Tfw Simpsons has more bad seasons than good

>Tfw Simpsons has more bad seasons than good

>There are people that were born and now adults that never had a good Simpsons season premiere in their lifetime.

Auch, that is depressing :(

how many?

been true for almost 30 years man

Well its your fault, Lisa

How many years have people been saying this?

You don't have to watch the bad seasons you know.

In my opinion 1-10 are the good seasons. I know some people would gripe about season 10 be included in there though

It hurts to see someone you loved be kept alive despite them being in constant pain and unable to properly function.

Simpsons is the greatest argument for Doctor assisted suicide in our time.

not for me suckers

Please tell that there has been at least some good season between 11 and 28.

Eh, I personally can live either way. Season 10 was probably the last one with more than 2-3 decent episodes, if that.

This is the episode where the Simpsons completely went to shit. Interesting but risky idea, done in the worst way it could have possibly been done.

Homer is portrayed as this callous monster who not just killed Maude and feels little real remorse for it, but blocks the ambulance that could've revived her, and STILL hates Ned for some reason even after his "perfect family", which Homer was so envious of in the first place, has been destroyed. On top of that the episode is filled with dumb sex jokes that don't fit the surrounding themes.

More like FAIL Again Natura-Diddly

I've heard the last few ones are actually quite decent but then again, people have been saying "It's getting better" for the past 17 years, even if it never really does

season 28 is unironically good

And it's all thanks to this cunt.

Some one needs to count how many marital problem episode there has been in show. Its weird watching an episode where Homer is giving advice to married celebrity couple than watching recent episode where he is close to ruining his marriage from being jerk.

Don't forget the reason they did this is because she just wanted enough money to cover her travel costs. She didn't even want a 5th of what Homer's VA made.

I think it's best to call 11 the 'final' season, just so it ends with Behind the Laughter.


when it comes to shows like the Simpsons I just stop counting it as being the same show at a certain point. when I watch earlier seasons I don't look at it in the context of a show that was destined to continue for another century. even if it remained just as consistent and good for all these years, there are only so many stories you can tell with the same characters before they become imitations of themselves.

Bad seasons now outnumber good seasons 2 to 1.