
it's probably some of the worst animated material I've seen in a long time

Why did Rich sign up for this?

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This is like a really shitty Kablam short

Really fucking bad m8

gave my eyes cancer

What makes this amazing is that this isn't even the worst thing on their YT page

>Why did Rich sign up for this?

Easy $$$$$$

Lizzie was decent for online shorts, so I don't know what the fuck these abomination's excuses are other than they hired awful people to work on it.

We had this same shitty thread last week.

Everybody hates it except for me and Sup Forums only cares because Rich Evans is in it, but not in the pilot episode.

and people got paid for making this...

Instead of rolling with the premise, they just kept explaining the premise.

It's a start, I guess. Something for a VA resume.

Why is the animation so inconsistent and amateur?

It looks like a student's school project.

I said the same thing about Steven Universe.

>It's a start, I guess. Something for a VA resume.

He also has this too
The guy is on his way to being a real star

>when you are waiting for the joke to happen, but it never comes.
I am too lazy to post a fitting picture. Low effort comment for a low effort show.

I hope so, he doesn't have the same range as Mike but it's a very distinct voice and his laugh is up there with Hamill Joker's as greatest laugh ever heard.

>Why did Rich sign up for this?
He needs new work because RLM's movie "reviews" got called out as frauds

Garbage, the main characters are too big and annoying.

>people still trying to argue Phantom Menace is good
>people shitting on Mike for liking TFA
I feel really fucking bad for Mike. The man created a new generation of arm chair critics who all turned on him

>Literal hack frauds

>joke is the main characters are loud and annoying
>actually making their voices loud so they also annoy the viewer
This is baffling

>people shitting on Mike for liking TFA
to be fair, he was way too fair on it and gave way too many free passes that they didn't give to rogue one despite falling into basically the exact same pitfalls and more. although he didn't have nearly as much time to think about every possible thing wrong with the movie like he did with the prequels, which had already been out as an entire trilogy for years. he just had to shit out a video while the movie was still relevant. i personally would have waited for the entire sequel trilogy to be released so i could judge it based on all of the information given so i didn't waste any time with stupid speculation and had as much time to think about it as possible.

The problem is people wanted a Plinkett review for TFA but TFA doesn't have enough wrong with it to warrant one. Almost everything in the prequels is bad

That's the blatant truth. People can screech about how bad TFA is but he didn't have enough material, which is why half that video is a dissection of the fanbase

I'm honestly getting of the people complaining about TFA. Its really not that bad

>TFA doesn't have enough wrong with it to warrant one.

Fucking terrible

I can't believe i'm actually saying this, but this would actually be better if it were flash animated.

Even worse than I thought it would be/10

Yeah but this is actually bad and not meme bad.

Why is so much of the dialogue unfunny exposition?

>TFA doesn't have enough wrong with it to warrant one.

"too loud"... loud house... this is like if regular show had called itself "time to adventure". what the fuck.


>Art sucks
>character design sucks
>animation is worse than most shit on newgrounds
>90% of the jokes boil down to "HEY WE ARE ALWAYS SPEAKING SUPER LOUD, ISN'T IT FUNNY?"

i'd be fine with the main characters if they didn't have this awful sports mascot proportions.

Its shit.

i feel like the entire premise sounds like something some artist feeling bitter would make to call out shit they hate about certain cartoons by taking their trends to an extreme, ex. big heads, yelling as comedy, annoying characters... actually I guess that's pretty much it.

except it's just Actually Bad and not the kind of thing where you can see there's some deliberate point or angle to it. like the premise, despite seeming pretty widely unappealing, is specific and bizarre enough it seems there'd have to be something more to it, but even then it's just played as underwhelming and generic as possible

i really didn't expect anything from it but it seems the same concept could've had a totally different execution that would at least get a wider range of responses than "yeah it's p shit"

My eardrums and eyeballs feel like they have been raped

Thanks OP

It's pretty well lubricated and competent, even if it's a derivative cash-in. Darth Zit is something new, at least.

Basically, it is not a trainwreck, at least partly because it is not trying to be epic from the get-go. We are not sure where these characters are going, and we are almost interested in finding out. They're not turning into the Space Messiah, at least.

i'm just waiting for rich evans to show up so i can drop it.

But he refused to go after the fact that it was a literal remake of ANH and the fact that Rey was a huge mary sue

But...he did?

I'm assuming this was a pilot, so it was okay for what it was. I thought it was hammy enough to be entertaining.

Instead of actually yelling, they should probably just stick to sounding super enthused. You could hear Sarah's VA peaking into her microphone at the beginning, which is inexcusable for a professional work.

>Out of context SNEEK PEEK at Too Loud Episode 2, coming this Sunday!
This show needs more Molly.

>109 pages

jesus christ

Wait so they're just adults/teens with big heads? I thought they were going to be kids!

Are all episodes gonna revolve around 'lol, my head's real big' jokes?

even Vivzie hates it so i dont like it

isn't she workig on it?


Thats sad she seems like a great animator

oh shit you are right
Is she a troll or just really bad?

>she seems like a great animator
no she really isn't you blind fucktard
you can literally see the scenes she animated

Well she is really good in my opinion.
I mean she did all these by herself without any budget

It... it is...

>constant mentions of Rich Evans in this thread
Is it bad that I have NO IDEA who that is?

she has aboslutely no sense of movement and timing, the facial features usually float around in the faces and all the characters are horribly over designed

He's just the guy who helped invent the modern armchair internet critic, so if you enjoyed Nostalgia Critic, AVGN, Jontron and all the other reviewers, then you owe it to yourself to at least know Red Letter Media

>the guy who helped invent the modern armchair internet critic

sounds like he deserves a good smack across the face whoever he is

Yeah that too I guess

>so if you enjoyed Nostalgia Critic, AVGN, Jontron and all the other reviewers, then you owe it to yourself to at least know Red Letter Media
Hmmm...I don't really know or care about any of those people either.
Guess I'm just out of touch.

tell her that

They're just e celebs who're good for mining reaction images from, your not missing much

I thought this was the loud house spin off

>So do we ship them or
>nooooo! They are siblings!!

pfff as if that's going to stop anyone

Actually it would make things just worse

I'm not sure how to feel about the implications behind this image.

He put that girl in his mouth

he gave her the SUCC

Oh, so would you rather have more shitty Filmation-era animation with B^Uckley-tier character designs?


>your argument is a fucking animatic
Try harder, user.

He did point out in the plinket review that after Episode 1-3 not going over well, the fact that the prequel trilogy characters faded over time, and the fact that everyone still associates SW with the original trilogy that TFA went with the safe and samey but competent approach that did a few new things that weren't dealbreakers.

I feel that the worst things you can say about it is that Rey does feel like a mary sue at times and that it plays it very safe that makes it just feel "Oh, ok. That was fun" instead of being some huge breaking movie or a bomb that kills the series.

>Your first sentence
I would actually love a mini series made by a disgruntled animator parodying the state of Western cartoons. Hell, now I think it sucks Too Loud is a genuine product rather than a one-off of a parody.

Molly is the main character/protagonist we need AND deserve.

Imagine it, you're a shy unconfident 16 year old girl...and you live with those two loud freaks terrorizing you and your peers on a daily basis.

She loves it, she keeps praising it on her blogs non-stop.

>109 pages


She's a bitch for liking it then

Umm...Yamcha, I got some BAD news for you.

So is SU.

user..please I know its a big joke and lel funny to say SU is shit, but compared to THIS....fuck off mate.

Never said this pile of crap was good. Both are bad.



Who is the intended audience for this? It's genuinely off putting and obnoxious.

Nah son.


They wouldn't be able to keep it secret. Everyone would be able to hear them.

He already has crippling diabetes.

It's not the only voice acting gig he's gotten, recently he did work for Edmund McMillen's The End is Night. Out of the RLM posse surprisingly it seems like he's been its most successful member.


Jesus fucking Christ, that was the longest 4 and a half minutes I have suffered through in ages.

>Look 6
>Offical age is 15 and 16
Pedo bait even more obvious than loud house.

really? that would make a lot of sense.

I thought it was crippling depression

Unless Too Loud does some "muh deep lore" shit, it'll always be at a lower level than SU

Well Mike did this weird thing


Wait, THE Rich Evans is a VA in this cartoon? Which character does he voice? The boy? The granny? I can't really tell. Why is this happening?