JJ Abrams is a hack

Why was the ship that blew up the second Death Star owned by some asshole junker on a nowhere planet instead of being in a museum?

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I'll just use this thread to point out how unbelievably boring Jakku is as a setting for the first act of the movie. Tatooine, in the very first film, had nomadic tribes and scavengers roaming the vast deserts, a network of rural folk running farms and shit, and a proper town with a spaceport. Jakku has a trailer park and that's it. The writers have to have half the galaxy crashland in it just to have enough pieces to set the plot into motion. Jakku, as a location, has no character because there's nothing in it. It's just a shitty sandbox.

It gets worse when you see the concept arts

Because Disney has shitty writers.


the idea of a junkyard planet isnt half bad but they really botched it.

There should be a giant city built out of old ships and walkers and stuff like that, not just a couple tents in the sand.

Thats part of the expanded content. Didn't you pay the extra $20 to see this? Don't tell me you just bought the base content.

Remeber how he waltzed around bragging about how they would use a lot of practical creature effects, and the creatures turned out to be shit?
God, this fat cow thing looked fucking fake with its hollow legs wobbling around

So you be sayin' Indiana Jones' ship belongs in a museum?

Or just set the movie on Ord Mantel

Marvel did Jakku better with Sakaar. The idea people are cannibalizing old imperial ship parts is really neat. I liked seing Rey climbing through a star destroyer. I liked the aliens going for the newly crashed tie fighter. Those little moments felt like a new movie and new world. So much felt like tatooine 2 though.

Because it was stolen from Han.

That's the official explanation iirc.
And yes, that's exactly as retarded as it sounds.

Iirc Han is pretty shocked when he finds out that whoever stole it from him lost to the guy on Jakku.

Meet the USS Enterprise (the original), the most decorated warship in the entire US Navy. She single handedly sank three carriers and assisted in sinking countless other warships. She was reported to be sunk in three separate occasions and survived, earning the name 'the Grey Ghost" and 20 battle stars in the entire pacific war.

After the war she was sold for scrap while battleships that did essentially nothing of worth were saved as floating museums. Only her bell survived.

Disney films are for children, and they have absolutely zero respect for source material . If Disney sinks their talons into a favourite property of yours, they will sanitize, lobotomize, and run that franchise into the fucking ground.

The rebellion was just a sect of terrorists. They don't have museums. It'd be like ISIS having photos of the 9/11 hijackers hung on their cave walls.

They ran the galaxy until they collapsed in like a week because their capital got blown up.

> It happened in real life so it's ok if it happens in Star Wars too, even if it's boring and stupid.

> like a week
Less than a week
TFA and TLJ are like three days togheter

there aren't any museums in the star wars universe

Never heard of this. What the fuck?

They became the new government. I don’t blame you for being confused, though, because Disney worldbuilding is fucking awful

there are no museums in star wars you fucking loser. its a galaxy far far away

Apparently in the nascent Disney EU Jakku is the site of some ancient Dark Side nexus, the final battle between the Rebel and Imperial forces after Endor, and an Imperial observatory of the Unknown Regions.
But Luke just says it’s nowhere. Where is the quality control for this shit?

Then how the fuck do you explain Harrison Ford saying "That belongs in a museum" faggot??

>Han: Who had it? Ducain?
>Rey: I stole it. From Unkar Plutt. He stole it from the Irving Boys, who stole it from Ducain.
>Han Solo: Who stole it from me!

Luke saying it's nowehere is just another instance of Rian Johnson insulting JJ's work. Based Rian.

At least she was sold for scrap, and not used for torpedo testing like some others.

It never made it to the museum because Indiana Solo was too sad about his son, Short Ren.

JJ wasn’t responsible for any of that beyond maybe the Imperial wreckage on Jakku. I don’t know if the book establishing that came out before TFA did.
But how can there be zero oversight preventing this shit? It can only piss off fans and people who worked for Disney previously.

You're right, but it helps to portray Rey as being "no one" from "nowhere"

I really hope she's Luke or Leia or Obi Wan's daughter because it's the only way they can save the mess of a character she is.

dude, just like turn you brain off and believe everything you are told

Guarantee you JJ will pull a “her PARENTS were nobodies but her GRANDPARENTS weren’t!!!” move in IX

because he's only a teacher part-time!

heh, that's kinda clever. I don't think I can watch another JJ Star Wars movie but I wouldn't mind if he did that

>Indiana Solo
>Short Ren.

The sequels made it clear that blowing up Death Star II only made the Empire stronger

>member the millenium falcon

The Enola Gay would be a far better comparison, but I suspect you know that.


All I can think of is, "and what have you done?"

Enterprise fits the underdog narrative better because she distinguished herself at a time when the US Navy was still in numerical inferiority in the Pacific. When the nukes came around the US had gained the upper hand long ago.

Forget about that.
A galaxy is a fairly big place. How the fuck Han Solo by sheer chance bump into his old ship? WTF.

The Force explains all the plot holes. It's all destiny.