Our Cartoon President episode 1 just released


Is it kino?

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why does trump talk like a jew?

>The uploader has not made this video available in your country.

What did they mean by this

they know other countries don't hate trump
it's only americans and other sjw infested countries

Wow at 4:18 that thinly veiled accusation that FOX news is anti semitic. (((They))) are mad.

who writes this crap? just the same ol' potshots

>susan is the trash can

alright i laughed at that



it doesn't have to be good or funny, or anything really. The left is so fucking triggered they will watch it because they think its really sticking it to Trump.

Its the same as That's My Bush or Lil Bush.

>created by Stephen Colbert

>That's My Bush or Lil Bush.
Don't confuse Thats my Bush with the other two. Thats my Bush had heart and was more a parody of old sitcoms that just happen to take place in the whitehouse. It wasn't just fuck Bush fuck Bush it was more like Married with Children. Thats my Bush and this Trump shit are just petty and one dimensional.


>making fun of a someone who is already a self-parody.

these retards will never get it. he'll be there until 2020.

>Thats my Bush and this Trump shit are just petty and one dimensional.
God damn it I mean Lil Bush. Being hungover sucks.

So they're just like right-wingers who suck up anything they perceive as "anti-SJW" but with slightly more justification in doing so?


Most of what Trump does on the daily is far more absurd and funnier than anything the writers could think of.

drumpfkins triggered as fuck

How will the alt-right ever recover?

Why are liberals so obsessed with trying to prove that Republicans are as bad as they are with fallacies?

>be college liberal
>complain that my campus is not safe enough
>this happens all over the country
>tell liberals they need a safe space
>me and a liberal argue I disagree with him

It's so funny how you guys show how much those terms hurt you.

>shit-tier, low-effort Flash Animation aimed at being "political satire" while just being low-brow and smarmy

What the fuck is this? 2004?

No it's 2018 they know their audience and liberals will eat this up since they are beyond petty. Colbert wouldn't be on TV otherwise.

They won't. Expect endless bitching until the show is inevitably cancelled.

i just think it's important for them to have a little perspective when they say ridiculous shit like that.

>So they're just like right-wingers who suck up anything they perceive as "anti-SJW"

Where in the mainstream media is there anything "anti-SJW" for them to suck up to? Libshits have a literal ideological monopoly on the entirety of media to the point where anything with an opposing viewpoint simply doesn't even get made any more.

leftists aren't funny

Who said anything about mainstream? Although I suppose Fox REEing about liberal degeneracy is pretty mainstream.


The constant case of Diaper Rash that liberals have had for the past two years is so bad that they will literally let you shit in their mouth, so long as you tell them you're shitting in their mouth in the name of opposing Trump.

It goes with the territory of being a
Liberal. The combination of having low-intelligence and being emotionally fragile means that you DESPERATELY need media to tell you that you are correct, so they latch on to anything that does and eat it the fuck up.
This is why a clip of Stephen Colbert, a grown-ass man, jumping up and down on a bed going "POO POO PEE PEE" gets millions of views on YouTube and pseudo-intellectual soybeans calling it "brilliant satire".

yeah, conservatives are the REAL funny ones. steven crowder, milo yiannopolous, ben shapiro... the list goes on

This same poster 15 minutes from now:

>OH shit! Another BASED Paul Joseph Watson video! I hope he sticks to do those fucking SJWs again! And that reminds me, time to buy whatever product he's shilling this week.

are you one of those who thinks all professors are liberal, are most professors not smart anymore or just decadent?
are they both not smart and decadent? wait, is education not a factor in intelligence, what if most mensa users are liberal, is the IQ no longer valid?


>trump is a nuclear thirsty warmonger
>trump is a childish babyman
>talking about cigarettes as an american institution is edgy
>eric trump and donald jr. are incompetent simpletons (my favourite part, personally)

would definitely fox the friendhole of the fox and friends waifu though

Do you know what the word mainstream even means?

The left is starting to panic. Trump's economy is doing way better than anyone predicted as has tax reform.

There is a reason why every poll in the last few days have showed Trump at around 45%

Honestly, this. This is the most annoying thing about Liberals. The blatant, reality-denying hypocrisy that they live in.

>Be a college liberal
>Literally set shit on fire, riot and assault people because someone with a non-Prog opinion is coming to give a lecture/speech/whatever at your college
>Someone says this reaction is immature and counterproductive to the entire point of college being about learning new things, or at least tolerating them

Then again these are the same people that think it's """brave""" to strap a giant pink rubber vagina to their head and then march in public, demanding that women get rights that they have had for literal decades, so I guess expecting them to acknowledge reality is asking a bit to much.

>It's so funny how you guys show how much those terms hurt you
yeah, le buttmad sjw's must be pointing it out because of how btfo they are and not because it applies to us REEEing every time somebody isn't on side with our edgelord politics

Take it easy snowflake.

You've never watched Fox News in your entire life and you, I, and everyone else here reading your comment knows it.

Right wingers don't care that's the whole point. To the left this is their life now. We're just enjoying the common sense reforms Trump can company are implementing.

don't forget that he also personally made black unemployment the lowest ever with the things that he did

It's all they can hope for at this point.
These weird 'revenge fantasy' media like pic related are the only methods that the left use to cope with all of their pent up rage over their loss. It's the same reason why Hillary wrote that shitty book where she blamed every single living being in the galaxy except herself for losing the election. If she wasn't allowed to write a book venting her anger, she would go insane and probably take out her anger on real people. It's an unhealthy way of alleviating anger and stress, and it says a lot about how violent and sadistic people can be if they aren't given toys and electronics to distract them.

Literally everyone you just named is unironically funnier than Lena Dunham, Amy Schumer and the other garbage-tier pieces of human refuse that the Left claims as "their" comedians.

The problem with your statement is me saying "No user I disagree with you" is filtered to you as REEEEEE LOOK WHO IS A FRAGILE SNOWFLAKE because those terms hurt you so now you must force them every time. Pretty much makes this point.

He is a Jew


>be latino
>video not available in my country

I guess its the FIREWALL

>Projecting this hard

Looks like I struck a pretty serious snowflake-nerve.

Triggered, boyo?

They care more about it than left-wingers do. The left might be obsessed with Trump. But the right is defined by their opposition to liberals. At least the left has beliefs.

You can watch the video but you must watch it, LEGALLY

>college liberal

but what does it all mean?

>The left might be obsessed with Trump. But the right is defined by their opposition to liberals
>literally voting against everything Trump does to the point of shutting down the government instead of simply extending the budget for a month because it makes Trump look good

How do you sociopaths lie so easily?

ah, so you're another moron who thinks the entire left is centrist liberals who still give any kind of a shit about hillary
>why can't the libcucks recognize us as the supremely logical and objectively rational masters of discourse that we all always are all of the time?

>this mad that Liberals always win

Yeah, we know Trump is the President. What has he really done with it other than get into twitter beefs?

I used to be a Milo and Shapiro fan until I realized they're both just civnats and neocons divas, but you cannot deny that they're both funnier than most of the jew-approved stand-up comedians in hollywood.

People are funnier when they're not performing "comedy", so to speak.

I'm about half way through and it's actually not bad but isn't my cup of tea

Certainly better than anything else that is anti-trump because it seems like satire instead of just *autistic screeching* in front of an audience

>But the right is defined by their opposition to liberals.

Not only is this wrong, but the fact that you can say this after the behavior liberals have been demonstrating over the past 18 months is fucking laughable.

>my fantasy of hillary clinton going on a killing spree really says a lot about the psychology of the left and not about how far up my ass my head is

>>why can't the libcucks recognize us as the supremely logical and objectively rational masters of discourse that we all always are all of the time?
How come all liberals can do in debates are ridicule and hyperbole. You unironically mock Republican discourse as you do this.

>Shutting down the government on principle.

Don't lie just to suit your narrative. Even if it's a lie of omission. The left has values. The right just have anti-liberal values.

he did the taxes good, unlike dumbocraps

hmm politcal extremists kinda seem like almost the same thing, then huh?
that's okay brainlet, stay in your community approved echo-chamber

Then why is the left voting against everything Trump does as if their values are simply to be ant-conservative? Like I am a conservative and unlike your sociopath ass I can admit both sides of congress have been ultra petty the last 10 years.

nuke us already

>You unironically mock Republican discourse
yes, that was the point, brain genious


Thanks, I didn't know it ignored geoblocking, too.

>liberals vote against everything Trump does, push lies in the media, push a dishonest Russia meme and slander Trump as much as they can
>We have beliefs guise I swear!!!!11111

The bitch killed millions of people and destroyed entire nations for profit.
She would most certainly kill people by her own hand for amusement.

Run along now. Go play your 'revenge fantasy' video game where you kill le evil straight white males, soyboy.

So you were being sarcastic mocking liberals? Ok we agree then.

>bullying Karen Pence

That's just mean-spirited

>entirely missing the point
I'm equivocating your personal views to that of your leftist counter-part, point is how another person could see the same thing so differently, yet you're both absolutely convinced you're experiencing the truth

This is horrible. The jokes only make sense if you are constantly reading every article and tweet about Trump. Considering I know nothing about politics the whole show is just a boring mess for me.

>we can now get unlimited Sup Forumstv/ threads by proxy by "discussing" this show and the jani can do nothing about it


... do you think republicans are the liberal party?
>teh video gayms r hurting mee, they haet me for being straight and white!!!
lol imagine what a massive failure in life you'd have to be to think that you're being victimized as a straight white male

>liberals will watch this garbage and eat it up just because it tells them their beliefs are correct

Wow, totally not the formula the media has been using for the past 15 years. What a shocker.

How long until it gets an award?

Pretty impressive that they couldn't find someone to do a good voice impression of the most popular to mimic person currently alive.

>making political decisions is the same as killing someone personally

Then I guess Trump might be a murderer too since he's increased Obongles drone strike policies.

Because the modern Left is gradually becoming more and more antisemitic.

I'm not even memeing here. It's a legitimate and disturbing trend.
Next time there's a thread with a lot of SJW anti-Trump snowflakes posting, count how many of their comments denigrating Trump accuse him of being a "Zog Puppet".


created by Stephen Colbert.

Lol, can anyone get anymore triggered, so not only does he have daily ranting monologues he makes a full cartoon production too.

top kek.

I literally am saying both sides do this and are wrong I am not taking a "side" on this. The other guy is delusional thinking only the right does it.


>implying those are leftists and not just the people who are so deep in the Sup Forums nonsense that even trump isn't Sup Forums enough for them

thought you were him, in this context makes sense now, soz bby

this isn't a cartoon, it's propaganda.

>... do you think republicans are the liberal party?
Republicans have more in common with old liberals like Locke when it comes to rights so in that case yea. Like if you were to tell John Locke that liberals today say things like "Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences" he would probably call himself a failure.

I can't. I still have right-wing butthurt to enjoy.

I wouldn't care if it weren't for the fact that if a show did the same to a female Democrat it would be slammed for being "Misogynistic".

whatever dude. that's my bush had an episode where bush executed a dude by pouring motor oil and rat poison into his iv. it was definitely aimed straight at him.

>le classical liberal maymay
you can save time and just call yourself "insufferable"

It's weird that Colbert's writers are doubling down on this.
The way the original "cartoon Drumpf" guest spot was timed almost immediately before the election, mocking his chances, would make anyone sensible try to pretend it never happened and think of something else.

What the fuck Ted Cruz has one of the most easily parodied voices and they fucked it up


>liberals now mock the values of the father of liberalism

It's really sad.

He cut off funding to the CIA's terrorism operations in Syria, which is basically telling Assad and Putin to go ahead and stabilize the country.

His hands-off approach to Syria is precisely why McCain and the other neocon mass murderers want to see him publicly executed, along with the rest of his family.

>Showtime is a subsidiary of CBS

They're fucked, aren't they

You mean like Last Man Standing? Oh, no, that was cancelled by SJWs. Give us an example similiar to this cartoon of an anti-SJW sentiment? Even World Peace was cancelled by concerned leftists.

truly the discourse has suffered on this day

>Yeah, we know Trump is the President
Now if we can just get the rest of the left to acknowledge this we can move forward.

>that was cancelled by SJWs
Oh sweetie