I can smell FLOP from a mile away. What was Spielberg’s last successful movie? I can’t even remember Indy 4...

I can smell FLOP from a mile away. What was Spielberg’s last successful movie? I can’t even remember Indy 4? BFG flopped I know that.

That's a long leg


Rumor is Spielberg didn’t even do much on this movie, it’s just a loosely connected series of “WHOA LOOK TRACER” moment and le epin CGI battles


>not “a BILL WILSON film”

>I can smell FLOP from a mile away.
Is it because of the leg? It is, isn't it?

wonder if it will be full of obnoxious kids

I was hyped about it until i saw the trailer and it clearly seems to be another mainstream piece of shit that loses an opportunity to probe into something deeper and magnificent. I had it on my list of films to see in 2018 but crossed it out after closing 2017 watching Last Jedi. There are a number of kino movies/shows i will be seeing in 2018 but this isn't one of them. I'm not sure that it will be a FLOP and I'm not sure it matters to me personally.

Isn't 80s nostalgia selling extremely well atm?

>I was hyped about it

If you believe Speilberg directed this you've already fallen for it. This movie is designed and directed by a sentient AI hoping to create something humans will like to distract them while it kickstarts the next global war. Speilberg's name being attached is only part of its marketability.

BFG flopped because nobody asked for it, nobody cared about it, and there was little to market besides, "Oh hey its that book I had to read in 2nd grade".

RPO looks halfway decent. I think gamers, nerds, and geeks would flock to this one because thats who it is marketed toward. All the "Nostalgia" mixed with trendy vidya references would be the selling point. I for one think they are overdoing the CGI. I feel like its just going to be a more modern day Spy Kids 3D.

>deep films

can't find the new IT for download on the bay. Anyone know what's going on with that?

>the bay
what are you even doing?

I like that the artist for this felt the need to go on reddit and right a two page rant about how the legs are perfect and everyone else in the world is blind and wrong.

It'll make a ton of money, which is really sad because it looks like hollow, pandering garbage.

It happens sometimes desu ..
Also has been happening for a number of shows.
Just have to keep an eye out for it and not be immersed in trash such that your view is clouded

So it's one of those 'moments' movies.
No real plot.

He hasn't made a big budget blockbuster since Crystal Skull

It isn't gonna flop, you're wildly underestimating how big Things I Know: The Movie is gonna go over with the nerd culture crowd


It won't crack $150 million domestic. Needed a young blood director like Edgar Wright, Takiki Tahiti guy, etc. instead it comes off like le future kitchen sink 90s garbage. Spielberg is disliked now in Hollywood, shunned at Oscars, doesn't help. And the lead actor is a total unknown to normies, Hollywood expected him to be popular by now, nope

It's like Tron meets jumanji but more like Jumanji with le evil villain corporation meets band of normies. Something to put hope in the hearts of consumers as they leave the theaters having been immersed in buy my shit product placement pop culture.


Thing is though that the nerd culture crowd has mutated since the book came out.
The book was there to pander to the big zimbabwe theory crowd, and they've mostly wandered off to new bandwagons, grown up or been absorbed into the Rick and Morty type audience.

Now it isn't enough to reference entry level shit to make the audience say "I get that reference!".
They also have to include pseudo intellectualism, progressive stack empowerment, even more entry level references and beating shallow political strawmen.
The problem here is that this audience is utterly toxic, and any marketing will have to walk on eggshells in order to avoid a ghostbusters/gods of egypt style shitshow.

What the fuck is that thing on the left?

>Spielberg is disliked now in Hollywood, shunned at Oscars, doesn't help.
I've never heard this before.
Why doesn't tinseltown like him anymore?

Why aren't these characters photo-realistic? What's the big dilly about interacting with graphics rendered pop culture creations if it's no different than the most premium VR. This movie is prematurely dated before it comes out. People want to see Spielberg recreate a scene from Back to the Future, photo real, with sets, with a bit of CGI heightening to it all, not a goddamn Game Stop Super Bowl ad

If you forced yourself to read the book, you'd realize the entire story is MAXIMUM 80's pandering.

It's gonna make the pandering in Stranger Things seem downright tame.

Yojimbo or a Jewish golem

Way to age the movie prematurely.
Put Tifa in if you want something that's resurfaced, is well known and has already stood the test of time

>Lara Croft
>Golden 1911

Man, they can't even get the simple details right.

This movie is going to be such an entertaining disaster.

To be fair, that's essentially what the book is

BFG was by all accounts a bad movie too, Spielberg takes a kids book with no plot and makes it 2 hours of mocap slapstick.

I know plenty of normies who still wear Star Wars shirts everywhere who still eat the "please clap for reference" stuff up. The reddit crowd has moved on from it but BBT still gets great ratings

So, it'll be an accurate adaptation, then.


>People want to see Spielberg recreate a scene from Back to the Future, photo real, with sets, with a bit of CGI heightening to it all, not a goddamn Game Stop Super Bowl ad

Nailed it. It looks like the high-end WoW ads you saw as a kid then looked up the game and realized it looked nothing like that

Use yify

Oh God, make my sides stop.
I can't handle the irony

Kitana uses a rocket launcher in the trailer.
You know these are just people's avatars that look like the characters and not the actual characters existing in the same world right?

At first I thought this was Spielberg sucking that nostalgia dick and trying to relive his glory days but thinking about it, I get the feeling he's making a statement about how our world is getting smaller, and worse, and how people are trying to escape into fantasy while chasing after money which is all that matters. Either way I'm not going to see this shit as Crystal Skullfuck was the last straw and haven't paid to see this assholes garbage since. His last good movie was Munich!!!FACT!!!

Meant for

So you liked his Tony Kushner written historical drama, but ignored Lincoln?

Haha, he's a nerd just like me.

Wtf is up with the proportions on that body. Could they not afford an artist?

>our world is getting smaller, and worse, and how people are trying to escape into fantasy while chasing after money
People have been saying this for thousands of years. Thousands of fucking years. The world is no different. Society is no different. You're not special. Get over it.

>80s pandering
>gamer demographic
>"omg its (insert random character)!!"

Yeah that'll sell

>Can't transmog weapons to look character correct

It's the little things that make or break this shit, and so far, all the little things are incorrect.

Also, what's with his fixation with placing his fingers at the bottom of his chin?!? I watched that doc about him and he's constantly doing it and has been for the last two decades if not longer. Is it nostalgia for having Corey Feldman's prepubescent balls on his chin?!?FACT!!!

They got tired of covering up for his satanic sex orgies.

Not interested in his boring history lessons!!!FACT!!!

>You're not special. Get over it.

I wasn't implying that I was special, faggot!!!FACT!!!

Vidya character that was made by someone who consorts with beasts.