see everything so odin wont have a way to get back to asgard via bifrost

and now Im stealing your waifu

This, those genes must not be lost.



Maybe she's his mommy, they look alike

delete threads related to

best capekino villain in years

>tfw emo cate wont crush my cock with her norse goth feminist powers

forget about

Oh wait, I already have

>pic related


She needs to come back, technically we didn't see her die since she got whapped by the sword a few seconds before Asguard was destroyed, so they can say she survived but is just underpowered now.

yes i'm a girl

>birthed four kids so she can have more mommy love

>that will never be you

That sounds like something that I would probably say to Cate if I bumped into her in a street corner.

God that movie was fucking trash.

be dominated by

no one fucking cares whore. tits or gtfo.

Why is that kids head so huge. And looks like he's being drained ala Rogue.

I'm still hoping they use her as the "avatar of death" character in the Infinity War plotline

We never see her corpse after all.

cuddle with

>Hel may also be alluded to in Hamðismál. Death is periphrased as "joy of the troll-woman"[12] (or "ogress"[13]) and ostensibly it is Hel being referred to as the troll-woman or the ogre (flagð)

Problem feminists?

die with my dick inside of

>I want to get my face sat on by her Hela.

be chidingly put back in diapers by

clean the makeup off




I want to worship Hela, the Goddess of Death.
>worships the goddess of death

become the insole of

fuck & suck

Anally penetrate