It's a "another girl who stopped replying" episode

>it's a "another girl who stopped replying" episode

I thought we had something

>it's another lost /r9k/ autist

Time to threaten to dump her nudez

well atleast you got a girl to reply to you at some point at all

>tfw she takes 8 hours to respond to a text even though you know she has her phone on her all the time

>tfw literally never once spoke to a female that wasn't in my family

Also, it's been just a day.
i'm keeping my cool, but I'm so insecure after my last break up

no she is cheating on you bro

lel we're not even together. I met her Sunday, we casually saw each other with friends Thrsday and yesterday I asked her out and she's not replying anymore.

She engage me phisically multiple times in the two times we met, so I thought it was an easy deal

she's probably just busy with school, and work, and making food, and eating food, and sleeping, and showering, and going for a run, and going shopping, to check her phone. it has nothing to do with you

>it's a "she tells you she doesnt want to talk to you anymore and delet's you + blocks you because she's got """""borderline personality disorder"""""" (because you aren't Chad)" episode

If Apu is in the wheelchair what is the name of the one pushing him?

>it's a girl looks at you without a look a disgust on her face and she continues looking at you even when she realizes that i noticed she's looking episode


>She engage me phisically
You're getting DENNISed, bro.

holy shit you're right

Date an asian

It's another thread that needs to be saged

>it's a girl you asked for a date and comes out as a lesbian episode
movies for this feel?

>last break up

>tfw she responds with a single word or smiley after those 8 hours

>send a pic :)
w-which one? I have ones with expert lighting but that might come off as trying too hard, but I don't want to undersell myself either

Three girls this this month man

One fucked me then ghosted
One told me we should just be friends
The last just made me stop texting cause I would only get replies like lol or k

I'm talking to another girl now but she's taller than me so idk how this will play out